January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Same old shit
Claiming the mantle of “patriots “
When they are just a loud minority
Hey, the convoy idiots here are full of Canadian flags, they carry them as they piss on the national war monument and grave of the unknown soldier, shouting "freedumb". The unvaxxed make up less than 10% of the population, with a bunch of frustrated kids who are tired of masks and mandates hanging on. Most of the unvaxxed in Canada are 18 to 30 year old's, who think they are immortal and are along for the ride, or to see the sights. The actual number of unvaxxed right wing nuts, antivaxxers and Nazis making up the nucleus of the disruption is small.
Trump, the great divider, Mitch wants rid of Trump like a bad case of roids and is the reason the republicans lost two seats in Georgia and that he is the minority leader! Keep it up Donald, wait until someone indicts him if ya wanna see nuts! Trying Trump in Georgia this summer or early fall would have the biggest impact on the 2022 election IMHO. Several high state GOP officials will have to testify against him and Donald could do a Georgia two on steroids and keep his base home, just 10% in many places makes all the difference.

Donald wants to refight the 2020 election and keeps bringing up the insurrection, Mitch wants him and 1/6 to go away ASAP. If not for Trump, they could win the house and senate back, so it needs to be war before primary season.
McConnell: Jan. 6 Was 'Violent Insurrection' After A Legitimate Election
if they try trump, and fail, it will be a validation of all the shit the miserable cocksucker has done....it would be better to not try him if there is even the faintest chance of failure. it would be a lot better plan to go after every one of the republicans who had anything to do with 1/6, and anything else they can be tried for, and crush the entire party...then we can begin the nasty job of repairing the damage they continue to do right now

fuck, now i'm kind of depressed...i LOVE Bob's Burgers...it's my background noise when i'm cleaning house or cooking half the time.
i just found out they're making a movie, and i just found out Jimmy Pesto-poplopovich is in trouble for being one of the participants in trump's insurrection...Jay Johnstone, who was also in mr. show and arrested development, is apparently a fucking trumptard...well, he played an asshole on Bob's, guess he wasn't really acting....
After 40-50 years of brainwashing, of being told (among other shit) that THEY are not just the TRUE Americans, but that they’re 65-80% of the voting population - that ‘the rest’ of us are just the fleas on the dog, and ought to have no more say over the course of the nation than the fleas ought to have over the path the dog takes….

This is the smudge that grew into the “take back OUR country” shibboleth the so-called ‘right’ waves with such glee. I. They were fools to believe it, of course, but it wasn’t just them: it was workplace pressure, Fox & Limbaugh instead of music in the office, expectations and political “jokes” from management; it was religious pressure, as preachers stopped teaching about Jesus, turned him into the brand on the box, and started answering the question “what would Jesus do?” with fundamental mischaracterizations of what the red-letter Jesus might actually do - mischaracterizations that have their roots in white folk’s refusal to see anything wrong with what THEY’ve inherited, or the cost extracted from the servant population that’s always been our national dirty secret; it was family pressure from respected elders, brothers, lifetime friendships with others under the same pressures; It was economic pressure from a society in which prices and costs endlessly rise while wages evaporate, in which “anything for a buck” starts to sound almost honorable - even biblical.

Stir in a few pounds of resentment (they’re taking YOUR MONEY!) and as much misinformation as you can lay hands on, add some unexamined sense that there really IS something off around here, then into the pressure cooker for 4/5/6 years in accordan email with the directions provided by paid agents of the overthrow, as filtered through favorite relatives a mentor, and the same news “everybody else“ watches.

When the timer dings, it’s 01/06/21

What it was NOT was principled, the product of a “deeply-held religious conviction”, in line with the teachings of Christianity (or Judaism)…nor was it what Jesus might in fact do his own self.

NOT “legitimate political discourse”…by any imaginable definition…unless you want to adopt the standards of Hitler, Rohm, and the SA …in which case, I take exception: not in my country, and whatever it takes to stop it EVERY BIT as legitimate as the traitors who want to kill the USA and dance around in its skin.

Fortunately, the hoodwinked ‘real American patriots’ who’d rather trust *private* government than the system we have have no such majority. In their total numbers they sound like a lot…but the GOP has slipped badly since the Reagan days - which were themselves a catastrophic fall from the conservatives of the Eisenhower era.

