Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
Everyone's getting played by sock puppets - you might as well vote for bidens false chattering teeth or trumps ginger toupee .


Well-Known Member
Biden's poll numbers are dropping because he is an incoherent, corrupt, nincompoop and even the dumbest Democrats are figuring that out now.

If the Hunter Biden thing ever stops being covered up, even the most staunch Democrat will have a hard time continuing to fuel their own echo chamber.

But, but Trump. Uh huh, sure. That's feeble and staler than a Hillary's cankle meme.
look at this pedo be a partisan hack


Well-Known Member
Biden's poll numbers are dropping because he is an incoherent, corrupt, nincompoop and even the dumbest Democrats are figuring that out now.

If the Hunter Biden thing ever stops being covered up, even the most staunch Democrat will have a hard time continuing to fuel their own echo chamber.

But, but Trump. Uh huh, sure. That's feeble and staler than a Hillary's cankle meme.
Thanks for paying your fair share of taxes.

Care to explain why you believe the richest people in our country SHOULDN'T? Because the TCJA that REPUBLICANS passed in 2017 was a gift to the super rich, and increased your taxes, I bet you supported that idiotic legislation, and I'll bet you didn't know the Democrats are attempting to at least partially reverse some of the TCJA with this legislation.
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