'Name One Thing The Republicans Are For?'


Well-Known Member
Yup. Welcome to my world.

On an unrelated note... the wife made a rare trip to Walmer this weekend. She noticed a large section In the dairy fridges that had literally been stripped clean of every available product. Having never seen a section stripped so bare and thinking it might be some new hoarding situation, she investigated.

It was just the shredded cheese section. It's NFL playoff time in Ohio.
The Bengals are going to the supper bowl. You may have to go to Indiana to get shredded cheese now.


Well-Known Member
i'm sure all his neighbors with kids love it, who doesn't want a neighbor with a large banner full of profanity in their front yard?
i'd feel really safe putting a few rounds through that banner from my warm escape ve-hicle.

maybe we should get bumper stickers that says same about Mob Boss President.

i fucking hate him.

lately, i've been asking my drivers if they like getting their Social Security checks.

last Trump rally the cult was asking when they could start using guns.
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Well-Known Member
Dude really? Is this really what this country has come to? Shooting up someone’s house that you don’t even know over a difference in political beliefs/views? You probably need a warm getaway ve-hicle cuz you sound like one cold individual.


Well-Known Member
It's not even a request but a demand. Republicans must stop supporting the faction in their party that is trying to overthrow our democracy. The rest of the crap you posted is just pearl clutching. Take your complaints to the men injured while protecting the Capitol Building from insurrectionist scum. But I don't think you will be given a hearing any better than I would.


Well-Known Member
Yup. Welcome to my world.

On an unrelated note... the wife made a rare trip to Walmer this weekend. She noticed a large section In the dairy fridges that had literally been stripped clean of every available product. Having never seen a section stripped so bare and thinking it might be some new hoarding situation, she investigated.

It was just the shredded cheese section. It's NFL playoff time in Ohio.
I live in a Trump area too, these people still actually have Trump signs in their yards. I have not seen anything vulgar like that F Biden flag on any of my neighbors house yet though


Well-Known Member
Love the satellite dish hookup. Must only get Newsmax with that setup.

how are you and the new truck getting along?
The truck is ok, I mean I do like it for the most part. I do not like that it has an automatic transmission, other than that it is a nice truck. I don't think I've mentioned that it has a push button automatic fifth wheel release inside the cab, just push the button and the jaw on the fifth wheel opens. I still have to get out of the cab to unhook airlines and electrical line, but the automatic release is still pretty cool

The tri pac APU on the truck is amazing. I turn it on every night at the yard when I lam done working for the day and I have not had to scrape ice/snow off my windshield yet this winter. It's so nice to get into a nice toasty warm truck every morning


Well-Known Member
It's not even a request but a demand. Republicans must stop supporting the faction in their party that is trying to overthrow our democracy. The rest of the crap you posted is just pearl clutching. Take your complaints to the men injured while protecting the Capitol Building from insurrectionist scum. But I don't think you will be given a hearing any better than I would.
. Lmao you sure get twisted off pretty easy there don’t you. Pretty neat how your quoting a fake post that looks like I posted it lol. The rest of the “crap” I posted is not lol “pearl clutching” it’s more like disbelief that people are actually having thoughts of doing a driveby shooting on someone’s house over some stupid political signage. I can’t believe how divided people can get over politics and FYI I don’t support that shit at all! I think it shows no class at all. Yea some here are saying that’s awful to have a sign with profanity on it and I agree but I feel the message is way worse than the profanity the president deserves more respect than that no matter who he is. But shoot the persons house up because you disagree is a chicken shit thing to do. Dropping a set and knocking on the door to tell the fucker how stupid he is would be a lot more cool, but one would have to not be such a pussy to do that. Overthrow your democracy lol that’s what provides the retard in that house the freedom to hang that shit all around. Some of y’all are getting way to caught up in all the Democrat vs republican shit, it goes far beyond that. There is a elite group of people that run the world and they have got people like you right where they want you divided and spewing that hate
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
. Lmao you sure get twisted off pretty easy there don’t you. Pretty neat how your quoting a fake post that looks like I posted it lol. The rest of the “crap” I posted is not lol “pearl clutching” it’s more like disbelief that people are actually having thoughts of doing a driveby shooting on someone’s house over some stupid political signage. I can’t believe how divided people can get over politics and FYI I don’t support that shit at all! I think it shows no class at all. Yea some here are saying that’s awful to have a sign with profanity on it and I agree but I feel the message is way worse than the profanity the president deserves more respect than that no matter who he is. But shoot the persons house up because you disagree is a chicken shit thing to do. Dropping a set and knocking on the door to tell the fucker how stupid he is would be a lot more cool, but one would have to not be such a pussy to do that. Overthrow your democracy lol that’s what provides the retard in that house the freedom to hang that shit all around. Some of y’all are getting way to caught up in all the Democrat vs republican shit, it goes far beyond that. There is a elite group of people that run the world and they have got people like you right where they want you divided and spewing that hate
ahh, you're an illuminatti-ist....there is no fucking illuminati...there are rich people who run the world, but they don't get together every tuesday night for secret meetings, they don't have to. they talk to each other, and clue each other in on what they're about to do, which is illegal, but whose gonna stop them? they control every major industry on the planet between them...maybe 500 people world wide, with about 100 of them being the true big boys who could fuck up the world with a few phone calls....they don't need ceremonial trappings and secret rites...they just do business the way they always have, ignoring laws and whats good or bad for the world, their only concerns are for the continuation of their personal empires...
and as far as "keeping us divided"...they could give a fuck less if we're divided, or united, or dancing a world encompassing cancan...we work, and they profit, and what we do when we're not working isn't of the faintest interest to them
and as an added bonus...that means all the hate isn't inspired or fostered by anyone except those that feel it and express it...


