My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's

mound some dirt around the plant an in up the stem,it will slowly encourage roots to grow and then they will grow on the surface of the dirt and then dive deep and help to be a supporting structure. its complicated to say.

im veggin wit cfls bc they encourage compact growth with little heat to worry about
Dude, if you have roots on the surface of your medium, you got a problem. Roots + Light = Dead roots. Low stress training has nothing to do with roots growing on the surface of your soil. You bend the plant over, and the side growth shoots become prominent vertical shoots. This is the advantage, evenly distributed light to all new growth, so instead of one main cola you get as many as you want. I am just finishing up flowering a plant that I used the LST technique on, and I have no idea what your describing here... I think you need to check out the GrowFAQ man.
thats what i was thinkin of at first because wat u were talkin bout didnt make sense but than when u cover up them stem maybe an inch does it really encourgae root growth to grow vertically than back down again so they wouldnt get root bound or wt
Oh I think I know what he is trying to say. He covers up the stem above the soil so the plant thinks its buried deeper than it actually is. Then roots grow from the sides of the stem. When you remove the soil from the stem, the roots make a mad dash for the soil below. Dude thats kinda cool, but I doubt it improves yield or quality, just probably looks cool.
Oh I think I know what he is trying to say. He covers up the stem above the soil so the plant thinks its buried deeper than it actually is. Then roots grow from the sides of the stem. When you remove the soil from the stem, the roots make a mad dash for the soil below. Dude thats kinda cool, but I doubt it improves yield or quality, just probably looks cool.

bingo u got it,it just helps to anchor it down better


heres some yummy for u all,wit cfls
hahah nice pic wacky is that from that plant u posted on here no to long ago n hey doesnt more roots= more growth ??? so would doin that kinda help a rootbound problem???
well I always heard you are not suppose to expose roots to light, but hey if it works, rock out with your cock out.
Hey, Budda,

I like watching your grow, but I have a problem reading your posts. Would you please use periods. Find your sentences. That would help a great deal. You don't have to be Shakespeare, but composing short sentences by using the period would make for easier reading.

HAHAHAHA yea NP i usually use comas or larger spacin than usual when i end sentances, but i know wat ur talkin bout lol sometimes i have problems readin my own shit
Hey, dude, I don't mind the misspellings. That's okay. I don't care about the commas, nor sentence fragments. But no periods, and then no capitalizations to begin sentences really stops me from understanding your posts. I'm really interested in your grow journal. I'm on my first gro and I want to learn from you. So, write short sentences. Just like this one. Anyway, your plants look beautiful.
Haha what is this, grammar school? I can understand you budda, I mean sometimes it gets rough, but its not hard to figure out. Lets get back to the real subject at hand here, good old sensimilla.
lol... anywaaaayyyyssss...... man i really need to go get them fukkin hooks n chains cuz these strings are buggin me every 4 days i gotta tie them up matter fact i gotts raise them bitches today n i think i fried one of my buds i dont think shes gunna get any bigger i hope shes does tho some of her pistles are burnt but the bud was untouched biggie and bomb bud still show no sex ill post pics later on today when i get back
man i really need to go get them fukkin hooks n chains cuz these strings are buggin me every 4 days i gotta tie them up matter fact i gotts raise them bitches today

Rather than using chains and hooks, why don't you get yourself a set of those Sunrise Hi-Low Hangers? They only cost about $10 for the pair, and adjusting the height of your reflector is as easy as turning a dial.
Rather than using chains and hooks, why don't you get yourself a set of those Sunrise Hi-Low Hangers? They only cost about $10 for the pair, and adjusting the height of your reflector is as easy as turning a dial.

i dont trust those things, and they dont go as low as i need them too. i got them, but bought chain instead and i like it better ;)
hang on.....i cant understand didn`t start with a capital.

jk.....sorry couldn`t resist.
HAHAHAHAH bonz i unnno i think my babies are about to stop strecthin so imma stick with the strings ... for now until my next grow
finally i can see that my AK is a female im hopin for biggie to turn out male so i can cross the AK with the misty if not imma be pissed sorry u guys i havent been postin pics illl get them up next water
finally i can see that my AK is a female im hopin for biggie to turn out male so i can cross the AK with the misty if not imma be pissed sorry u guys i havent been postin pics illl get them up next water

nice man, ... what did you end up havesting with your 1st cfl grow ? how many plants/lights?
i think i get wat chur sayin wacky.... do u mean that when i cross them im gunna have to name them Misty-48 ??? or AK-Misty

420 i got 1 OZ off one plant and i know thats cuz i let them stretch, so alot of the bud sites i had were so far spaced from one a other and i only had 2 lights for veg (2 months) 2 lights for flower ( 4 weeks) than on the nex couple of weeks i bought an other 42 and that 62 watt so 4 lights at flower till finish wich was 8 weeks and i didn see resin production till 4 or 5 weeks of my last grown ..... for the past 5 days i been seein resins on my buds everywhere i wuz fukkin amazed at how much light can make a difference for plants

I made a watering schedule for my plants right now im at 2 tsp/gal and imma work my way up to 5 (to much) at the last day of watering.. so they have plenty of nutes while i flush lol... but this question has been ponering in my mind for quit some time i read that Tiger Bloom has mollases in it should i keep usin Tiger Bloom till flush or should i go str8 mollases for the last 2 weeks???