Pandemic 2020

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Pretty stoked, one negative covid test confirmed. Kind of weird, my son and wife went and obviously my wife is supposed to get both sets of results, but only got one back and it didn't indicate which person it was for. So come on double whammy, though I guess it would be interesting to see if the person with the booster didn't get it (as she doesn't have any symptoms) vs just the regular two shots kids get. Kid and I have the same cold like symptoms, so here's hoping it's just a cold.
you need a lot of people for herd. the whole south is basically peeing in the pool like that meme someone posted; then they travel.
It will be a combination of vaxxed and natural immunity and the vaxxed will get sick as protection wanes. The vaxxed appear to have milder, shorter cases and that's about all we know so far other than it's so contagious that we can't stop it, only slow it down to try and save the hospitals. Say mooo, you will join the herd, sooner or later, better later after this burns through and there's more support and care. The worse it is, the faster it passes.
Natural immunity from corona viruses is short term and it appears the same for the current vaccines. If they don't come up with a new vaccine that gives long term immunity, say 10 years minimum, we're screwed.
Natural immunity from corona viruses is short term and it appears the same for the current vaccines. If they don't come up with a new vaccine that gives long term immunity, say 10 years minimum, we're screwed.
A vaccine that gives long term immunity will be helpful for the generations that follow.
Natural immunity from corona viruses is short term and it appears the same for the current vaccines. If they don't come up with a new vaccine that gives long term immunity, say 10 years minimum, we're screwed.
I think it will end up like the common cold or flu, be largely seasonal and people with previous immunity or multiple vaccines should have their immune systems adapt. I any case they have such vaccines in development and testing, better broad spectrum antibodies too. We will also have oral vaccines soon too and other antiviral drugs. I figure 3 to 5 years for a better vaccine solution that will last much longer. We already have annual flu vaccines and this will be rolled into that. Also there's no reason why an mRNA vaccine can't contain multiple different strands to cover various coronaviruses.

If it is as you describe, then there will be a lot of resources thrown at it and judging by the progress made and what we know, I say the problem is solvable, by either human or natural or a combination of both methods. I think the vaccines will allow us to adapt to a natural solution more easily at least.
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Chief scrambles to keep police on patrol as sick calls spike
Officers redeployed under state of emergency
Winnipeg’s police chief has been forced to declare a rare state of emergency to shore up general patrol resources after a spike in COVID-19 cases led to a severe staffing shortage.

Danny Smyth said Wednesday there were 90 active cases within police ranks. In total, 172 employees had booked off because of the coronavirus.
"We’re feeling some negative impact on our staffing as a result of the COVID situation in the city and I’ve declared a state of emergency internally for the Winnipeg Police Service," said Smyth at a news conference at the downtown police headquarters.

He assured Winnipeggers there isn’t a shortage of officers patrolling the streets and the service would continue to respond to urgent calls as quickly as possible.

About 900 officers were scheduled to work Wednesday. Of those, 136 — about 15 per cent — were on leave.

Smyth said he was "striving" to maintain the minimum requirement of 28 cars on each shift.

To fill in the gaps and maintain the minimum level of service, 80 officers from the community support and guns and gangs units will be moved to general patrol. They will start on Monday to give them time to prepare for a different shift. Their usual work will take a backseat while they help with calls for service, said Smyth.

Of those on leave, Smyth was not aware how many had been unvaccinated. More than 97 per cent of staff have been vaccinated against COVID, he said, and assumed a majority of those affected have had their shots.
A vaccine that gives long term immunity will be helpful for the generations that follow.
Most will catch omicron, most will survive, so the immune response in those people will be primed for reinfection for 6 months through antibody response and after 6 months via memory cells resulting in a lesser disease in terms of severity, duration and sequelae
Well it's official Ladies & Gentlemen, this morning the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19)) was declared a global threat by the W.H.O.
Worldwide, countries are blocking movement, public gatherings, sporting events, closing schools & generally freaking out
But here at home in the good old USA, we have it under control with the due diligence of the great Donald J. Trump, right?
So, in other words, we're fucked.
I live approximately 40 miles from the largest concentration of the virus discovered on the East Coast, one where the Governor of NY sent the National Guard yesterday to help contain the spread of the virus.
I also read this morning that it is recommended to stockpile 2 weeks worth of provisions in your homes now in case of mandatory quarantines, and this was from a Dr that worked at the CDC. ( I'm going to HD now & buy a freezer :) )
So, I'm gonna die soon probably because it seems to favor men over 60 that smoke & drink & my wife contacts 100's of individuals daily in her line of work, but hey, we all gotta go sometime, right?
Anyway, I wish you all good luck & try to stay safe
Peace out :)

we’re good in Florida as the “Omnicold” scares the sheep!
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