My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's


Well-Known Member
the proper way to name a cross of 2 strains is to name the male plant first. to many out there just calling it what ever sound cool, not right.
dont use the fox farm in the flush. i wouldn`t use anything but waater myself but i dont like the taste of molasses. so if you must use 1 use just molasses.


Well-Known Member
so my cross name would be AK-Misty right but naw bonz that not what im gettin at lol im lemme explain again I WILL FLUSH 10 DAYS BEFOR HARVEST WITH WATER ONLY but im not sure if i should use Tiger Bloom untill that point or use the mollases for one week befor i flush


Well-Known Member
did you buy the fox farms 3 pack ?
im usin molasses now ... im gonna use the tiger bloom too .. but not all the way till then
also ill be usin big bloom,.. im gonna mix em up like a chief ;)

check out what i did to my bitch :)



Well-Known Member
i use evrthing i normaly use for flowering right up to the day i start my flush. only i reduce the dosage to half or so.
up to you.


Well-Known Member
why would u reduce the dosage??? N the reason why i wanna give it 5 tsp is cuz i know during the flush the plant recieves no nutrients and i wanna OD them so they have enough but at the same time STILL bringing out there full flavor


Well-Known Member
if you dont reduce the nutes just before flush there will be to much in it through the dry/cure
every nute i have ever used says right on the bottle it is lower right at flower time and harvest.
does your smoke leave a burning or that harshness in the back of the throat..thats the chlorophyl from the unused or unflushed nutes.


Well-Known Member
You should flush for a couple to a few weeks dude, thats what I've always heard. But I think there is some confusion here, are you talking flushing before you go into flower? I wouldn't flush at all then, only at the end of flowering. I always try to duplicate nature, and when would a plant be cut off of nutes outdoors when it transitioned from veg to flower?


Well-Known Member
ya i just cought that confusion to.
ok i do lower my nutes before going to flower and then again at final flush/harvest.
you can either final flush with or without molasses.

or if your just talking about flushing before going to flower i wouldn`t feed it anything but water.


Well-Known Member
nvm so a 2 week flush befor harvest should be good right???? OK u guys explain to me, this is what i have been doin so far in flowerin, every three waters i increase the dosage right now im on 2 1/2 tsp tryin to work my way up to 5 befor i flush n harvest... orrrrrrr should i should i get up to 4 tsp n the 2 waterings befor i flush drop it back down to 2???


Well-Known Member
did you buy the fox farms 3 pack ?
im usin molasses now ... im gonna use the tiger bloom too .. but not all the way till then
also ill be usin big bloom,.. im gonna mix em up like a chief ;)

check out what i did to my bitch :)

is that a FIM that i see?? good shit man how u likin it


Well-Known Member
i like to get mine up to full dose or more.( depends what the plant can take) as quickly as i can then the last feed before harvest flush i do lowewr to around half to 3/4 dose.
each plant will take the increases differently


Well-Known Member
nvm so a 2 week flush befor harvest should be good right???? OK u guys explain to me, this is what i have been doin so far in flowerin, every three waters i increase the dosage right now im on 2 1/2 tsp tryin to work my way up to 5 befor i flush n harvest... orrrrrrr should i should i get up to 4 tsp n the 2 waterings befor i flush drop it back down to 2???
What kind of nutes are you using, most have a recommended feeding schedule that gives you all this information that can be found online. Just go to a hydro website and find your nutes, they usually have a pdf link right next to the product, try This will include everything you need to know, but I would add a week to their recommended flush time.


Well-Known Member
is that a FIM that i see?? good shit man how u likin it

yea man .. i just decided to do lst because the middle started getn covered by all the side branches .... now the middle will get some more light again ..
i really love the way this plant grew after i fimd it ... i will be doing this on most of my plants ... especially the mothers ;):weed:


Well-Known Member
yea i seen the feeding schedle for fox farms tiger bloom it said 2 1/2 tsp every week i said fuk that i wanna make my own personal schedule on what i think will get me best results n next time ill try the recommended water schedul n damn my ladies are lookin beautiful i will get pics up this week


Well-Known Member
yea i seen the feeding schedle for fox farms tiger bloom it said 2 1/2 tsp every week i said fuk that i wanna make my own personal schedule on what i think will get me best results n next time ill try the recommended water schedul n damn my ladies are lookin beautiful i will get pics up this week

yea im mixn my own too ... did you see they reccomend a 1/2 cup per gal first dose on the big bloom ??
i didnt do that ... i wanna make this shit last
my friend who i been get blueberry buds from uses fish emulision...
and he told me last nite he doesnt flush ... he just stops watering
i mean ... its not like the smoke is that harsh... but i feel it could be better. and after he gave me 2 little plants of it ... both of them stunted and yellowing, im wondering wtf is he doing to his indoor plants ....


Well-Known Member
hes probably feeds them bong water to lol. Yeah i seen it but unfourtunantly i only have TB wish i could had big bloom heard its a great addative to TB and any other FF nute


Well-Known Member
Ok u guys my bad it took a while i know.. my camera died yesterday right when i was takin pictures so i was only able to take pics of my misty ( budda) not even all the pics that i wanted to take either... so this post is dedicated to misty... Shes doin fukkin great the only problem is the lights she gros n grows n gros n the lights are a fukkin hassle to keep up with constant rasing but at the same time i want them as close as they can get i got misty on 3 tsp of TB per gallon now shes gunna get watered again today shes 3 weeks n 4 days into flower the resin is crazy no comparrasion between my first grow n this grow i mean daaamn..... i tokk a pic of the budd that got burn one day but it seems to still be growin like recovereing its self n shit n my top cola is bout as big as a water bottle now soo heres some pics

P.S theres 2 branches on the bottom that i been thinkin bout cuttin off looks like a waste of energy towards the plant i took a pic of it so tell me what u guys think... oh yeah n a couple pics from the cheech n chong show in chicago

