
The ultra-rich and Corporations thrived under that man, the stock marketwas completely a bull market from the time Obama bailed the Auto ind. and big banks out after the 08 collapse,Cheeto just grabbed his surfboard and rode the wave Obama created

How many politicians on both sides of the isle fall under thus ultra-rich category? Blows my mind you think because of what party they claim, they give a shit about any of us :lol:
Well in Russia they have the DICK MEASURER IN CHIEF,that's why, but my point is the Russians have a knack for surprising, it goes back to ww2 when the arrogant German's were quoted as saying "how can these subserviant,inferior Slavs make a better tank than us (talking about the famed t-34), Korea, MIG 15 shows up oiu of nowhere and creates all kinds of havoc,Viet Nam, Russian SAMS and MIGS take a pretty big toll on USAF, so I'm just saying not to underestimate them.
I agree that we should pay attention to what they say and "do our own research" AKA spy on them to get intelligence about their weaponry.

Silence from the US doesn't mean anything one way or the other. A person who doesn't feel the need to brag might know something about their opponent. Or maybe the US military is filled with incompetents and idiots like the braggart says.
How many politicians on both sides of the isle fall under thus ultra-rich category? Blows my mind you think because of what party they claim, they give a shit about any of us :lol:
How many Democrats were charged with crimes while in office over the past four years? How many Republicans?

Show me a criminal that follows the law

Why do you support a party and a leader that do not follow rule of law?
US manufacturing went into recession in the spring of 2019, well before the pandemic hit. It was due to his scatterbrained policies that restricted the flow of imported goods into the country, trade wars and patrimony that favored farmers over industry. So, we were already hurting economically BEFORE the pandemic.

Obama's adroit management of the economy to get this country through the Great Recession was a benefit to Trump. He didn't screw up Obama's economy and the rate of decline in unemployment was about the same as Obama's until the epidemic hit our weak economy.

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You should go back and check your sources for accuracy. What you said is not true.

You mean putting America first right? Didn't hear any mention about energy independence either, you know that pesky little thing that makes everything happen?
How many Democrats were charged with crimes while in office over the past four years? How many Republicans?

Why do you support a party and a leader that do not follow rule of law?

Are you really this big of a party worshipper? 161 Democrats have been convicted between 2010-2019 bongsmilie I remember a serial predator from NY that recently resigned. How many left leaning media outlets have lost prominent anchors due to serial harassment. To think your party does no evil says alot.
Rode the wave by achieving a GDP Obama said was impossible? Something about a magic wand if I remember correctly? How's life right now? Seen the price of anything lately :lol:
Yeah , an example of Capitalism w/no morals, ALL THAT STIM MONEY, I knew prices would shoot up, I'm only amazed that prices stood pretty stable during yr. 1 of the Pandemic.
I agree that we should pay attention to what they say and "do our own research" AKA spy on them to get intelligence about their weaponry.

Silence from the US doesn't mean anything one way or the other. A person who doesn't feel the need to brag might know something about their opponent. Or maybe the US military is filled with incompetents and idiots like the braggart says.
well the famed Eisenhauer quote about the rise of a MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX still holds true to this day, a lot of cronyism and wasteful spending with pork for Senators interests is still rampant. Look at the F-35 program, should have been deployed 2006 I believe, cost overruns,re-design etc. Was supposed to be a wonderkind, replacing 4-5 diff aircraft, all eggs in one basket,too big to fail,just hope it does'nt turn into a lemon after all this and have seen many neg. articles regarding F-35, my fingers are crossed on this jet, and Air Force now dev. a new F-15X and giving A-10 a upgrade are not good signs of the Air Forces confidence.
You mean putting America first right? Didn't hear any mention about energy independence either, you know that pesky little thing that makes everything happen?
You do recall that Trump promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to the US with that "put America first" slogan as his rallying cry? Before the pandemic, he had already put the manufacturing sector in recession. WE LOST MANUFACTURING JOBS under Trump. The service sector,

(wait for it)

especially the hospitality sector (Trump Hotels anyone?) grew. That sector's jobs pay so little they barely make ends meet and those new workers were easily cut when Trump's epidemic hit the country.

I don't know what you are talking about regarding "energy independence that...makes everything happen". Explain.
Why do you support a party and a leader that do not follow rule of law?

This is golden :clap: Wasn't it Nancy Pelosi that got caught in a salon without a mask? Didn't Newsom get busted having a private gathering without masks, the same week he mandated masks at private parties? Didn't we just see AOC partying it up in Florida with no mask? Give me a break.
Yeah , an example of Capitalism w/no morals, ALL THAT STIM MONEY, I knew prices would shoot up, I'm only amazed that prices stood pretty stable during yr. 1 of the Pandemic.

well the famed Eisenhauer quote about the rise of a MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX still holds true to this day, a lot of cronyism and wasteful spending with pork for Senators interests is still rampant. Look at the F-35 program, should have been deployed 2006 I believe, cost overruns,re-design etc. Was supposed to be a wonderkind, replacing 4-5 diff aircraft, all eggs in one basket,too big to fail,just hope it does'nt turn into a lemon after all this and have seen many neg. articles regarding F-35, my fingers are crossed on this jet, and Air Force now dev. a new F-15X and giving A-10 a upgrade are not good signs of the Air Forces confidence.
maybe you are right. Maybe the military is rotten to the core and full of stupid people.

