Hey man...sorry to bother u again, but I wanted to clarify some advice. If u recall one of my plants is fading/a few brown blotches/purple stems and some purple developing on the secondary branches...in mid to late flower. Just passed week 9, it’s an auto, so hypothetically should be close to done soon according to the breeder, but I know it’ll be done when it’s done. Anyway, I gave it a good round of bloom nutes. Two of the 3 plants were fading and it appears that one has stopped, although the buds don’t look like they’re progressing. The bigger problem plant really hasn’t changed much, but if anything, it’s fading a smidge more. Plus after feeding the top leaves are canoeing a bit.
With the buds showing no change in the past week or so, and the yellowing/spots/purple stems and branches, it seems like some sort of lockout.
Do u still say give it straight water the next time? If so, I can give distilled, RO, or tap. My tap is very hard...ppm is 144......of course I can ph whatever I give. Last ?, if I give straight water, should I give it to Runoff?
If my buds were progressing I wouldn’t worry so much about fading but I’ve seen no noticeable difference in the buds for last 8-10 days.
Thanks again man....cheers