BUDS are looking frosty, but when will they fatten up? *pics*


Well-Known Member
yo man, VERY nice work my friend!,take my advice and make sure your sitting down when you get your first smoke hehe, when i grew AK48 i chopped one at 7 one at 8 and one at 9 weeks and they were all really couchlock and after a months cure. ooooooweee! enjoy!:weed:


Well-Known Member
yo man, VERY nice work my friend!,take my advice and make sure your sitting down when you get your first smoke hehe, when i grew AK48 i chopped one at 7 one at 8 and one at 9 weeks and they were all really couchlock and after a months cure. ooooooweee! enjoy!:weed:
you have just got me over-excited.

i need a clean pair of pants! now!

haha :)


Well-Known Member
Here's a little bud porn for ya. AK47 59th day of flower. She got chopped 17 days ago and has been curing for about 2 weeks. This shite will knock you on your ass!!

Sorry, but though you needed to change another set of pants today :hump:



Well-Known Member
pretty damn sexy lookin,,,,,,,,,,
cheers man! :)

Here's a little bud porn for ya. AK47 59th day of flower. She got chopped 17 days ago and has been curing for about 2 weeks. This shite will knock you on your ass!!

Sorry, but though you needed to change another set of pants today :hump:

haha, where is it???

i'm sat here, naked debating whether to put clean pants on yet. as i'm pretty sure your pics will require me to put on a fresh pai :D


Well-Known Member
oh, silly me i was expecting a pic. i'm dumb...

but your words alone did the trick i can tell you! all out of clean panties


Well-Known Member
oh my....


I literally cannot wait until harvest. You guys got me more excited about harvest than Christmas!


Well-Known Member
Hell yea, been tryin to help out the world!!!!
nah just some stoner lovins =) been spreadin advice and free weed, weed butter the usual haha

Bill Wilson

Active Member
Ak 48 has two distinct phenyos and they take 9 or 11 weeks. The myth of 48 days as a finish is a pipe dream. I can tell you it takes a long time but they start really looking sugared past week 9. Nirvana blended Ice with Papaya for AK 48. Budz do grow kinda fast and then stall for a while. I am trying to find a cherry phenyo


Well-Known Member
Nice pics and nice plants bro... Yeah, u r only about halfway finished, and they still have alot of bulking up yet to do... I'd recommend feeding them with some black strap molassas/water to give the soil some natural sugars to eat, and it will help to break down some of the macro and micro nutes in the soil, making it easier to take up through the root system by making the minerals and trace elements more readily accessable to the plant, which will only help spur on some swelling, and it isn't bad for a lil' added sweetness, either... Just have patience... My flowering patch just got past this mid-stage of blooming, and r starting to really swell and chunk up every day a lil more... Itz very noticable when this next stage of growth begins...