Our part time cat, Two Tone Tom, came around this morning after not seeing him for a week and a half. My wife's mood is always better when he comes around, so pretty happy about him showing up.
Most nights when I go walking the wife will entertain the kitten on the back porch while I slip out the front (without an unwanted hiking companion). Tonight I had just got to my table and chair in the garden and hadn't even started my safety meeting when Two Tone started mewing loud, letting the wife know he was on the way, not to go back in the house yet.he was out catting- spring babies come from somewhere.
Johnny Weir's outfits.
Fucking excellent. I knew my culotte hoarding would pay off.
Fuck you red states.
I watch the NBC coverage because of him, way better than CBC’s figure skating coverage.Ummm...
Johnny Weir's outfits.
Fucking excellent. I knew my culotte hoarding would pay off.
Fuck you red states.
If I brought him up at work, the small-minded bigots would claim that "that's what you want America to be! You want us all to dress and act like that." Johnny Weir might say "oh, honey, very few people are capable of dressing and acting that fabulous". I would say that the America I want allows people to wear whatever the fuck they want and appreciate them for who they are.I watch the NBC coverage because of him, way better than CBC’s figure skating coverage.
The CBC had a crazy dressing commentator at one time too but he is a racist, bigoted piece of shit.
If I brought him up at work, the small-minded bigots would claim that "that's what you want America to be! You want us all to dress and act like that." Johnny Weir might say "oh, honey, very few people are capable of dressing and acting that fabulous". I would say that the America I want allows people to wear whatever the fuck they want and appreciate them for who they are.
I always loved Amsterdam, so did my grandmother. You don't need to smoke weed or like sex-workers to appreciate a society that allows people to do those things if they aren't hurting anyone. It alters everything on a fundamental level. Here in America, every non-mainstream Christian thought is considered a loaded gun threatening these right wing fuckholes.
Oh, some of my day at work today.
Management blowhard in conversation with my office-karen: "I don't know if this is true but they say wearing a mask to stop covid is like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence". I said nothing but was obviously laughing under my mask.
No, he didn't know if it was true but it felt pretty truthy so he had to repeat it. My doctor, who actually has an education once described it to me thusly; "it's more like trying to stop a shart by wearing pants, the only one getting shit on them is you".
In a giant donut-shaped machine known as a tokamak, scientists near the English city of Oxford were able to generate a record-breaking 59 megajoules of sustained fusion energy over five seconds.
A giant donut-shaped machine just proved a near-limitless clean power source is possible | CNN
Scientists working in the UK announced that they more than doubled the previous record for generating and sustaining nuclear fusion, the same process that allows the sun and stars to shine so brightly.www.cnn.com
yeah i read that one too....said one problem they're having is cooling the magnets......
we have the technology; we can make it work. magnets are also key to space travel but how to get past the G force?
we do.......i keep think out of the box with this one when it comes to space travel......4x8 sheets of magnetized material around a space craft as a shield?