Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
Who says everybody is onboard with that?
well you guys passed it into law so everyone has to be onboard with it now

yet here you sit claiming we are the ones that want to run "every aspect" of your life even though you didnt name even one way

so maybe try mowing your own lawn first


Well-Known Member
They were trying to go after him as soon as he got in. That Talib idiot even said “ Let’s impeach the mothetfucker.” All the impeachment stuff was one side trying to suppress the other.
if the republicans had allowed the impeachments to go to trial thump would be in jail today. The republicans in Washington stopped trumps trial from even happening because they knew he would be convicted....republicans should be outlawed for aiding and abetting the trump criminal organization....
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Well-Known Member
I’m just curious as to what did Trump do that was so awful?
besides trying to install himself as a fascist dictator?

People try to say the country was in unrest but who created that unrest?
this convicted murderer:


and the police union who supported him murdering black people:


maybe try not murdering people and not supporting the murderers and there wont be nationwide racial unrest? just a thought


Well-Known Member
That was at the very end of his term.
it's ok to install yourself as a fascist dictator as klong as you wait until the last two weeks of your term, great stuff

you remember a rosy economy but we had the worst recession in american history under trump you fucking cuck


Well-Known Member
Just the same talking points over and over. No matter what it always goes back to climate change, Covid,racism, Jan 6, rich people, or Trump. It’s like a big wheel of fortune. I could try to argue that the registration fees are too high on vehicles and somehow it would end up on Trump. Weak! This is a waste of time.
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Well-Known Member
I didn't know Serbia was in Afghanistan. He had the "UN" bomb the fk out of them and then "apologizer's " years later. Ask any Serb if Biden would last long in Serbia without a large security detail.
I'd give him 12 hrs- tops. Serbs are mean fkers.

But he did get a road named after his son......
"Biden will travel to Kosovo on Wednesday, where the government recently announced it would be naming a road after his son Beau"-

"In March 1999, NATO launched an air strike campaign against Serbia and Montenegro to force Serbian forces to withdraw from Kosovo. According to the official data of the Serbian authorities, between 1200 and 2500 people were killed by NATO bombs.
A US senator at the time, Biden was a strong advocate for the 1999 NATO bombing. He once said that his work to end the Yugoslav wars was one of the “proudest moments” of his long political career."

I worked for years with a Bosnian ex-special forces guy. More than half of his family got tortured and killed by the Serbs. He had stories they wouldnt dare put in Hollywood war movies, stuff like people being cooked alive on a spit like a rotisserie, torturing kids and babies, Using rats and moles, etc. He got captured at one point and was tortured for weeks before he got traded back for some Serb prisoners. Dudes back was scarred from top to bottom like John Rambo.

Anyway, theres still a statue of Bill Clinton in his town, needless to say him and Biden are pretty revered there. (although he hated Hillary, saying she completely fabricated the story of snipers firing on them on their visit to the area) I remember my coworker saying how the aid sent there probably saved his life, and how thankful he was to be in America now. I guess it depends on who you ask.


Well-Known Member
Just the same talking points over and over. No matter what it always goes back to climate change, racism, Jan 6, rich people, or Trump.
imagine that! almost like frying the one planet you get to live on is a sticking point. or the cops murdering a bunch of black people sucks. or installing yourself as a fascist dictator is bad. or stealing from your employees to pad your billions is a negative


Well-Known Member
This Isn't a Labor Shortage—It's a Strike by Workers Kicked in the Face by Low Wages for Too Long
A lot of those now out of work simply don’t want to return to backbreaking, low-wage shit jobs. Why should they?


Well-Known Member
Just the same talking points over and over. No matter what it always goes back to climate change, Covid,racism, Jan 6, rich people, or Trump. It’s like a big wheel of fortune. I could try to argue that the registration fees are too high on vehicles and somehow it would end up on Trump. Weak! This is a waste of time.
That man did one good thing. He shredded the fiction that Republicans want a republic and exposed their criminal nature.


Well-Known Member
That was at the very end of his term. What did he do during his term that was so bad? I was enjoying the stable economy and lower prices. I mean let’s put emotions aside and be real. What was the real issue?

stable economy? The manufacturing sector went into recession in 2019 due to his botched handling of his trade war with China. That was a year before the covid epidemic.

Meanwhile, no progress was made on repairing the nation's decaying infrastructure. The "good times" you cite were created by deferring necessary maintenance. What you were "enjoying" was no different from spending money needed to repair a roof on a trip to Vegas,

As for what good he did, I will say that he demonstrated very clearly that Republicans have zero problem with boosting the deficit with unfunded increases in spending. It makes them look foolish and hypocritical now that they are trying to stop Biden's agenda by crying over the national debt that they own every bit as much as Democrats do. So there is that.


Well-Known Member
I’m just curious as to what did Trump do that was so awful? I mean he wasn’t the most affable guy but the economy was good and prices were low. We had illegal immigration in check. People try to say the country was in unrest but who created that unrest? Who refused to keep those people in check? Mayors and governors just let people act stupid and those were all democrats
It was peaceful right up until the white nationalists started breaking shit and Trump used it to attack the protesters.

It is sad how much of sheep you people stuck in the right wing propaganda spam are to be so blind to it.

They were trying to go after him as soon as he got in. That Talib idiot even said “ Let’s impeach the mothetfucker.” All the impeachment stuff was one side trying to suppress the other.
Working with a foreign nation to manufacture dirt on a political opponent is illegal. There would never have been any reason to impeach Trump if he didn't continually break our nations laws.

More like misguided protest or riot. No insurrection. Who goes to an insurrection without an arsenal?

That was at the very end of his term. What did he do during his term that was so bad? I was enjoying the stable economy and lower prices. I mean let’s put emotions aside and be real. What was the real issue?
Yeah all those government employees that were out of work for a month during the holidays because Trump's temper tantrum might disagree. I would also point to the trillion+ Trump cost our economy to get nothing from China. And the biggest job loses in the history of our nation because of his shit job of keeping our nation safe during the pandemic. It was a miracle that he took 3 years to destroy the booming economy that Obama left him. The one that in Obama's last 3 years had more job growth than Trump's first three.

But yeah. If it was what you say, I would love it.
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