I'm not so sure about that but no doubt there is a lot of corruption that needs to be cleaned up.

But that wasn't my point. I'm just noting that the US is just standing there silently while Russia is jumping about like an excited dog and bragging about how powerful they are. My analogy indicates what I think is going on.
This is golden :clap: Wasn't it Nancy Pelosi that got caught in a salon without a mask? Didn't Newsom get busted having a private gathering without masks, the same week he mandated masks at private parties? Didn't we just see AOC partying it up in Florida with no mask? Give me a break.
lulz What you did right there is called "appeal to emotion"*. I dispassionately respond.

It is objectively true to say that Republicans and their leader do not follow the law. Otherwise they wouldn't have conspired to overthrow the fair and honest election after they lost.

*edit: also see "whataboutism"
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Are you really this big of a party worshipper? 161 Democrats have been convicted between 2010-2019 bongsmilie I remember a serial predator from NY that recently resigned. How many left leaning media outlets have lost prominent anchors due to serial harassment. To think your party does no evil says alot.
Obama's economy:


Trump ruined eight years of jobs growth in less than three years of his own administration.

Roger that Roger,I don't want to sound like the 2nd coming of Neville Chamberlain, bullys need to be confronted, but the way the stars are aligned right now,(pandemic,inflation,total political clusterfk,this is not a time to start shooting in Europe, Biden is playing it pretty right,he's giving the Ukranians weaponry to hinder the Russians, and also beefing up the surrounding NATO countries with additional forces, if those countries are FKD with Artical 5 means we are committed to action vs Russia. NO fighting in Ukraine on our part let Vlad pay a price and see how much internal dissent unfolds once the casualties mount all while beefing up the surrounding area. Don't underestimate Russias weaponry as you previously mentioned however, The Russian S-400 Air defence system is said to be the most lethal in the world at this time, supposedly superior to any Western system according to many military experts. The days of people being in awe of our tech(eg the laser guided weapons that shocked the world in the gulf wars are now possessed by everybody (China,Russia, even the Turks and Iranians have capable strike drones eg the Saudi Refinery attack shocked the West. So while I believe we still have the upperhand in tech it has shrunk considerably the last 15yrs.
and i don't want to sound like a rabid dog slavering to attack, i just don't see putin stepping back from this without a bloody nose or a fat lip...hope im wrong and someone can talk sense into him, instead of beating it into him
We thrived under that man. The same man who kept Russia's pipeline from being completed.....Joe Bidens kid makes millions in Ukraine, them Joe let's the pipeline roll....and still you continue to harp on Trump. The hypocrisy from the left is unfathomable.
wow, you are an ignorant ass...even if what you said was true, and it is not, that still wouldn't excuse a single one of trump's crimes...and he led us into a recession, just like every other republican president ever...but leave it to the hypocritical democrats to dig us out, improve the economy, improve people's lives, and not try to take over the country in a completely incompetently led coup...damn them hypocritical lefties....
How many politicians on both sides of the isle fall under thus ultra-rich category? Blows my mind you think because of what party they claim, they give a shit about any of us :lol:
don't try the both sides troll, it won't go over any better than the rest of your bullshit...the side that didn't try to take over the country illegally has at least a slight edge...the side that hasn't spent the last year attempting to illegally gerrymander themselves into power may have a slight moral advantage...the side that is attempting to rebuild the countries infrastructure, and provide a much needed social welfare net, just might have a slight moral advantage over the side that's trying to steal the rights of everyone who isn't a wealthy white heterosexual conservative male....
Did Biden say he wouldn't put troops on alert?


he never said he would either. what's the definition of 'on alert for possible evacuation' mean? how does that change a troop's daily activity?- it doesn't.

Citation: CNN needs more clicks is all to satisfy their advertisers..enter hyperbole on the least little thing..CNN is almost Raw Story status..it scares people and they should stop doing that.
he never said he would either. what's the definition of 'on alert for possible evacuation' mean? how does that change a troop's daily activity?- it doesn't.

Citation: CNN needs more clicks is all to satisfy their advertisers..enter hyperbole on the least little thing..CNN is almost Raw Story status..it scares people and they should stop doing that.
That first sentence needs work. Did you say that Biden didn't promise anything about putting troops on alert therefore he should be bound to do it or not do it?

Putin is playing a weak hand. The one doing the threatening almost always is.
That first sentence needs work. Did you say that Biden didn't promise anything about putting troops on alert therefore he should be bound to do it or not do it?

Putin is playing a weak hand. The one doing the threatening almost always is.

that's why i'm not worried- i feel for some of the older people here with blue collar jobs that get scared by the hyperbolic headlines..because now that Trump fever has broken with some it's back to business as usual with understanding Russia is not our friend.

being 'on alert' means absolutely nothing except have a bag packed. CNN didn't need to use the 'for possible invasion' that pure is conjecture.