Off topic - let's live dangerously today. What do you prefer for your coffee/ caffeine fix?


Well-Known Member
I don't really care for cold brew, but Starbucks made the little grenade bottles and one of them was Cocoa and Honey with Cream. That stuff is amazing. I noticed that I can't find it anywhere these days.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
No, I just get really depressed and lose the will to function. That's no shit. I go through about $120/month in expresso. My buddy I grew up with was spending $100/week at starbucks between him and his wife. He bought some $500 expresso maker off amazon. That's too rich for my blood :) I don't grind my own anymore though I use to. I like the sumatra coffee because it's low in acid and I can brew it strong without wrecking my stomach.
just discovered the sumarten myself, verry nice grind first thing. you realy should get a coffee maker, bollox to spending that much at a coffee shop

Three Berries

Well-Known Member
I can't drink it past noon or it keeps me up at nights. So I got some Decaf whole bean and now have no problem going to sleep. But wake up at 3am.


Well-Known Member
That's like adding milk to a cup before the tea.... criminal :)
I quit coffee about 3 months ago and i always add the milk to the mug before the tea and water:lol:
My electric went out right before I made mine this morning, and now I see the allure of a French press.
When I was drinking coffee this was my preferred way. A $20 press from TJ Maxx and fresh ground beans.


Well-Known Member
What i kinda want is one of those big silver percolators that used to sit in gas stations all day and just put out lovely tar

That or a BUNN diner coffee maker.

Armillaria caligata

Active Member
Do any folks dig Turkish coffee, pulverized rather than coarse ground so that the cup has "silt" in it? I tried it when I lived in San Francisco. It is the one thing I have tasted thus far which is bitterer than I am.



Well-Known Member
Percolator showed up last night.. and i bought a big can of Chock full o nuts (they use a metal container no plastic! instant sale) and am drinking some gloriously thick tar-like coffee :)

Three Berries

Well-Known Member
Back in the 80's my wife and I spent a week in Rio de Janeiro. Some fancy hotel on Copacabana beach. Burt that is where my love of strong coffee and real cream started. There was always someone around with a hot pot of coffee and cold cream to serve, usually in a 50/50 mix.