Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Ok I will tell that to my uncle oh no I cant he died 4 days after the toxic jab ,ok I will ask my father if this is an example of argumentum ad verecundiam oh no I cant blood clot on his brain 48hrs after booster . All Experimental genetherapy operating system injection junkies are simply under hypnosis and literally took Bill Gates depopulation soup hook line and sinker coerced lied to by media and Goverments around the world and all planned for you . Goodluck
i think you're a fucking liar now...there have been 28 people who got bloodclots from the vaccine, and 3 of them died...which of those three was your uncle?
Hospitals are loading up with Covid cases to the point where people with other conditions are dying due to staff or shortage of space in hospitals.

It's Covid that's causing the shortages. Doesn't matter what you believe. People are dying.

You guys are a death cult.
Not a single state near overwhelmed capacities.
In France it's the same, explosion of positive pcr tests in late december but no serious impact on health system, no improved death rate.
Gov. has destroyed thousands of beds and thousands of health professionals have been forced to quit because of their vaccination status. Each year for decades, heatlh pro. are on strike for the lack of money and staff. This year is not different from other years and NO, non vaccinated people are not the reason why pandemic is still there.
It's proven that vaccinated people still can spread and get the disease, and it's even more useless against omicron spreading. So useless that Israël is now changing his strategy and is now focusing on fragile people that are dying, a small part of population and certainly not young and healthy people, rather than the overall population. Which we all should have done for a long time now.

You are believing and falling in what looks like a cult way more than me.
Not a single state near overwhelmed capacities.
In France it's the same, explosion of positive pcr tests in late december but no serious impact on health system, no improved death rate.
Gov. has destroyed thousands of beds and thousands of health professionals have been forced to quit because of their vaccination status. Each year for decades, heatlh pro. are on strike for the lack of money and staff. This year is not different from other years and NO, non vaccinated people are not the reason why pandemic is still there.
It's proven that vaccinated people still can spread and get the disease, and it's even more useless against omicron spreading. So useless that Israël is now changing his strategy and is now focusing on fragile people that are dying, a small part of population and certainly not young and healthy people, rather than the overall population. Which we all should have done for a long time now.

You are believing and falling in what looks like a cult way more than me.
Britain is certainly changing its policy regarding public health advice. I think the pressure on the conservative gov will be too great to push forward with their mandate for nhs workers, I’m against forced vaccination on general principles
From professor Emma Thompson, infectious disease specialist:

With fellow scientists at the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR), I worked on a study that suggests such a vast shift in the structure of the spike is very likely to affect the protection we get from vaccines. We (and others) found that two doses of the AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were significantly less effective against Omicron than other variants. This might in part explain why it is more transmissible than some other variants, given all our licensed vaccines to date are based on raising immunity to the spike protein of the earliest variant of the virus that emerged in Wuhan in December 2019.”
The hyper-transmissible SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant exhibits significant antigenic change, vaccine escape and a switch in cell entry mechanism


Vaccination-based exposure to spike protein derived from early SARS-CoV-2 sequences is the key public health strategy against COVID-19. Successive waves of SARS-CoV-2 infections have been characterised by the evolution of highly mutated variants that are more transmissible and that partially evade the adaptive immune response. Omicron is the fifth of these “Variants of Concern” (VOC) and is characterised by a step change in transmission capability, suggesting significant antigenic and biological change. It is characterised by 45 amino acid substitutions, including 30 changes in the spike protein relative to one of the earliest sequences, Wuhan-Hu-1, of which 15 occur in the receptor- binding domain, an area strongly associated with humoral immune evasion. In this study, we demonstrate both markedly decreased neutralisation in serology assays and real-world vaccine effectiveness in recipients of two doses of vaccine, with efficacy partially recovered by a third mRNA booster dose. We also show that immunity from natural infection (without vaccination) is more protective than two doses of vaccine but inferior to three doses. Finally, we demonstrate fundamental changes in the Omicron entry process in vitro, towards TMPRSS2-independent fusion, representing a major shift in the replication properties of SARS-CoV-2. Overall, these findings underlie rapid global transmission and may alter the clinical severity of disease associated with the Omicron variant.
First hopsitals are definitely not close to be completely overwhelmed, in France they're in the exact same occupation as every year in the same period for decades. and second prove your assumption please, how can you assume such a thing since vaccine don't prevent infection and transmission ?
Just watch what kind of people get to the hospital and die, almost all of them are old with bad health, part of population threatened by severe forms and death is a crushing minority.
The "2000%" yes if you are +75 years od with health issues, so a small minority of population, not everyone has 2000% chances more to have serious issues without being vaccinated...
And last thing, health professionals are on strike every year against lack of money and staff, french government removed THOUSANDS of bed since the beginning of the pandemic, and it it would be the fault of non vaccinated people if hospital may be overwhelmed ?Non vaccinated people are justscapegoats that prevents all the attention to be on the miserable governement actions during the pandemic.

