Keeping mothers alive when travelling on vacation


Hi all. I have been wondering if anyone has any experience with keeping their favorite mother plants alive when they go on vacation. I would love to go on a few 3 to 4 week vacations but i dont want to lose some of my favs. This is for indoor soil grow. Any thoughts would help. It would be great to somehow automate this and be able to monitor it from my phone if possible. Tx


Well-Known Member
I would love to go on a few 3 to 4 week vacations
Ballin out of control over here. Respect, playboy.

Blumats, a bunch of environmental sensors and a camera. That sounds horrifying though. Imagine watching your plants get locked out and slowly start to die, and all you can do is check up on their bio-stats and watch them wither away day by day.


Well-Known Member
Well not the planned solution but you can make cuts and leave them in the fridge for a year. I guess if you made a cold enviorment and weak light soil would stay wet for a lomgtime and she would hybernate and nlt eat much


Well-Known Member
We go on a 2 week + vacation every agust. Set up an auto watering system. Super easy I'd you are only giving plain water. Just run a water line into a solenoid timer with a manifold. Then there's no need for a reservoir and pump.

Elevate your pots, and get a drain system. Either a flood tray, or single dtw bucket bases. Pipe those to a condensate pump and out a window, or into a sink drain.

Re-pot, trim the roots, give them a haircut, dim the lights a bit, and topdress before you leave. This will put them in recovery mode for a few weeks. By the time you get back, they should be rebounding nicely.