Tent grower (4x8 ) so probably not, I'd be pushing it with the 10 gallon pots. Now wait a minute, I might be able to, have to measure things out, it's tight as it is with the 7 gallon pots in there. I'd love to do a 4x4 garden bed. Still going through the red tape to get part of the garage built into a grow room and summers here are a easy 110 degrees in the garage let alone outside. Mrs was nice enough to let me finish my last grow inside the living room but that will never happen again, the humidity from the tents and electric bill with the AC units constantly on 24/7 during the summer. (I live in the desert) nope, lucky I have the garage, not to bad here in the winter. And
@MustangStudFarm was right about the Dolomite, I finally got around to testing the soil pH and it was very low, 5.5 to 5.8 average on most of the pots, lucky Home Depot has the stuff. Just weird that it smells like cow manure, not sure if that's right. That or the soil is having a reaction to the Dolomite. My mind was blown when I found out Dolomite will buffer your soil up to 7pH max so no need to worry about over pHin the soil , I still applied it sparingly, about a tablespoon a gallon.