. Lmao you sure get twisted off pretty easy there don’t you. Pretty neat how your quoting a fake post that looks like I posted it lol. The rest of the “crap” I posted is not lol “pearl clutching” it’s more like disbelief that people are actually having thoughts of doing a driveby shooting on someone’s house over some stupid political signage. I can’t believe how divided people can get over politics and FYI I don’t support that shit at all! I think it shows no class at all. Yea some here are saying that’s awful to have a sign with profanity on it and I agree but I feel the message is way worse than the profanity the president deserves more respect than that no matter who he is. But shoot the persons house up because you disagree is a chicken shit thing to do. Dropping a set and knocking on the door to tell the fucker how stupid he is would be a lot more cool, but one would have to not be such a pussy to do that. Overthrow your democracy lol that’s what provides the retard in that house the freedom to hang that shit all around. Some of y’all are getting way to caught up in all the Democrat vs republican shit, it goes far beyond that. There is a elite group of people that run the world and they have got people like you right where they want you divided and spewing that hate