My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's


Junior Creatologist
wow yo, your shit is fuckin lookin NICE. that misty looks like its gonna be some bomb smoke, n it sucks to hear about u burnin one of your nugs too man. Itll bounce back, but itll always have that scar from the burn, lol.

Keep that shit up man, cant wait to see it in another 4 weeks :D

- N that sucks about the cops bein able to search your shit whenever the fuck they want to man, this is why the system can go fuck itself - fuck alla this shit man, go off the grid. No credit cards, no fuckin nothin that you have to attach your identity to. Just work with straight cash, and fuckin move somewhere that the cops could give a fuck less what your up to, lol. Shit, in like 3 years my ass is movin to New Zealand man, they dont give a rats monkeys ass if you grow out there dude. its gonna be sweet :D


Well-Known Member
him living there gives them the right to come anytime they want to without a reaason....and even if he wasnt there they will just make up a story.
if a cop walks up to you on the streets and asckes for your id and shit.....legaly you dont need to say a dam thing......unless you are under suspision of something....most times they are just snooping, but that dont stop them.....they will just say...oh a store got robed and you fit the description.
so really they do what the fuk they want when they want......never trust them.

i have had them come to my door before when nothing was going on and said they are going to look around......i said ya right wheres thye paper work.....dont need one he said neighbors say they heard someone screeming in there and that was all they needed to come in....or the door would have come down. obstruction of justice.


Well-Known Member
EYYYYY wussup everybody damn i havent been here in a long ass time thnx fro the compliment k1ng im lovin this shit every day i can see so much crystals now shes about to blow up her bud are bout to get fat ass hell but yeah that bud has made a full recovery no burn site wat so ever except on one of the leafs

Yeah its BS bout tha 5-ho's i hate that shit i have no love for them i hate them with a passion juss because they enforce the law they think they are the law BITCH u aint nuttin but a pig tryin to dig his snout into some more shit yeah i have that happen to me befor bonz i was walkin outside with 4 of my homies n as soon as we stepped out the drive way the police pulled up n slammed us on the car searched us n told us that they heard 4 guys dressed in black hoodied up were shootin bb guns at by standers.... how the fuk could that be us when we juss walked out i was laughin the whole time cuz it was BS but o well that was on the outside... ill take what u said bonz and wont grow at my house anymore imma have to move the grow elsewhere i already found someone who will do it but there new to it... kinda sucks but ill by a phone call away to keep him from being paranoid

ANYWAYS man my buds are lookin fukkin nice that AK is coming sloooooowly man her buds are so small i think i know wat thr problem is made her soil to compact n now it takes 4 days juss to dry out the soil and i dnt think thats good i think its fukkin with the root system o well i can see crystals formin on her shit anyways so..... yeah HAHAHAHAHAH tell me why i stole a 300$ microscope from my biology class hahahah " I can see cleearly now, that the crystals are clear" hahaha i have a 10x and a 45x lens on that microscope but its hard to take pics n i been tryin to desassemble it for a day but i cant seem to get the main part off there somethin in the way that i cant reach but its ightsd I CAN SEE IT but i wont be able to post anypics os the trichs but yeah.... ill take some pics today n post em


Well-Known Member
I see what you guys are saying about the police, but there are ways to get out of their "gotcha games." Most important is always be aware of your rights. Police have no right to search your home, vehicle, or person without some probable cause. If they make one up, just continue to deny consent. Simply repeat "I don't consent to any searches." If they perform a search without a warrant or probable cause, and you've denied consent, they are breaking the law. Usually when they say something like you match a description, they're lying. If they are lying, they will probably just give up if you don't consent. Just continue to be polite but firm, and say you're in a hurry. If they ask you to step out of your vehicle, lock it behind you, eliminate the possibility of the cop taking a peek inside. If they ask you to come sit in their vehicle and tell you they need to search you for their protection, its bullshit, once again "I do not consent to any searches." Just say you'll wait in your car. They will try to say things like "Well you must have something to hide if you don't want me to search you." Just keep on saying "I do not consent to any searches." They can't do shit legally, most of them are just trying to trick you into consenting. You don't have to say another word if you don't want to(good old fifth amendment). Best advice my lawyer gave me was never talk to the police, they will try to get you to incriminate yourself. The best part is even if they do end up searching you, as long as you get a decent lawyer and not a "public pretender" who just wants you to take a plea bargain, you should be able to get any case they have against you thrown out of court. This is OUR America, not theirs, and its a country founded on personal freedoms. If you don't give them a reason, they can't do shit.


Well-Known Member
if you control the heat you can get those biotches within 4 inches thats the winner... Garden knowm told me 4 inches is the range you want to stay at with cfl.. also said they shoot more light from the sides but i couldnt tell.. looks great so far.. doesnt looke too stretched... can you pop a computer fan in to vent out the top its small and silent but effective with cfl.. I think radioshack has em for 2 bucks or so... wait this shit is from august its now nov.. lol nvm.


Well-Known Member
lol dankness i seen a video on u tube sayin that looked kinda funny but i took it seriusly i juss couldnt rember what the saying was..... n homegrow get wit that times buddy get with the times lol


Well-Known Member
ight i took some pics of my favorite bud site n ect i alreayd said what i had to say in the other post here the porn



Well-Known Member
lol dankness i seen a video on u tube sayin that looked kinda funny but i took it seriusly i juss couldnt rember what the saying was..... n homegrow get wit that times buddy get with the times lol

LOL:joint: been there done that moved on never once touched an hps unless flowering but cant find t5 xcept online fuck that... cfl work just as good veg.. lol i read these shits half the time stoned so dont usually see the dates what you do just saying nice nice..:weed:


Well-Known Member
thnx u guys there comin along very nicely and i been able to keep the humidity down to 28-35% its crazy but fuk it both plants have been takin in more water except biggie hes still in the half gal pot doin fine i think he starting to show balls or shoots hard to tell


Well-Known Member
damn ok i see waht everybody was talkin about with the ak-48 now that its really intoflowering omg... that shit fukkin stinks i mean it really stinks like like shit... uhh lemme put it this way like a babys shitty diper n a dead skunk it fukkin stinks and the aroma spread fast.. an the thing that really sucks some of my candles dont cover it up lol but o well ill post some pics tonight after all im choppin my misty down in exactly 2 weeks n 3 days those extra 3 days are for 3 days of night so the resins will go crazy n fuk n make more babys lol


Well-Known Member
wussup everybody misty is now 6 weeks into flower and starting next week im going to start to flush her and i was wondering do u guys think i should water her wit mollases for this last week??? shes doin fine startin to have a musty smell to her juss like nirvana said but if u were to touch the buds and smell ur fingers she smell citrisy wierd but i like it most of the crystals are starting to turn cloduy and barly any are amber i wish i could take pics but damn its so hard to keep a still hand.. anyways heres the pics(PS this post is dedicated to misty, the next post will be for the AK's)

ONE more thing i took some pics of leafs that were showing some kind of problem that i juss cant figure out i have no idea wats wrong with them maybe nute burn not sure but if u guys could help that would be the shit



Well-Known Member
there both doin fine i think biggie is a male still hard to tell but i can tell the buds on the topped plant are going to be smaller alot smaller but theres going to be alot of them im never goin to top again unless nessecary i took some pics of leafs on this plant as well think u guys could tell me whats wrong?? errrr ya go



Well-Known Member
thnx 420 im lovin it to lol... nawww but can u guys give me ur judgement on biggie weather those are male balls or not??