Proof of voter fraud found

If you don't know what personal achievements are, then google it. My point is, you probably have no basis for thinking you're as awesome as you think you are. While you're googling "personal achievements", maybe also google the word "humble".

get over me maybe. if you want to quote me on anything, showing any sign of thinking I'm better than anyone or even thing, have at it.

what are your person achievements that we all should know about?
Good question.

This place is so boring because we have to live around so many dudes that have been castrated, to the point they mess with their own kids and couldn't give two shits about them having a decent place to live.

I'd like kids and everyone else to have an amazing place to live.

Lol there it is, hyper-masculinity as the result of an inferiority complex. Likely from the UK or Australia.
Since you guys are so in love with your slave masters and their rules. why don't you tell me all the rules you have to follow to be a good slave? Maybe they will sound great and I will fall in love with them, like you guys.

In other words, tell me all of the laws/rules created by your government that you support.

I'm guessing no one will because none of you know half of half of them.
Ok, you can't hang black people for no reason. Nor can you chase them down and shoot them because they were in your neighborhood and looking at a construction site.
So, none of you can tell me more than 10 laws. can you at least direct me to where I can find all of the laws that you follow and support?

I don’t have registration on anything, or i.d. let alone driver’s license. taxes are unavoidable but I do my best to not support and pay them whenpossible.

I don’t care about traffic laws but I’m the slowest car on the road. Not so much on my motorcycle

just because your scared to go outside doesn’t mean I am.

kiss for you only scaredy-cat

worship harder

classic, try and talk down to me because you are scared
We talk down to you because you are very dumb.