Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

You gave Rittenhouse a nickname you heard so I just replied with one.
My nickname for him was accurate.
Honestly I only know that Gaige was a commie. He is affiliated with some communist movement. The others I do t know for fact.
Because you read it on some white propaganda website?

I am just saying if you can’t see it beyond a reasonable doubt you can’t convict. Even if you could does that give somebody the right to chase and attack you? I don’t know that it does. A lot of variables
You can pretend all you want, like the good troll you are, that you can just say what others are or think, that doesn't make it true though.

If you point a gun pointed at some crazy guy and they respond you don't get to kill them and claim self defense.
No way is this an open and shut case. There is no such thing, in any case, anytime or anywhere. To say that it is clear self defense is just as crazy as the other way around... Everything is as good as it is bad IMO. Why choose any side? Red pill or blue pill? Like.. No thanks Morpheus, i'm good.. No pills needed here. I won't be recycled back into the machine world, and suckered into the matrix again by other peoples opinions anymore. It's tempting to sit around waiting for the verdict, but I think I'll go meditate instead. Whatever happens is god will, and won't affect me unless I allow it too. I have no fear my rights will be stripped away, or that cities will continue to burn. They will anyway, and that is okay with me. Life is good ;)
it's god's will? really? god wants about 35-40% of us to be total ignoramuses and support hateful racist politicians? you believe in god but think his will won't effect you unless you allow it to? do you reconcile these completely contrary viewpoints? they make your eyes cross if you think about it too hard?

two quotes for you to think about...

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

evil flourishes when good men turn a blind eye
My nickname for him was accurate.
Because you read it on some white propaganda website?

As opposed to black propaganda website? I have never been on a white propaganda, black propaganda website or any political website for that matter.

You can pretend all you want, like the good troll you are, that you can just say what others are or think, that doesn't make it true though.

Doesn’t make it false because you call me a “ Troll”

If you point a gun pointed at some crazy guy and they respond you don't get to kill them and claim self defense.

Lmao! According to you he just did
The simple fact that the defendant grabbed an autoloader and then when cruising for trouble settles this.

So was Gaige Grosskreutz. But we don’t hear about that. Everybody there that night was looking for trouble. I blame the mayors who wouldn’t allow the cops to do their jobs. If there is a curfew then nobody should be out
So was Gaige Grosskreutz. But we don’t hear about that. Everybody there that night was looking for trouble. I blame the mayors who wouldn’t allow the cops to do their jobs. If there is a curfew then nobody should be out
When”cops doing their jobs” involved heavy favoritism for supremacists, I’m challenging your version.


When”cops doing their jobs” involved heavy favoritism for supremacists, I’m challenging your version.


Lmao what supremacists? They did seem to favor the people who were protecting businesses rather than trying to burn them down. Maybe they just favored the side not throwing rocks at them. Omg LOL! I’m watching CNN and the Polish Security forces are defending themselves with water cannons when rioters are throwing rocks and I’m wondering why we don’t use water here to break up violence. All of Europe uses it and it seems effective yet non lethal
Lmao what supremacists? They did seem to favor the people who were protecting businesses rather than trying to burn them down. Maybe they just favored the side not throwing rocks at them. Omg LOL! I’m watching CNN and the Polish Security forces are defending themselves with water cannons when rioters are throwing rocks and I’m wondering why we don’t use water here to break up violence. All of Europe uses it and it seems effective yet non lethal
The supremacists plain to those not watching the Big Lie media.
I’m not agreeing with everything that he did but I do believe it was self defense. I just think it’s funny how upset people are over this and taking sides most without knowing all the details.
So if you were dumb enough to jump in a tank of alligators illegally, proclaiming, “just there to help them in any way”. And then you shot three of those gators for trying to bite you. Would that be self defence?