Is Biden really that bad?

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You probably have licensed gear, but the trumpers you see on the street corner selling paper thin trump flags, that shit comes from china.

I don't own any Trump gear. Personally, I don't like the guy. But I liked his policies much more than Obama or Biden's. I just enjoy stirring shit with know it all libs...
trump's kids are legally not allowed to work at non-profits. lol. and the biden's are the crooks.
No shit, also illegally paying off porn stars, screwing over contractors, getting sued for racist practices, taking out page sized ads to call for the death penalty for innocent black kids, having his goons beat up peaceful protesters so he can have a photo-op, bragging about an attempted rape with the guys, ogling naked kids because he felt like he was entitled to, so much.

"But Biden's kid took a job". Fucking idiots. I don't know why the line is not drawn on this kind of shit as not being free speech and instead being flat out slander.
Yes, the Biden's are crooks. And one is a degenerate crack head. But they've all enriched themselves through Joe's political ties.
And your proof of this is a laptop that just happens to be given to a blind repairman and given to Giuliani that has a email from 2017 when Biden was not even in office?

You are a joke.
Hunter is a pos, but pops hasn't brought him onto his WH staff. I wonder if there been any other presidents with pos kids that have been brought onto the WH staff...
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