Is Biden really that bad?

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Okay I've been polite and I know we "all look the same", but I'd appreciate it if you didn't lose track of that.

Samesies, was going to ramble about economics and such, but well, I'm not qualified. School of hard knocks is not accredited.

So faaaaart! Trumps a dumb bitch and so are his supporters. Buncha damn failures crying like pussies non stop that the world won't take care of them or make them feel special.
Samesies, was going to ramble about economics and such, but well, I'm not qualified. School of hard knocks is not accredited.

So faaaaart! Trumps a dumb bitch and so are his supporters. Buncha damn failures crying like pussies non stop that the world won't take care of them or make them feel special.
It needed to be said
Samesies, was going to ramble about economics and such, but well, I'm not qualified. School of hard knocks is not accredited.

So faaaaart! Trumps a dumb bitch and so are his supporters. Buncha damn failures crying like pussies non stop that the world won't take care of them or make them feel special.

I have to you know "samesies"? "NO. MORE. SAMESIES!!! Starting tomorrow..." :D
Every single hardcore Trumper is less of a person than Jose the gardener. These whiny fucks keep bitching about how hard life is, go fuck yourself. You can't compete with a dude making less than minimum wage that doesn't speak English, they are beating the fuck out of jimbob in the trailer park in every aspect and these white trash assholes are furious about it.
I’d advise people to research Australia right now. That’s our future here and guess what... they are OPENLY talking about this is the new normal under the new world order.
No i dont think America will ever get as Social as Australia. The Majority see Social Democracies as COMMUNISM. I don't think they will even get a Free to end user health care let alone employer paid superannuation funds. They may get the paid 4 weeks leave a year but i dont think they will get the loading % we have here.

Not sure what this new world order thing is your talking about. Countries cannot agree on free trade deals let alone a one world gov.

Edit: Found this and it does make a lot of sense

"You need to work with the country (China), it is going to be there, it is going to be a substantial presence. You don’t have to become like them, neither can you hope to make them become like you."
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Great, do you think that supporting him or not will protect you or your family from a gulag? They only seek power, they actually laugh at us for believing there is a choice between “republican” or “democrat”. It’s just an illusion and in reality, they despise humanity. You think COVID was an accident and this “vaccine” is gonna save us? Lol, people are dying every day from it while politicians and the elite take Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to cure their COVID. They tell you it’s poison and prevent your family from getting it.

They only care about useful idiots until they achieve total control, then the ones that helped them achieve power become a liability and must be erased.

“build back better”

Why that motto?

Because it’s really [6]uild [6]ack [6]etter
Screen Shot 2021-10-13 at 5.43.40 PM.png
Great, do you think that supporting him or not will protect you or your family from a gulag? They only seek power, they actually laugh at us for believing there is a choice between “republican” or “democrat”. It’s just an illusion and in reality, they despise humanity. You think COVID was an accident and this “vaccine” is gonna save us? Lol, people are dying every day from it while politicians and the elite take Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to cure their COVID. They tell you it’s poison and prevent your family from getting it.

They only care about useful idiots until they achieve total control, then the ones that helped them achieve power become a liability and must be erased.

“build back better”

Why that motto?

Because it’s really [6]uild [6]ack [6]etter
Thats fine we invested early in gulags
Are there any for someone on a fixed income adjusted via COLA? That measure is designed to underperform inflation. In twenty years my fixed income has maybe half the purchasing power it had.
Depends on if you have any property or have any loans you are paying off really. Are you able to get any other benefits that you were unable to get prior?
I am in the coffin corner between being broke and the official poverty line, so no.
That sucks man, that is why having the Republicans stopping everything that can actually help us all out is so shitty.

I really think that we should all benefit from inflation that the wealthy are able to tap into.

That $380 billion they get every year when the treasury pays out that interest on the debt goes right into the pocket of the wealthiest and I really think that just as much should also be divided and go into every Americans' pocket too.
That sucks man, that is why having the Republicans stopping everything that can actually help us all out is so shitty.

I really think that we should all benefit from inflation that the wealthy are able to tap into.

That $380 billion they get every year when the treasury pays out that interest on the debt goes right into the pocket of the wealthiest and I realy think that just as much should also be divided and go into every Americans' pocket too.
From your keyboard to God’s monitor, to modernize the phrase.

edit- I agree with your addendum, but do not know how to realize it.
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