People Are Saying...

What’s with the rainbow webbing?

Also, what is that small handgun almost touching the AR’s front sight?
those are martial arts belts....35 years of Wado Ryu

that's a taurus curve...weird little .380 that has a curved frame with a built in belt clip and laser sight, designed for concealed carry. takes a little getting used to, has no safety at all, so they built in a long and heavy trigger pull. took me about 300 rounds or so to get where i can hit main body mass at 10 yards, but now that i've gotten used to it, i don't even use the laser sight anymore
and by the way, that's a hi-point 9mm carbine, not an ar....everything except the curve and my shotgun are 9mm, only have to buy one kind of ammo then
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i'm not young, but i'm not old, yet...and i can remember when having a sign that said "fuck the president" by name...would get you harassed by the cops, and get your ass beaten at the grocery store...and i think it still should...matter of fact, i think i'll go get a box of wheaties, might be needing them soon
How many times was that also said about Trump. Even worse they thought it was funny to cut off his head! This is getting glorious, the destruction of the Left. It's the biggest case of Hubris ever busted and all brought on by the hate of the Hubris from the master setup man.
No. You support Team Undo America. The hammers are coming for your kind.
Projection of their own sins is the #1 sign of the Liberalism disease. It's so plain to see in the media's controlled and synced narratives for the day. As what they point fingers at is really a mirror.

Pepe knowingly.png
Projection of their own sins is the #1 sign of the Liberalism disease. It's so plain to see in the media's controlled and synced narratives for the day. As what they point fingers at is really a mirror.

View attachment 5017676

It's funny how rednecks have adopted projection. Five years ago they had no idea what it was, two years ago it was a fake psychological theory taught by liberals, and now they're experts.
i'm not young, but i'm not old, yet...and i can remember when having a sign that said "fuck the president" by name...would get you harassed by the cops, and get your ass beaten at the grocery store...and i think it still should...matter of fact, i think i'll go get a box of wheaties, might be needing them soon
Well then: “LET’S GO BRANDON!”