A Death Spiral

You have a choice. You just don't like the other choice, it's boohoo too hard-n-stuffs.

So answer my question: have you tried moving to a location which better suits your societal preferences?

I am always where I am. I move like a tiger, powerful and decisive.


There is no such thing as societal preferences when individual consent is violated. Now you're attempting to justify violating another person by using gang rape logic. Sad. Inept.
I am always where I am. I move like a tiger, powerful and decisive.

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There is no such thing as societal preferences when individual consent is violated. Now you're attempting to justify violating another person by using gang rape logic. Sad. Inept.

Who cares if you don't like "societal preference", just replace it whatever words you like. Call it "human rights" for all I care. You're deflecting(i.e. losing) again. Now answer my question: have you tried moving to a location with human rights?
Who cares if you don't like "societal preference", just replace it whatever words you like. Call it "human rights" for all I care. You're deflecting(i.e. losing) again. Now answer my question: have you tried moving to a location with human rights?

Human rights follow the human (person), otherwise they are privileges. Priveleges and rights are not the same thing.

I moved my bowels this morning. I felt it was the right thing to doo.
Human rights follow the human (person), otherwise they are privileges. Priveleges and rights are not the same thing.

I moved my bowels this morning. I felt it was the right thing to doo.

Have you tried moving someplace with few/no taxes?
If you live in an area where you're being raped and can't stop it, have you considered moving someplace where there's less rape?

Taxation is rape. I think you might be catching on now.

I move all the time. I am a no mad.

Taxation is rape. I think you might be catching on now.

I move all the time. I am a no mad.

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Everyone already knows you think taxation is rape and for the purpose of simply trying to get one single question answered, I'm accepting that premise, because there are places in the US with no sales tax, income tax, or property tax....and I want to know why aren't you choosing to live there?
Oh no, the taxation consent argument again.

Blah blah part of society ya big weird caveman.

That's a vapid proclamation, bereft of any substance. A bread sandwich argument.

Any society that is funded by an involuntary means and routinely violates individual consent....ahem....cavemen.
Everyone already knows you think taxation is rape and for the purpose of simply trying to get one single question answered, I'm accepting that premise, because there are places in the US with no sales tax, income tax, or property tax....and I want to know why aren't you choosing to live there?

I don't believe in "the U.S." though, it's a legal fiction.

I annexed myself. I can do that right?