what do you mean better chance of not getting it again?
i could link 20 more stories that say the same thing...but you'll just rationalize it till you can look at yourself in the mirror and not feel any shame.
and precisely what side effects are you talking about? do you see daily stories of the horrors of vaccination? do you see any kind of stories about side effects anywhere except white trash racist misinformation websites? a few people had bad reactions, less than have a reaction to the flu virus every year. three people died, from blood clots and one from a rare blood disease...three out of millions...but you'll call up vaers and say thousands have died, no matter that you've already been shown that that simply isn't true. you'll make it true in your mind, because again, then, you can look at yourself with no shame...
do not look for absolution here...we all did our part to stop this disease, while you and people like you did nothing, in fact, you impeded progress.
no one here is going to pat you on the shoulder and tell you it's alright, you're choice is more important than the lives of those who died because they were infected by you or someone like you when you had the virus...