Pandemic 2020

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I do worry about the sheep here in Florida. The trumpf supporters bought out all the dewormer at the Co-Op, so the poor sheep are at risk.

you know the heartworm med Heartguard you buy for your dog?- it's Ivermectin..just do the math for your weight and they come in a pleasing liver/beef flavor. it's everywhere all the dog stores or go to your vet..hell you can order it from
Last I heard cases were increasing nearly 1000% there and DeSantis was down with covid for a couple of weeks and is trying to hide the fact. They also have an antivaxxer lunatic for a health officer.

there are only two small spots on map of America where it's black..South Florida- all three counties Palm Beach, Broward (thank god i left) and Miami-Dade. the second place that's black is in Colorado but western slopish area so i'm thinking it's Grand Junction..i think that's Boebert's.
to eat? i don't get that.
If I am being nice

If I am being me,
in Florida we called it 'Awful House':lol: i just use back of my spatula for a presser.
Driving cross-country 31 years ago, we saw a sign with the W dark and kept laughing about it.
Actually went to one 20 years ago. It was truly affle.

And they kept playing what sounds like Christian lite rock (shudder) but with the brand as the focus of worship.
Driving cross-country 31 years ago, we saw a sign with the W dark and kept laughing about it.
Actually went to one 20 years ago. It was truly affle.

And they kept playing what sounds like Christian lite rock (shudder) but with the brand as the focus of worship.

it's really redneck at that brand; they're everywhere in Florida and never went.
Driving cross-country 31 years ago, we saw a sign with the W dark and kept laughing about it.
Actually went to one 20 years ago. It was truly affle.

And they kept playing what sounds like Christian lite rock (shudder) but with the brand as the focus of worship.
The Christianity like the guns, are part of their white tribal identity and one of the reasons they cling to them as Obama said. People don't appear any more religious in these areas, pseudo Christianity is popular though and what kind of gun would Jesus own is an important theological question. Most white southern Baptist churches were racist institutions and have not changed, salvation is attained by faith alone and living a moral and ethical life or attaining a state of grace has nothing to do with it. Convenient for slave owners and crackers, not to mention their descendants, but not Christianity. It takes more than sucking God's ass, ya gotta try to be a better person and not follow false Gods like Trump.
Most will catch omicron, most will survive, so the immune response in those people will be primed for reinfection for 6 months through antibody response and after 6 months via memory cells resulting in a lesser disease in terms of severity, duration and sequelae
Yes, our bodies are more resilient to a Covid infection due to immunization or acquired immunity for most of those infected. There are troubling reports of wide spread blood clotting and of people showing long Covid symptoms even if they were asymptomatic immediately after the infection.

Because SARS COV-2 can cause blood clots and other organ damage throughout the body, it will be a while, I think, before we know much about long term effects and how common they are. I'm wondering if another shoe will drop. If those early, unverified reports are true, we may see a drop in life span for those infected even if they weathered the infection. Big if, but I'm not the only one saying it.

Many long-term COVID-19 effects still unknown

Much is still unknown about how COVID-19 will affect people over time, but research is ongoing. Researchers recommend that doctors closely monitor people who have had COVID-19 to see how their organs are functioning after recovery.

So, it would be great if I could avoid getting infected until a longer term vaccine is available. I just don't think it's possible to avoid infection from Omicron or worse for the next ten years. If/when I get infected, I will be one of the data points regarding long term effects. Our generation will inform the next one on this subject. This is not all that different from the past. We learn as we go. I prefer to not go early.
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