Capitalism vs Socialism in America today


Well-Known Member
I guess we'll find out this week whether or not this country is ready to advance from what I belive is an archaic and actually a primitive economic system designed to facilitate the acquisition of wealth by an individual, disregarding the affect on Society as a whole.

Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, a price system, private property and the recognition of property rights, voluntary exchange and wage labor. In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investments are determined by owners of wealth, property, or production ability in capital and financial markets—whereas prices and the distribution of goods and services are mainly determined by competition in goods and services markets.

Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and democratic control, such as workers' self-management of enterprises. It includes the political theories and movements associated with such systems. Social ownership can be public, collective, cooperative, or of equity. While no single definition encapsulates the many types of socialism, social ownership is the one common element. Socialisms vary based on the role of markets and planning in resource allocation, on the structure of management in organizations, and from below or from above approaches, with some socialists favouring a party, state, or technocratic-driven approach. Socialists disagree on whether government, particularly existing government, is the correct vehicle for change.

This is a comment from that fucker, Rep. Steve Scalise representing the Great State of Louisiana, which is directly influencing the direction of this country (yea, that's right, those impoverished/undereducated crawfish sucking fools are pointing us, the fucking sane, on which way to go/they've got it all figured out, right?

Scalise put it in the loftiest of terms Tuesday: “This week, we’re going to see an epic battle play out between free-market capitalism and big-government socialism. That’s what’s at stake.”
He's right
That's what's on the table this week.
Develop & progress further than what is allowed now under Capitalism, or maintain the status quo.
They, the gifted white boys that were born fortunately for them in far better circumstances than your average American rail against any intervention by the goverment to alleviate/end fucking poverty/racism/exploitation or even to WEAR A FUCKING MASK DURING A FUCKING PANDEMIC!!!!! in the United States.
Why would they want it to change?
They don't & will lie, steal, cheat & kill to maintain it.
That's what they have done since 1776 & will sure as shit continue to do so

Then we come to the so-called Progressives in the Democratic party, like Sen. Sanders (he's really getting annoying, isn't he) & Rep. Cortez (she also) who are leading the way to a fucking diaster for Biden & the Democratic Party.
I agree wholeheartedly with their ambitions, especially the commitment to Green Energy & free Community College, but don't fucking shoot yourself in the foot and destroy any progress at all for the sake of your, yea your, own ideals

So, what will Monday bring.
The same failing ecomomic system (see Wealth/Income disparity/Poverty in the US) that has left the vast majority of the citizens of this counrty in dire straights (yea, that's right, we're WAY behind all those Socialist countries that are disparaged, even though on every front, like longevity of life/education/health care/quality of life, you know, the little things that matter, at least to me, they're kicking our ass.

Capitalism was/is a economic engine that was great for expansion/ exploitation in the 18th/19th/20th centuries, but effectively excluded the majority, unless you believe in Trickle Down Economics (leave it to a Republican to think that one up :) )
That won't work in America today in the 21st century, and the writing is on the wall for anyone with the eyes to see it.
We have to/must change/adapt, or we're fucked (minimum wage would be a nice start)
Socialism is designed to help/benefit the individual & as a result, the Society at large, and without that concept incorporated into OUR fucking fucked up Society, we will absolutly, inevitably fail.
Guaranteed/No way out.

Wear a mask/get a vac/stay safe/peace out :)

Cool songs (I think) about how the will of a common man that will not succumb to injustice.
Never did & never will
History proves it

Fuck 'em
We will win (wanna bet?)
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136 countries agree to deal on global minimum tax
The Organization for Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) announced Friday that 136 countries have agreed to a deal on a global minimum corporate tax of 15 percent.

The deal is a top priority for the Biden administration, which sees the international tax agreement as a way to prevent U.S. companies from becoming less competitive if lawmakers raise the U.S. corporate tax rate.

The minimum tax will apply to corporations with revenue exceeding 750 million euros. The OECD estimates that it will raise about $150 billion per year in additional global tax revenues.

The global tax deal also includes a portion focused on the issue of the location of where corporate profits are taxed.

Ahead of Friday's announcement, the deal gained momentum when Estonia, Hungary and Ireland announced that they would sign onto it. Those countries had not signed onto a statement about the international tax efforts in July.

Four countries that were involved in the OECD discussions — Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan and Sri Lanka — have not yet signed onto the deal.

A Treasury official said Thursday that the goal is for the agreement to be finalized by the Group of 20 meetings in Rome at the end of the month.

Countries still need to implement the agreement, which could take some time. The OECD said that countries are aiming to have implantation effective in 2023.

“Today’s agreement will make our international tax arrangements fairer and work better,” OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann said in a news release. “This is a major victory for effective and balanced multilateralism. It is a far-reaching agreement which ensures our international tax system is fit for purpose in a digitalised and globalised world economy. We must now work swiftly and diligently to ensure the effective implementation of this major reform.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen praised the agreement in a separate statement, calling it a “once-in-a-generation accomplishment for economic diplomacy.”

Yellen added that the deal paves the way for Congress to pass international tax reform proposals, which she hopes lawmakers do “swiftly” as part of a package that Democrats are pursuing through the budget-reconciliation process in order to prevent a Republican filibuster.
Nearly 140 Countries Reach Deal on Corporate Minimum Tax
Nearly 140 countries have agreed on a tentative deal that would make sweeping changes to how big, multinational companies are taxed in order to deter them from stashing their profits in offshore havens where they pay little or no tax.....