Idon't have a crystal ball but i know what already happened in the past, and tends to bealmost every time. Delta was harmless than original, omicron is harmless than delta. Considering this and what we know from science and past experience, yes, without having a crystal ball to read future, we can assume it should definitely move to something even less and less harmful.

Not a thing i said is crazy, you can make me sound like a fool to avoid realizing you're the believer. SCIENCE says definitely not every one is threatened by covid, SCIENCE definitely says not every one should be vaccinated to stop the spreading.
The first bullshit sentence from you was enough to know you are either clueless or full of shit.

Hospitals workers are burnt out dealing with the idiots who refuse to get vaccinated because they got sucked into a propaganda bubble and think that they are not in need of getting the extremely safe and effective vaccine. They are running on skeleton crews and in need of every advantage they can get to get us all through this mess idiots spouting the same stupid shit you are pushing.

Skimmed the rest of your nonsense post as I wrote this, and there is no reason to respond to every stupid as shit thought you puked out, because it is the same shit different sock puppet troll.
Remember that time that the government destroyed all those thousands of hospital beds back at the start of the pandemic? The fire could be seen for miles. Deep state officials were dancing around the fire like savages and laughing about all the future suffering they were going to cause and how they could blame it all on one party.
Oh wait, I’d don’t remember that happening either. Oh well, I’ll post it on Parler and Telegram anyway and it will get picked up by the Daily Caller and OAN.
In North America hospitals are becoming overwhelmed and understaffed (temporarily). It appears to hospitalize fewer people than the other variants, but it is so contagious that the sheer number of cases, over the short term, is an issue for the healthcare system. Healthcare systems have been severely strained these past 2 years. So far hospitalizations are low, when compared to the sheer number of cases, however, this is mostly due to the immunity conferred by vaccination and boosting, real world data proves this. There are many more breakthrough infections, but having the immune system primed with vaccines and previous infection usually leads to milder cases of omicron. Virgins and the unvaxxed will be just as much at risk as with previous strains IMHO.
In North America hospitals are becoming overwhelmed and understaffed (temporarily). It appears to hospitalize fewer people than the other variants, but it is so contagious that the sheer number of cases, over the short term, is an issue for the healthcare system. Healthcare systems have been severely strained these past 2 years. So far hospitalizations are low, when compared to the sheer number of cases, however, this is mostly due to the immunity conferred by vaccination and boosting, real world data proves this. There are many more breakthrough infections, but having the immune system primed with vaccines and previous infection usually leads to milder cases of omicron. Virgins and the unvaxxed will be just as much at risk as with previous strains IMHO.
In France, late december, we had the biggest testing since the beginning of the pandemic, the days when we started having lot of cases. Hospitalizations increased a bit also, but not following contamination rate, and being pretty much the same than previous years.
We never had more than 50% capacity used in hosptial during this time.
You're still missing the fact that not everyone is affected the same way and not every non vaccinated people will get the same reactions against covid infection.
COVID-19 Here to Stay, White House Needs to Pivot, Says Former Biden Adviser

The highly contagious Omicron variant has pushed U.S. hospitalizations toward a record high. In anticipation of the appearance of more new variants, a group of doctors is calling for the Biden administration to adopt a “new normal” approach. Among these experts is a former member of President Biden’s transition COVID-19 advisory board, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, and he speaks with Walter Isaacson about the need to stop trying to eradicate the disease and to start learning to live with it.