The actual number of die-hard, yellow-dog MAGA devotees both old enough and eligible to vote has been hovering around 30% for a decade, and as more and more of the venal, racist anti-American core of “modern conservatism” is exposed, the smaller that number gets. McConnell’ declaration of war against the insurrectionist wing yesterday ensures that turnout in November will be depressed and deeply divided. After Watergate, the Republican base STAYED HOME. Now, in the wake of Trump’s confession, the mountain of misdeeds, the mountains of evidence and testimony and the hours of video footage that testify to their innumerable broken laws & deliberate destruction, and the utter lack of ANY PROOF FOR ANY OF THEIR BULLSHIT, I’m going out on a limb, to say I think this is the end of the GOP.

As a whole, the nation is still largely caught up in shock and disbelief, literally not knowing what to think or what to believe…but over the next 10 months, it’s going to sink in just how cold-blooded and calculated it all has been, just how thoroughly manipulated, misled and straight-up lied to we have been - how complicit American Christianity has been in our near-destruction. By November, every genuine Christian, every actual conservative, every true patriot will understand that the Republican Party is an existential threat to the nation and its people, and for the sake of our survival, it must be removed from our political life.

I believe this will happen in the most natural and most American way possible: their candidates will not be able to win, because too many will refuse to vote for them and/or will vote against them.

Either way, they’re cooked…or something worse will intervene.

Sure, I could be wrong - and sure, I hope I’m not. I find the emotions I feel regarding the nation and our circumstance to be essentially parental: I want it to stand up straight, look the world in the eye with a smile, not be a bully, not be a thief, not be a menace. I want it to stay out of the dirt, show respect, be fair, be honest, do it’s best.

I want it to grow up to be a force for good in the world, to get along with the other countries; to grow into a nation to be proud of - not afraid of; to show the qualities as a nation that I would respect and admire in a person.

Glenn Kirschner: Between Navarro And Draft Executive Order This Is Like 'Sedition For Dummies'

The National Archives has asked the Department of Justice to investigate Donald Trump for his handling of White House documents. Joy Reid and her panel discuss these allegations.
There is no way Merrick Garland can get away without indicting Trump federally, he might wait until a state does him first, but in the end he will have to do Donald for some of his federal crimes at least. He has no choice really and might have to explain why there are no on going investigations one day, if there are in fact, none. Garland would essentially be an accessory after the fact, if he does not act and would literally make a mockery of the law. There are so many easily proved crimes to choose from, the fruit is hanging down to the ground in abundance.

I do see the advantages of some delay however, for political purposes, because politics is a factor here too. Donald running around loose in 2022 while facing a ton of legal shit, will be very bad for republicans, who wanna regroup and get ready to fight the election. The more heat he feels the crazier he will get and leadership of his army of morons and the mentally ill, is about all he has left. America's only hope is if Trump divides the GOP and keeps some of his base home on election day, as he panics and flails around on his way down. The hearings and indictments will help persuade the reasonable, but we've seen plenty of evidence that facts don't matter with Trump's base, crazy and stupid does though.
all this makes me wonder if we still have hanging/firing squad for Treason???
Around 1998 they changed the penalties for treason and sedition at the federal level.
What use to be a death sentence is now 20 years in prison.
Worst of all, no more firing squads, which means people are losing their job over this.
Fired from the firing squad, what an absolutely humiliating predicament.
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There is no way Merrick Garland can get away without indicting Trump federally, he might wait until a state does him first, but in the end he will have to do Donald for some of his federal crimes at least. He has no choice really and might have to explain why there are no on going investigations one day, if there are in fact, none. Garland would essentially be an accessory after the fact, if he does not act and would literally make a mockery of the law. There are so many easily proved crimes to choose from, the fruit is hanging down to the ground in abundance.

I do see the advantages of some delay however, for political purposes, because politics is a factor here too. Donald running around loose in 2022 while facing a ton of legal shit, will be very bad for republicans, who wanna regroup and get ready to fight the election. The more heat he feels the crazier he will get and leadership of his army of morons and the mentally ill, is about all he has left. America's only hope is if Trump divides the GOP and keeps some of his base home on election day, as he panics and flails around on his way down. The hearings and indictments will help persuade the reasonable, but we've seen plenty of evidence that facts don't matter with Trump's base, crazy and stupid does though.
Trump’s gonna completely lose his shit once public hearings start.
We ain’t seen nothin’ yet…but from this point, he can only lose harder: the GOP/MAGA split will get deeper and wider - and the invective will involve gesticulations, insane playground insults, snot, and bloody spittle in ever increasing extremes from MAGA, Ted Cruz rolling around on stage speaking in tongues, and Choker Quarrelsome will strangle on his own black bile, on-air. The effect will be to engage the natural instinct of all humans to move away from the obviously crazy/dangerous ones; MAGA could come out of Election Day with only 20-25% of votes cast…and only a toehold on power.