Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
I have never seen a "dem hat" worn in public. So, it's a fake argument you have there. Maybe at political rallies you'll see them but not in the general public spaces, you won't.

Why is it that the only people who want to wear a hat as a political statement are Trumpers? Rhetorical question. We all know the answer. Because they are assholes who shove their white entitlement into other people's faces. And then they get all outraged that people say shit to them. Tell you what, take that chip off your shoulder and nobody will feel the need to knock it off.

You guys are uncivil. That's the main problem with your kind.
Ok, how about BLM? Folks wear those all the time. That's not politically left?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member

Ok, how about BLM? Folks wear those all the time. That's not politically left?
Civility is all they are asking for

Big difference from a violent insurrection to violate our constitution


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

Ok, how about BLM? Folks wear those all the time. That's not politically left?
get back to me when you have multiple fucking murders, methigan.

maga hats deserve beatings.


Well-Known Member
Hitting cops with rocks, bottles, etc all ok at the "peaceful protests". I like the
Complains about the media.

Pushes articles from the media as commonplace.
Yes, I do complain about the media. When the reporter stands in front of a riot for BLM with fires in the background, they need to be held to account. Really, I don't like the term media, propogandists is more like it.


Well-Known Member
Hitting cops with rocks, bottles, etc all ok at the "peaceful protests". I like the

Yes, I do complain about the media. When the reporter stands in front of a riot for BLM with fires in the background, they need to be held to account. Really, I don't like the term media, propogandists is more like it.
oh no a fire! and emails!

you guys tried to install trump as a fascist dictator

fuck the cops

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Hitting cops with rocks, bottles, etc all ok at the "peaceful protests". I like the

Yes, I do complain about the media. When the reporter stands in front of a riot for BLM with fires in the background, they need to be held to account. Really, I don't like the term media, propogandists is more like it.
Half the cops are racist white christians in name only
Who think they are judge and jury
So stoning should be the norm


Well-Known Member
Just look at the Charlottesville image above. Do you support the left saying that happens all the time? Because you're doing the same, just the right version of it.
I am not saying this shit happens all the time simply saying it is happening now and didn’t just happen overnight all this arguing and back and forth far left far right shit is just the by product of what 9/11 and our 20 years of political military and domestic turmoil and abuse has created look at all the policy and legislation that was changed during the free for all after 9/11 and I mean don’t watch a doc on it read up on it you’d be amazed to see the changes in your everyday life that really took place and the dynamics it created in our political system it’s a shame this is what we are and how deep we’ve taken ourselves we have poisoned our own views


Well-Known Member
Hitting cops with rocks, bottles, etc all ok at the "peaceful protests". I like the

Yes, I do complain about the media. When the reporter stands in front of a riot for BLM with fires in the background, they need to be held to account. Really, I don't like the term media, propogandists is more like it.
and Cops hitting..?

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