Originally aired on January 10, 2022.
In France, late december, we had the biggest testing since the beginning of the pandemic, the days when we started having lot of cases. Hospitalizations increased a bit also, but not following contamination rate, and being pretty much the same than previous years.
We never had more than 50% capacity used in hosptial during this time.
You're still missing the fact that not everyone is affected the same way and not every non vaccinated people will get the same reactions against covid infection.
We hope hospitalization rates will be low with omicron 90% have been vaxxed in Canada and hospitalizations are low when compared to cases, but we never had the rates of previous infection like France and the USA and they have lower vaccination rates. Most of the people in the hospital are unvaxxed and almost all in the ICU and some are young. The idea here is to slow this down until everybody who wants to get vaxxed and boosted can and to save the hospitals that are temporarily down with staff shortages and lot's of covid patients. This wave will burn through by early spring or sooner, most of the unvaxxed will be dead or naturally immune, then they will just need to deal with breakthrough cases in the elderly and those with comorbidities. After that you will see government policy change significantly on covid. See the video above, this guy knows his stuff, has the government's ear and outlines the mistakes made and the improvements coming.
No i don't, you didn't respond to any points i made, just being offensive for nothing. As you said yes, you seemingly care more about being a jerk than facts and different points of views, vaccine or not it's absolutely childish and says a lot about you.
you're fucking hilarious...you come in here spouting ridiculous discredited shit and act like you're fucking John the revelator...you ain't tellin anyone here a damn thing, we're all just looking at you like a yapping dog, hoping you shut up soon.
you bring talking points from disreputable websites, you misrepresent data in the links you do provide, and expect people to be polite to you? you're just another troll, and not even a good one
Yes nice, nothing relevant to say so, i made some points proved them with facts datas etc but i'm still fulll of shit of course. Instead of you, that didn't said anything to prove any points, just barking nonsense without anything, yes you're right you're surely the wisest andthe most relevant.

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I won't show anything to prov that vaccine is efficient for a part of the population, we can see it with the amout of non vaccinated people in reanimation, but it doesn't invalidate what i'm saying. It should be an individual choice based on your age and health.

Not everyone needs the vaccine, because not everyone is threatened by severe forms, hospitalization and death, that's a proven fact and if you still say i'm saying shit so you're saying science is saying shit, which makes you a believer exactly like the crazy antivax believing anything.

For hospitalizations, there is not a single state that is close to be overwhelmed.

In France, late december hospitalized people for covid were even less than 30% of hospitalized people in icu, and still there was half of vaccinated people. And still.. like in US a vast majority of them are old people with comorbidities.

In Israël they're changing of strategy, since official health advisors admit vaccine are almost useless to even slow the omicron spreading.

Last, even PFIZER admitted the actual vaccine was not efficient against omicron spreading (even less than against delta, which is already just 40% efficiency lmao...), and were working on a new one that should be ready around march.

So no, vaccinated people are not overwhelming health system. A lot of states in the US even less 30% of capacity, in France even less 50% of total capacity.
Not everyone is threatened seriously by covid, and you should decide to get the vaccine according to your age and health status, like any medecine you only take it if you need it.
And finally, vaccine is not an useful tool to slow the spreading, and will become even more useless as omicron keep spreading.

All of this is fact, you can keep talking like shit it won't change all these facts.
Yup just more spam pretending to not be Death cult noise from you. Doing shit like shifting from 'deaths' (while ignoring sicknesses) to 'spread' (instead of being hospitalzed with Covid illness) and any other statistically garbage talking point that you can confuse people with.

Hospitals are getting hammered and you are pretending like they are not. I will listen to the people who actually work in the medical fields that have worked for years to get the education that they need to be able to dedicate their lives to keep our society healthy and not just some random account pushing the same shit that the Death Cult trolls have been from the start.
you're fucking hilarious...you come in here spouting ridiculous discredited shit and act like you're fucking John the revelator...you ain't tellin anyone here a damn thing, we're all just looking at you like a yapping dog, hoping you shut up soon.
you bring talking points from disreputable websites, you misrepresent data in the links you do provide, and expect people to be polite to you? you're just another troll, and not even a good one
ok yes of course still not a single thing to support your point of view, and not a single thing to invalid what i said and proved.
Vaccines are not efficient to stop spreading, which implies vaccinated people keep spreading just as much as non vaccinated. even less with omicron, pfizer and Israël gov. admit it but they too also are surely yapping dogs talking shit.
Hospitals are not overwhelmed, and since covid doesnt threat seriously a lot of people these people should not be forced to vaccination. All FACTS, but keeping denying that and insulting me it fits you really well.
You're still missing the fact that not everyone is affected the same way and not every non vaccinated people will get the same reactions against covid infection.
In Canada the vaccine resistant are in the 18 to 34 age range for the most part, we had relatively low infection rates in the previous waves because of public health policy. Omicron causes a lot of breakthrough infection among vulnerable people and some younger unvaxxed, however if people are over 40, it becomes an increasingly greater risk of a rough ride.

You are overlooking the fact that vaccinated people have milder cases of shorter duration and are less likely to infect others or end up in the hospital and this applies to all age groups and conditions. Also you are overlooking the fact that many people who don't end up in the hospital with covid are permanently injured, or have long covid and many of those hospitalized with it covid are maimed. Covid attacks many organs in the body the pancreas, the kidneys, the lungs, blood vessels and the brain. A large percentage of covid survivors have cognitive issues and diminished IQs. There are other bad things that can happen with covid than dying yourself, a loved one could die, or you can be injured and not be able to work, even lose your home.