Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Good job I'm not American then cos I think pedophiles need to be hung drawn and quartered how can you even defend under any circumstances someone who rapes children go to the mirror and look hard
I agree. Its pure evil that drives someone to harm a child.

I vaguely remember a similar question posed in a philosophy course I took many years ago. I remember it because it got quite heated between the professor and students. I'm too stoned to go into the whole philosophical debate from that day but the gist of it is simple - you can apply 'cause and effect' to just about any human action but not this one. Nope. Not this one.

And either way, its moot point here. The shooter had no way of knowing before hand and THAT is the point that's been repeatedly posed in this thread. It was never about defending matter how hard these imbeciles tripping over themselves try to spin it.
So it’s legal in Wisconsin for a 17 year old to walk the streets with a semi-automatic assault rifle, loaded with a high capacity mag of full metal jacket ammo but not a joint. Just say No to Wisconsin. Cheese boycott!

No, it's still illegal, same as it was before. You'd have to be a giant idiot, or shady as fuck, to think the portion that talks about SBR's somehow nullifies everything else in the code.
I agree. Its pure evil that drives someone to harm a child.

I vaguely remember a similar question posed in a philosophy course I took many years ago. I remember it because it quite heated between the professor and students. I'm too stoned to go into the whole philosophical debate from that day but the gist of it is simple - you can apply 'cause and effect' to just about any human action but not this one. Nope. Not this one.

And either way, its moot point here. The shooter had no way of knowing before hand and THAT is the point that's been repeatedly posed in this thread. It was never about defending matter how hard these imbeciles tripping over themselves try to spin it.
this exactly...killer kyle didn't have a dossier on any of the people he murdered. he had no idea if they were good or bad, and he didn't give a shit. he just wanted to use his new toy and murder people. there was a curfew in effect, and he had absolutely no business being there to begin with. kyle disgusts me, and anyone who supports him disgusts me more. each and every one of them is condoning murder, and shitting on the law. the law sometimes makes a mistake and punishes an innocent person...and it sometimes makes a mistake and lets a guilty person go free. this is a case of the guilty walking free, and anyone who cheers the actions of a murderer is condoning murder.
And like clockwork the losers gather in downtown Portland to cause mayhem. Just what the hell is their thought process to vandalize in Portland Oregon because a jury in Wisconsin found that punk not guilty? In this case the police did their job and arrested the kid. It was a jury that found him not guilty. It makes absolutely no sense to go and vandalize the jail in Portland. If they want to protest then they should take their smelly asses to Wisconsin. Idiots.

"About 100 people gathered in downtown Portland near the Multnomah County Justice Center to condemn the verdict. Several hours later, police reported people breaking windows and damaging doors of city buildings. The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office declared a riot, citing damage to the downtown jail’s gate."
of course he would have been, he was as guilty as fuck, he just got lucky getting a judge who is both a racist and a geriatric fool. this kind of thing just emboldens white supremacist to try more shit. Schroeder is guilty of any deaths that arise from this bullshit show
I don't think it was just the judge, I think he acted in self-defense even if his plan was always to act in self-defense in order to kill somebody. If he was tried a hundred times I think he might get off 70% or more.
Rittenhouse might get a show that replaces tucker’s show. I’m sure he can bring in more advertising revenue than Tucker does. The pillow guy is all he has and he’s running out of money fast.
Well to be honest, I didn't read any of your earlier posts and that just stood out, if you think that's over my head though, well you're the idiot I mistook you for.
If you didnt' read it, or understand it..............then who is the fucking idiot? rofl :rolleyes:
A nurse at Maralago
He wouldn’t do well in any city hospital . I think he would need to stick his nursing career in some small town where his type reside. He is tainted for life . Trying to live a normal life will be quite difficult for this young man. He seems quite fragile so wouldn’t surprise me if he kills himself overwhelmed by all self inflicted stress. He can run but he can’t hide. He would have been safer in prison. If he was smart he would get major plastic surgery
And change his name .
Is this the same incident @hanimmal is referencing? There was new controversy daily with Trump. That wikipedia entry ends with the following in regards to the extraction of the CIA agent. "A CIA spokesperson said the news reports were "misguided speculation", and a White House spokesperson said the reporting was "incorrect" and "has the potential to put lives in danger," although they did not specify why they considered the reporting flawed."

I believe it's possible to dislike someone while refusing to come to judgment based on an accusation, speculation, and anonymous sources. From my perspective, the most damning point in regards to Trump is his lack of leadership qualities. I think he owns few effective leadership traits. I'd argue that is far worse condemnation than any of his isolated scandals although they go hand-in-hand.
I don't know what you and hannimal were talking about.

Just saying, he was a fucking disaster. He in fact gave away information that was sensitive to Putin. Now I'm laughing at the idiot who supported him only to be angry at him when he ditched your white nationalist ass when convenient. LOL.
He wouldn’t do well in any city hospital . I think he would need to stick his nursing career in some small town where his type reside. He is tainted for life . Trying to live a normal life will be quite difficult for this young man. He seems quite fragile so wouldn’t surprise me if he kills himself overwhelmed by all self inflicted stress. He can run but he can’t hide. He would have been safer in prison. If he was smart he would get major plastic surgery
And change his name .

Im thinking someone doing a “ Jack Ruby “ on his little ass. Always check your six ……
Americans are so busy deciding if they are team Trump or team Biden. They never stop to think that they are both idiots that embarrass the USA to the rest of the world.

I thought it couldn’t get worse than Trump. I was wrong.

You now have a clearly senile, kid sniffing weirdo president. With more skeletons in his closet than Trump.

There is also more actual evidence of racist behaviour from him than Trump. Know what I mean maaaaaaaan.
Americans are so busy deciding if they are team Trump or team Biden. They never stop to think that they are both idiots that embarrass the USA to the rest of the world.

I thought it couldn’t get worse than Trump. I was wrong.

You now have a clearly senile, kid sniffing weirdo president. With more skeletons in his closet than Trump.

There is also more actual evidence of racist behaviour from him than Trump. Know what I mean maaaaaaaan.
yap yap yap.gif
Americans are so busy deciding if they are team Trump or team Biden. They never stop to think that they are both idiots that embarrass the USA to the rest of the world.

I thought it couldn’t get worse than Trump. I was wrong.

You now have a clearly senile, kid sniffing weirdo president. With more skeletons in his closet than Trump.

There is also more actual evidence of racist behaviour from him than Trump. Know what I mean maaaaaaaan.
I don't think it was just the judge, I think he acted in self-defense even if his plan was always to act in self-defense in order to kill somebody. If he was tried a hundred times I think he might get off 70% or more.
The judge definitely had a lot to do with it. The reality is that the judge would have treated a black man differently, and that difference in tone affects the entire trial. As far as self-defense, I think what the jury overlooked here is that Kyle wasn't attached in his own home, and defended himself. He placed himself with a weapon in the situation. That's antagonization, plain and simple. It's akin to walking out in the street, and shouting "fight me", then when someone swings you dodge and punch back in a false claim of self-defense. That isn't self-defense, that's picking a fight. Same as this little boy with a big gun Kyle did.
Americans are so busy deciding if they are team Trump or team Biden. They never stop to think that they are both idiots that embarrass the USA to the rest of the world.

I thought it couldn’t get worse than Trump. I was wrong.

You now have a clearly senile, kid sniffing weirdo president. With more skeletons in his closet than Trump.

There is also more actual evidence of racist behaviour from him than Trump. Know what I mean maaaaaaaan.
No I don’t
I think you are stuck on stupid