The UK Growers Thread!

What's the longest you guys have seen seedlings stay at/in the cotlydon stage?
Asking for a friend :-)

Sometimes if the seeds are old or haven't been kept in ideal conditions they can be really slow. Sometimes even if the seeds are fresh but planting conditions arnt ideal, or they've been shocked by something they can take some time, eg like being in bad soil or overwatering or feeding locking them out
I had a seedling once were the kitten had bitten every thing above the cotlydon off. Did nothing for about a month, then suddenly managed to put out a tinny shoot. Took about six weeks to put out the next couple of nodes. Once it got going it was fine.
Long time ago I had one seed that sprouted coteleydons then never progressed any further, I left it 6 weeks sitting in the corner before deciding it wasn't going to happen.
Now I've another its 2 weeks old now, the coteleydons only just broke the surface and haven't moved since, I'm not hopeful lol.
And 2 I'm not sure about?
Long time ago I had one seed that sprouted coteleydons then never progressed any further, I left it 6 weeks sitting in the corner before deciding it wasn't going to happen.
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Now I've another its 2 weeks old now, the coteleydons only just broke the surface and haven't moved since, I'm not hopeful lol.
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And 2 I'm not sure about?
If there important plants then id just wait and see. As long as they are alive and look healthy sooner or later they will pull through. But if you have more of the same kind and dont mind losing them so much then id ditch them. Sometimes with tiny young seeds the green algae growth can affect growth. Might be a idea to make some covers out laminated card or something.
Popped in tonight to empty my runoff tray so grabbed a couple of pics.

Noticed a few spots on a few leaves the other day.

looking Like an issue with Ca.

So I’ve reduced feeding EC to 0.9 and dropped pH to 5.7 and last top up of the res I didn’t add any MKP.

Not worried in the slightest though as she’s very very healthy other than an odd leaf, I don’t stress too much over that but I do make course corrections.

Day 31 of 12/12.

No they're not vitaly important as such but they are precious as I'm looking/hoping/praying for a good mother plant to clone from.

Normally I'd have lids on my pots but not seedlings they're too fragile for me to be messing around with lids lol
A bit rake around makes it look a bit better algae is very unsightly.

Eta... On Saturday i changed from 4x T5s to a mars sp150 the seedlings are loving it and I've bonus 1.5c
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Fully agree although I’m a firm advocate for keeping as many healthy green leaves as you can until harvest day.

This scrog everything under the canopy is stripped but then there wasn’t much under the canopy as I lowered the screen this time as I switched from 18L/11L pots down to an 8L so the height needed adjustment.

i done the same to some extent, the netting was removed a few wks after flipping in to flower, they wasnt going further up and it was pain to water with net still had multiple tops but knew the height of them wouldnt be an issue, some ok buds lower down also i might just take the biggest colas off and leave the rest maybe another week.
i done the same to some extent, the netting was removed a few wks after flipping in to flower, they wasnt going further up and it was pain to water with net still had multiple tops but knew the height of them wouldnt be an issue, some ok buds lower down also i might just take the biggest colas off and leave the rest maybe another week.

Did that with my last scrog.

harvested the mains around day 79 and the rest went over 100 lol.
Yer I was a little confused about using dry ice brought some bubble bags a while back just to piss about with some trim never got round to it yet looks decent mate
It's always good to get something useful that would otherwise go in the bin and learning something new on any subject is always interesting.
I've still got some to harvest from the 1st try and I'll shake it again yet.