Convoy? ..Convoy!

You know what? I'm vaxed, mask up when in public, and have been a good citizen in trying to protect others.

Here's my situation now.

My neighbour tested positive last week, his children go to the same daycare as my daughter. He was asymptomatic, his wife just tested positive yesterday and is symptomatic. He is cleared to go back to work by public health tomorrow, even though his wife is sick with covid. I was told by my boss that I was to show up as per normal until I have symptoms.

How does a mandate for 14 day quarantine upon entry for truck drivers make sense when my neighbour is going back to work 6 days after testing positive and with a family member in the same household who is still a symptomatic positive? I know the trucker thing is just a bunch of retards, but let's not kid ourselves, the pandemic is changing along with the rules surrounding it. Omicron is diet covid, nobody cares anymore.
I think the current mandates have nothing to do with stopping it, they/we know it can’t be stopped right now but we can limit the influx of people needing hospital care and that is done by getting vaxxed, that’s been proven. The bottom line is, IMO, get vaxxed or don’t drive international. If I want to see my kid I get vaxxed or I spend 14 days in quarantine .... easy choice really. Notice I said choice. What’s going on with you is just crazy, the household that has positive people should all stay home for 5 days at least but WTF do I know :(.
I think the current mandates have nothing to do with stopping it, they/we know it can’t be stopped right now but we can limit the influx of people needing hospital care and that is done by getting vaxxed, that’s been proven. The bottom line is, IMO, get vaxxed or don’t drive international. If I want to see my kid I get vaxxed or I spend 14 days in quarantine .... easy choice really. Notice I said choice. What’s going on with you is just crazy, the household that has positive people should all stay home for 5 days at least but WTF do I know :(.
At around 22 days from first community spread to peak everywhere, regardless of the vaxx rate or NPIs, says it all. Of course policy should change and it will, but it's the same everywhere, as governments react to the novel situation with the usual caution. I dunno if we can even slow it down enough to save the hospitals from being screwed by volume and this omicron wave appears to be cresting. It is killing and hospitalizing a fraction of the people vaxxed or unvaxxed than delta and vaccination protects most folks from bad serious illness and death. Next we will deal with O2, but it appears to be no more virulent than O1, but more contagious and O1 helps with immunity against it as well as delta.

We are learning to live with it, but it takes time to adapt policy, but we are seeing plenty of evidence that covid policy is changing in many places at once. It will be interesting to see what will happen in New Zealand, a land of highly vaxxed virgins who are about to get slammed, ditto for China and they have shitty vaccines!
You seem to really be in the know with the black out and all. Do you mind if I ask a few questions to clarify? It is my understanding that truck drivers have a choice not to run cross border, then no vax required, is that correct? If there is a media blackout how was it that every Canadian network was in Ottawa interviewing the participants and aired 24 hours a day it seems? Also how did you hear about Trudeau being moved to a different location given the media blackout? How did you come to the conclusion I decide based on party affiliations and what are those affiliations? Last one if your up to it, was it a trucker, antifa, or a false flag event when the grave of the unknown soldier was pissed on?
It's amazing how many top secret conspiracies are documented in you-tube vids.
At around 22 days from first community spread to peak everywhere, regardless of the vaxx rate or NPIs, says it all. Of course policy should change and it will, but it's the same everywhere, as governments react to the novel situation with the usual caution. I dunno if we can even slow it down enough to save the hospitals from being screwed by volume and this omicron wave appears to be cresting. It is killing and hospitalizing a fraction of the people vaxxed or unvaxxed than delta and vaccination protects most folks from bad serious illness and death. Next we will deal with O2, but it appears to be no more virulent than O1, but more contagious and O1 helps with immunity against it as well as delta.

We are learning to live with it, but it takes time to adapt policy, but we are seeing plenty of evidence that covid policy is changing in many places at once. It will be interesting to see what will happen in New Zealand, a land of highly vaxxed virgins who are about to get slammed, ditto for China and they have shitty vaccines!

Gibraltar, Denmark, Sweden, Israel, etc... already have the data of highly vaxed populations. Omicron is ripping through them unimpeded and the vast majority of serious illness is in people with chronic, underlying health conditions. Denmark and the UK have called the end of the pandemic.

I'm not sure why that info will be different in New Zealand.
It's amazing how many top secret conspiracies are documented in you-tube vids.
Yes I’m sure there are lots. I unfortunately don’t watch any except the funny pet ones my girlfriend forces me watch :(. Same with Twitter (banned the day I opened an account not sure why as I didn’t post any tweets lol), Facebook (been on my account once, the day I created it, was flooded with “want to be my friend” alerts and never went back, I have a friend)
It’s pretty obvious that there is a whole shit pile of stupid who do though :(.
Used to do a couple hits of acid and watch Fraggle, it’s pretty real when you do that!
I can still sing that damn theme song word for word. I was watching that on HBO before I discovered pot, it might be a revelation on hallucinogens. That might also be very frightening.

I made sure to check out NewsMax to get the real scoop on this convoy today. Apparently the convoy is now up to almost 8 million vehicles but the libtard fake news media won’t report on it because democrats and Soros are very, very bad and totally corrupt. The baddest and most corrupt the world has ever seen. Totally bad and corrupt, it’s just terrible what the fake news media is doing up there in Canada. We were going to build s big beautiful border wall along Canada too, but the corrupt democrats, led by the totally dishonest Nancy Pelosi messed that all up.

"Our prime minister has literally abandoned the city run away as far as I can tell siding security concerns because I think he believes his own propaganda about the nature of the people who are sitting in Ottowa and then lying about it justifying it as a consequence of being exposed to covid despite the fact he's double vaccinated and tested negative"

Still no videos or pictures of Nazi hate symbols you guys spoke about.. or is it becoming clear that you've been duped once again by people who say they care about you but consider you no more than useful idiots

"Our prime minister has literally abandoned the city run away as far as I can tell siding security concerns because I think he believes his own propaganda about the nature of the people who are sitting in Ottowa and then lying about it justifying it as a consequence of being exposed to covid despite the fact he's double vaccinated and tested negative"

Still no videos or pictures of Nazi hate symbols you guys spoke about.. or is it becoming clear that you've been duped once again by people who say they care about you but consider you no more than useful idiots
Maybe they could have toned down with the threats, made way for ambulances and did something of importance rather than complain about a normal policy that just makes sense.

Maybe then the protest would have been merely stupid.
I can still sing that damn theme song word for word. I was watching that on HBO before I discovered pot, it might be a revelation on hallucinogens. That might also be very frightening.

I made sure to check out NewsMax to get the real scoop on this convoy today. Apparently the convoy is now up to almost 8 million vehicles but the libtard fake news media won’t report on it because democrats and Soros are very, very bad and totally corrupt. The baddest and most corrupt the world has ever seen. Totally bad and corrupt, it’s just terrible what the fake news media is doing up there in Canada. We were going to build s big beautiful border wall along Canada too, but the corrupt democrats, led by the totally dishonest Nancy Pelosi messed that all up.
Amazing they can afford it with fuel prices up over $20 per liter.