Post pandemic fascism creep

Has this pandemic turned you into a fucking nazi?

  • Yes. I’m a full on Q tard

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • No. I haven’t ostracised anyone for their personal choices

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Murica? Fuck yeah

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
Lol says the dumb one
says the moron who claims trump had the election in the bag until the mysterious watermelon burst.

Look at post ww2 anti Semitism ran rampant everywhere, neo racism was born in America by the people who defended others from it. the world nor people have changed much our technology is more advanced and our education may be also (for some not all) but over all humans will be there own downfall. it’s been proven again and again 2021 is a post ww2 atmosphere . Countries are rebuilding with new ideologies, borders and old orders are being challenged everywhere. neo facism is at the center of public perception and influencing our media and information sources . misinformation is so widespread it’s basically come to the point to where if it’s a opinion it must be fact. All of it just like the world of the late 1940s and early 1950s was. we should look back to move forward we should acknowledge our flaws and work together to lift ourselves up. But instead we tear each other down and spit on those who once helped us and not only Americans the whole world is this way for some reason like a mood of intolerance has taken every body over
Oh so you just like assuming that I'm right got cha
Well if you sound like a fucking nazi you can’t really blame me for the difficulties that arise for you on this forum, (which is why this therad is for you and others who share your strength and tenacity of opinion), you seem very angry about something. It’s usually failure to integrate the shadow which results in the kind of frustration you are expressing so feel free to vent, eventually it will become apparent where the problem lies, then you can integrate it so you become a little more comfortable in your own skin.
I don't act like a bad a** on here wishing death/harm on others either but here we are.
Nonsense. Every bit of oxygen you give to Repug talking points is a tiny act of sedition. Eight hundred thousand dead counted, and counting. You are causing demonstrable harm every second you post dishonest hard-right propaganda. You. Attacking OUR nation, and I despise you for the bald-faced pack of lies you keep deploying.
Nonsense. Every bit of oxygen you give to Repug talking points is a tiny act of sedition. Eight hundred thousand dead counted, and counting. You are causing demonstrable harm every second you post dishonest hard-right propaganda. You. Attacking OUR nation, and I despise you for the bald-faced pack of lies you keep deploying.
It had to be said
That’s the problem we give nazis or people with the same ideology a platform to express there meaningless hate and we get overwhelmed not by the their hate itself but by the complete ignorance behind it. it only goes to show that hate is bred out of misunderstanding he doesn’t understand what he says or how it applies to the real world only that he is angry and in turn that anger is reflected onto us by hate speech and propaganda and misinformation