What are you watching?

I started watching Seinfeld. It came out a few years before I was born, but I'm 5 seasons in, and I feel like it's timeless. Hated it the first time I tried watching it. Now it's the only thing I've been watching for a few months besides SG1.

Was at hobby lobby for Mason jars recently. They had a Seinfeld calendar, so stupid, had to get it lol.
Also, I got 2 dozen quart jars for 20$, wanted to share that sweet deal lol.
I'm watching that too. Had to go back and watch last episode of Season 3 to orient.
I did the same thing, and watched the first episode of season 4 a few days ago...Hoping to pace myself and make them last.

Just finishing up season 3 of Sex Education ...Pretty funny

Din Djarin from the Mandalorian is in most of the new episode of the book of Boba Fett. Best episode so far

That really was quite a great episode. I really like how noble both Din Djarin and Boba Fett are in their own ways. The armorer scene really explained a lot of backstory too.

Just finished Dexter New Blood. The writer's wanted to revamp the series to give the fans the ending we deserved the first time around. They utterly failed. Simply awful ending. I can't believe they did it to us again! Motherfuckers...

I didn’t finish the last couple of seasons of Dexter, it lost me. My wife hung in and was really pissed at how it ended. She hasn’t had much interest in starting New Blood.
That really was quite a great episode. I really like how noble both Din Djarin and Boba Fett are in their own ways. The armorer scene really explained a lot of backstory too.

I didn’t finish the last couple of seasons of Dexter, it lost me. My wife hung in and was really pissed at how it ended. She hasn’t had much interest in starting New Blood.
I just finished. Was fucking killer!!

cant wait for new season of the Mando
I couldn't really find a decent trailer of this short documentary film entitled "Gray Matter" [2002]. A composite of various reviews below:

"In this gripping, disturbing and important work, filmmaker Joe Berlinger (Metallica: Some Kind of Monster and Brother’s Keeper) journeys to Austria in 2002 with a group of journalists to witness the burial of the brains of some 700 children “euthanized” by the Nazis under the partial supervision of Dr. Heinrich Gross, “the Austrian Dr. Mengle.” The victims had been murdered in a "euthanasia" clinic as part of a Nazi eugenics program that many consider the opening act of the Holocaust.

Berlinger discovers that Dr. Gross is still alive. More shocking still is the fact that Gross continued his research on the preserved brains after the war and has received many awards from the Austrian government for this work. The film, which is structured around Berlinger’s attempts to interview Gross, raises difficult questions about the extent to which the mentality that allowed these crimes to take place persists in present-day Austria. Along the way, Berlinger meets clinic survivors and other remarkable voices who shed new light upon this shadowy legacy and the notion that now grapples with his own denial.

[Euthanasia is too kind a word for what these children suffered. They were either starved or "experimented" on to death. This is a sad, viscerally gut wrenching documentary of yet another example of nazi brutality in the name of "science". Be warned.] BB

Gray Matter 2.jpg Gray Matter 1.jpg

Gray Matter 4.jpg Gray Matter 3.jpg

Found this earlier today.

I will be watching more of this series.

Adult Wednesday Addams is a web series written by and starring Melissa Hunter. It follows a twenty-something Wednesday Addams after she moves to Los Angeles. Every episode revolves around Wednesday experiencing some facet of 21st-century LA life and responding to it in her signature style.

Adult Wednesday Addams is a 5 minute comedy-horror starring and Melissa Hunter as Wednesday Addams. The series premiered on Wed Sep 25, 2013 on YouTube and True Love (S02E07) last aired on Wed Mar 11, 2015.