Silica/silicon questions


Well-Known Member
The only issue I see with potassium silicate is not low bioavailability but rather the fact that it contains potassium. If you experimented with potassium silicate you know what happens if you overdo it causing swelled and brittle leaves.

This leaves me thinking "low" bioavailability is not that big of a problem for uptake by the roots.


Well-Known Member
The only issue I see with potassium silicate is not low bioavailability but rather the fact that it contains potassium. If you experimented with potassium silicate you know what happens if you overdo it causing swelled and brittle leaves.

This leaves me thinking "low" bioavailability is not that big of a problem for uptake by the roots.
I actually just put some of this in a Tupperware a few minutes ago. Never used it, but I gotta keep experimenting. I always start small and work my way up.

My plants just got 7-3-1 bat guano, Big 6, microbes, Mykos, and yucca tonight mixed in water.


Active Member
The only issue I see with potassium silicate is not low bioavailability but rather the fact that it contains potassium. If you experimented with potassium silicate you know what happens if you overdo it causing swelled and brittle leaves.

This leaves me thinking "low" bioavailability is not that big of a problem for uptake by the roots.
What ratios do you recommend


Active Member
The only issue I see with potassium silicate is not low bioavailability but rather the fact that it contains potassium. If you experimented with potassium silicate you know what happens if you overdo it causing swelled and brittle leaves.

This leaves me thinking "low" bioavailability is not that big of a problem for uptake by the roots.
I have always wondered why my leaves sometimes look a bit lifeless do you think its overdoing the potassium silicate


Well-Known Member
I have always wondered why my leaves sometimes look a bit lifeless do you think its overdoing the potassium silicate
No, if you're just starting out I think it's because it's very easy to follow numbers given by other growers and manufacturer instead of monitoring plant response. To much light intensity and bad watering practices is the most common problem I think starting out.


Well-Known Member
What ratios do you recommend
I aim for 30ppm in hydro and 15ppm Si in soil. I don't have the exact percentage numbers in my head but you have to take in to the calculation the potassium part when you measure ppm of the nutrient solution.


Active Member
Not noticing any difference is an error your saying?

So in your vast experience what difference do you note using silicon, I mean see with your own eyes?
I get noticeably thicker and tougher plant tissue in general.... leaves and petioles are the most notable, but in general stronger and healthier plants. Agsil is the shit... at least in hydro... ik everyone wants to talk about it not being bioavailable etc... I do run Cap's bennies(rootpack) once a week and maybe that helps... but I rarely foliar w/ it so it was definitely being taken up by the roots.
I also use it to buffer my RO water... there's several canna products marketed as balance or buffer products that are nothing but potassium silicate/agsil. I buy dry Agsil16H and add 560g slowly to a gallon of warm water and that yields a 7.8% solution... I then add 1ml per gallon for normal buffering and normal use and then go up to 2-2.5mls a week before flip through the end of week 3, then back to 1ml till flush when it's eliminated.

Just my experience... Hope it helps


Well-Known Member
I have always wondered why my leaves sometimes look a bit lifeless do you think its overdoing the potassium silicate
I would think the opposite, leaves coming out feeling like paper is a lack of potassium. (or a lockout) I just grabbed a bottle of this stuff on a recommendation and have one retarded plant I could try it on before going with it full spread. Fuck it.
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