This will never go to the Senate for ratification. Biden will sign an agreement just as he learned from Obama. It will not have the weight of law.
AGAIN, nothing on the face of the 3rd planet from the star known as the sun pays taxes or even uses any type of DINERO except the animals known as the HUMAN RACE,
Of course Biden is for it. It is just another form of surrender.
Why should any American care what 139 other countries think of our tax system? Sounds like Obama's appeasement policies!
This opens a Pandora's Box of Government Subsidies, Tax "Incentives" and other forms of Corporate Enticements, making the Federal, State and Local Politician bribes and nepotism more important and personally profitable.
It isn't the Law that counts, it is the Opportunities it omits...
Global Socialism in one easy step.
Biden isn't content with just driving up the cost of living for Americans. He wants every consumer in the world to suffer.
Nearly 140 Countries Reach Deal on Corporate Minimum Tax
Nearly 140 countries have agreed on a tentative deal that would make sweeping changes to how big, multinational companies are taxed in order to deter them from stashing their profits in offshore havens where they pay little or no tax.....


This will never go to the Senate for ratification. Biden will sign an agreement just as he learned from Obama. It will not have the weight of law.
AGAIN, nothing on the face of the 3rd planet from the star known as the sun pays taxes or even uses any type of DINERO except the animals known as the HUMAN RACE,
Of course Biden is for it. It is just another form of surrender.
Why should any American care what 139 other countries think of our tax system? Sounds like Obama's appeasement policies!
This opens a Pandora's Box of Government Subsidies, Tax "Incentives" and other forms of Corporate Enticements, making the Federal, State and Local Politician bribes and nepotism more important and personally profitable.
It isn't the Law that counts, it is the Opportunities it omits...
Global Socialism in one easy step.
Biden isn't content with just driving up the cost of living for Americans. He wants every consumer in the world to suffer.
Is it ok to hate my cumpatriots because stupid?
I just had to add a comment there (I generally refrain, when do you stop responding to the idiots?)

"Just think, bridges, roads, infrastructure that can be built when corporations can not hid their profits IN IRELAND."
I just had to add a comment there (I generally refrain, when do you stop responding to the idiots?)

"Just think, bridges, roads, infrastructure that can be built when corporations can not hid their profits IN IRELAND."
Land of ire
It's always interesting how people interpret political/economic design. No true socialist/capitalist society has ever existed, yet every society contains elements of both. There's also a heavy connection to what a nation can afford. You don't see a single nation that crushes it while having no roads/water/sewer/etc., because there's a connection between doing good things for others as a means of doing good things for yourself; everybody wins. I don't know what the percentage split is in the US between capitalism and socialism, maybe 70/30 or something, but I'm in favor of a little more socialism, specially including the expansion of education to include two-year degrees and trade programs.
It's always interesting how people interpret political/economic design. No true socialist/capitalist society has ever existed, yet every society contains elements of both. There's also a heavy connection to what a nation can afford. You don't see a single nation that crushes it while having no roads/water/sewer/etc., because there's a connection between doing good things for others as a means of doing good things for yourself; everybody wins. I don't know what the percentage split is in the US between capitalism and socialism, maybe 70/30 or something, but I'm in favor of a little more socialism, specially including the expansion of education to include two-year degrees and trade programs.
I would guess somewhere around 90/10 (when factoring in inequality) in the USA atm. But it is interesting how people assume everything is in some weird vacuum, when it is not.
I would guess somewhere around 90/10 (when factoring in inequality) in the USA atm. But it is interesting how people assume everything is in some weird vacuum, when it is not.

Right? As if we have no socialist aspects whatsoever, but when you extend education from K-12, to K-12 +2, it all comes crashing down in a tyrannical socialist dystopia. We might be collectively too stupid to survive this century.
Right? As if we have no socialist aspects whatsoever, but when you extend education from K-12, to K-12 +2, it all comes crashing down in a tyrannical socialist dystopia. We might be collectively too stupid to survive this century.
We are putting almost $400 billion directly into the pockets of the wealthiest people every year (not counting any deficit spending that we do either). That money is what the GQP says is the 'good inflation', and any spending that is done on the regular citizens is a 'handout' and is 'bad inflation'.

Screen Shot 2021-10-10 at 4.41.55 PM.png

We should at least be putting in the same money into the rest of the American population's pockets as we do the uber wealthy that can afford to buy new treasuries when they are offered.

It really is infuriating.
We are putting almost $400 billion directly into the pockets of the wealthiest people every year (not counting any deficit spending that we do either). That money is what the GQP says is the 'good inflation', and any spending that is done on the regular citizens is a 'handout' and is 'bad inflation'.

View attachment 5007050

We should at least be putting in the same money into the rest of the American population's pockets as we do the uber wealthy that can afford to buy new treasuries when they are offered.

It really is infuriating.

In addition to the interest, I think inflation is half a scam in itself. There's the good half, like when a process improves, as in, it's free to dump waste chemicals in a river, but costs more to process them correctly and that processing adds cost to the end user, which is fine. Doing things the right way is always more expensive than doing things the shitty way. But for the most part, inflation is corporations taking advantage of the gap in time between wage increases. Many industries have costs that are constantly in flux, usually drifting upwards, but for the average person, wages change just once a year. Time is money.
In addition to the interest, I think inflation is half a scam in itself. There's the good half, like when a process improves, as in, it's free to dump waste chemicals in a river, but costs more to process them correctly and that processing adds cost to the end user, which is fine. Doing things the right way is always more expensive than doing things the shitty way. But for the most part, inflation is corporations taking advantage of the gap in time between wage increases. Many industries have costs that are constantly in flux, usually drifting upwards, but for the average person, wages change just once a year. Time is money.
That is why I really do like the idea of using inflation from the citizens up, instead of the trickle down bullshit that the Wealthy really enjoy and has left our society stagnant.