Well-Known Member
. Lmao you sure get twisted off pretty easy there don’t you. Pretty neat how your quoting a fake post that looks like I posted it lol. The rest of the “crap” I posted is not lol “pearl clutching” it’s more like disbelief that people are actually having thoughts of doing a driveby shooting on someone’s house over some stupid political signage. I can’t believe how divided people can get over politics and FYI I don’t support that shit at all! I think it shows no class at all. Yea some here are saying that’s awful to have a sign with profanity on it and I agree but I feel the message is way worse than the profanity the president deserves more respect than that no matter who he is. But shoot the persons house up because you disagree is a chicken shit thing to do. Dropping a set and knocking on the door to tell the fucker how stupid he is would be a lot more cool, but one would have to not be such a pussy to do that. Overthrow your democracy lol that’s what provides the retard in that house the freedom to hang that shit all around. Some of y’all are getting way to caught up in all the Democrat vs republican shit, it goes far beyond that. There is a elite group of people that run the world and they have got people like you right where they want you divided and spewing that hate

I live near Portland Oregon. Trump, his DHS goons and his Proud Boys used the city to practice for what happened on Jan 6. When we chuck in Kenosha, Charlottesville, the crap pulled in Michigan and Texas, the division you cite is coming from Republicans.

Biden grew up in a very average household and yes, he's elite. He's elite because he earned his way to where he is. BTW, Biden is kicking Putin's ass right now. The NATO alliance has come together and is showing life after surviving Trump and Putin's attacks.


Well-Known Member
. Lmao you sure get twisted off pretty easy there don’t you. Pretty neat how your quoting a fake post that looks like I posted it lol. The rest of the “crap” I posted is not lol “pearl clutching” it’s more like disbelief that people are actually having thoughts of doing a driveby shooting on someone’s house over some stupid political signage. I can’t believe how divided people can get over politics and FYI I don’t support that shit at all! I think it shows no class at all. Yea some here are saying that’s awful to have a sign with profanity on it and I agree but I feel the message is way worse than the profanity the president deserves more respect than that no matter who he is. But shoot the persons house up because you disagree is a chicken shit thing to do. Dropping a set and knocking on the door to tell the fucker how stupid he is would be a lot more cool, but one would have to not be such a pussy to do that. Overthrow your democracy lol that’s what provides the retard in that house the freedom to hang that shit all around. Some of y’all are getting way to caught up in all the Democrat vs republican shit, it goes far beyond that. There is a elite group of people that run the world and they have got people like you right where they want you divided and spewing that hate
How do you know you are not just snow flaking about a troll posting stupid shit to get you to 'both sides' whatever it is you are triggering over?


Well-Known Member
Of course not - butterflies are for girls!

They’re into proper manly shit, like open carry, brandishing, intimidation, and whatever it takes to ‘win’ any ‘conflict’….

Dude really knows the value of a dollar….