Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

This definitely is going to have a life long impact on him. He’s a household name and from the things I have seen in this trial he involved himself in activities society deems geared towards a greater good long before the shootings. There is a motivation there. I sense that like David Hogg he will involve himself into politics after the Parkland shootings. I mean even if he has no interest now people will push him and encourage him because he is basically symbolic of what at the very least half of our society values and appreciates.
This definitely is going to have a life long impact on him. He’s a household name and from the things I have seen in this trial he involved himself in activities society deems geared towards a greater good long before the shootings. There is a motivation there. I sense that like David Hogg he will involve himself into politics after the Parkland shootings. I mean even if he has no interest now people will push him and encourage him because he is basically symbolic of what at the very least half of our society values and appreciates.
It is frightening that “at least half” of our society is willing to canonize an underage gun play ing glory hog who shot a guy in the back.
he was also snickering at one point just before break time.

What does that have to do with the case? I mean I can see feeling really bad because you took a couple lives and would get upset talking about it but I also would try to rationalize that I had no choice and to try and get on with life. I mean should he be in tears the entire time? I’m sure it’s going to fuck him up later and he’s gonna have severe ptsd
This definitely is going to have a life long impact on him. He’s a household name and from the things I have seen in this trial he involved himself in activities society deems geared towards a greater good long before the shootings. There is a motivation there. I sense that like David Hogg he will involve himself into politics after the Parkland shootings. I mean even if he has no interest now people will push him and encourage him because he is basically symbolic of what at the very least half of our society values and appreciates.

maybe in your house.

David Hogg was a survivor of an Active Shooter on school property (who recently plead guilty to all charges) who killed other students; he has the right to advocate.

Kyle is a little Militia man in the making, injected himself into a situation he didn't belong and lied all through the trial. he even testified he drives without a license..he is a sociopath..he believes the the law doesn't apply to him..medic?:lol:
What does that have to do with the case? I mean I can see feeling really bad because you took a couple lives and would get upset talking about it but I also would try to rationalize that I had no choice and to try and get on with life. I mean should he be in tears the entire time? I’m sure it’s going to fuck him up later and he’s gonna have severe ptsd

you would think that the serious matter of his murder trial would help to keep him composed.


you just said this:

'I can see feeling really bad because you took a couple lives'.

people are not disposable..i'm so glad you can see it's ok to feel really bad while snickering..snickering?..snickering?
It is frightening that “at least half” of our society is willing to canonize an underage gun play ing glory hog who shot a guy in the back.

You are looking at it one way. What I mean is like the Rooftop Koreans he’s going to be seen as somebody that stood up to riots and damage to businesses that a large percentage of our society doesn’t agree with. I think the shootings are secondary to and unimportant to people who have watched crime rates surge and feel helpless to do anything. Read the comments when somebody robs a store or gets shot while breaking into a home. A lot of people are frustrated with the lawlessness. This happened back in the 70’s and that’s why the Dirty Harry and Charles Bronson movies became so popular. Look up the Subway vigilante in NY. He was mugged and shot 3 people mugging him. He was also seen by people who rode the subway fearing violence as a sort of hero. These are just things I have noticed about human behavior and are not necessarily my own opinion
You sound terribly misinformed and a little confused. Are you angry because you can't think of a decent rebuttal to my post on private security or are you angry because people mistakenly call you ma'am when you go to stores all triple masked up, looking scared and afraid the imaginary cooties are going to kill you?
You must be angry at me over something. I accurately and -- while being very careful of your feelings -- described your white supremacist dystopia as "fascist Disneyland". It's a perfect analogy except instead of a mouse, the mascot is a Trump faced rat. So, sorry not sorry to have hurt your feelz. An accurate description of you is not an insult. Get over it. snowflake.
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You are looking at it one way. What I mean is like the Rooftop Koreans he’s going to be seen as somebody that stood up to riots and damage to businesses that a large percentage of our society doesn’t agree with. I think the shootings are secondary to and unimportant to people who have watched crime rates surge and feel helpless to do anything. Read the comments when somebody robs a store or gets shot while breaking into a home. A lot of people are frustrated with the lawlessness. This happened back in the 70’s and that’s why the Dirty Harry and Charles Bronson movies became so popular. Look up the Subway vigilante in NY. He was mugged and shot 3 people mugging him. He was also seen by people who rode the subway fearing violence as a sort of hero. These are just things I have noticed about human behavior and are not necessarily my own opinion
The very first place to start such a return to law is at the very top. Sentence the bankers who made bad billions to thousands of years in prison. Then we reevaluate.
you would think that the serious matter of his murder trial would help to keep him composed.

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you just said this:

'I can see feeling really bad because you took a couple lives'.

people are not disposable..i'm so glad you can see it's ok to feel really bad while snickering..snickering?..snickering?

Was he snickering about the killings? I can remember after the death of somebody close for just a brief minute allowing myself to laugh then feeling almost guilty about it. I would imagine his fear of incarceration is greater than his sorrow at this point because self preservation is instinctual. He is also snickering while facing life in prison so remember that part too. I don’t know his mind anymore than you do
Kyle is no different than any other idiot adolescent with a poor upbringing. He'll be used to further some twisted radical right grift for as long as he proves useful to their cause. Then they'll toss him aside like garbage when the next best grift comes along. Rinse, lather, repeat.

LOL@ "society values"

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Same goes for that David Hogg kid that the left celebrates so much. That’s why I wrote half of society because I know there are a lot that don’t agree with what he did. Just pointing out human behavior
You are looking at it one way. What I mean is like the Rooftop Koreans he’s going to be seen as somebody that stood up to riots and damage to businesses that a large percentage of our society doesn’t agree with. I think the shootings are secondary to and unimportant to people who have watched crime rates surge and feel helpless to do anything. Read the comments when somebody robs a store or gets shot while breaking into a home. A lot of people are frustrated with the lawlessness. This happened back in the 70’s and that’s why the Dirty Harry and Charles Bronson movies became so popular. Look up the Subway vigilante in NY. He was mugged and shot 3 people mugging him. He was also seen by people who rode the subway fearing violence as a sort of hero. These are just things I have noticed about human behavior and are not necessarily my own opinion
If Kyle is so innocent why have you spent so much time defending him?
The very first place to start such a return to law is at the very top. Sentence the bankers who made bad billions to thousands of years in prison. Then we reevaluate.

That’s an emotional response. You are usually more thought out in your replies. I agree that society wants a return to law and that goes for everybody not just those we are jealous of
You betray yourself when you talk about the hard-right unicorn called “the left”, implying a coordinated purpose that is not there.

Explain to me. I have seen people when talking about this case follow down party lines. Liberals are against Rittenhouse and Conservatives are for.