New rooted clone problems


Well-Known Member
Trying to turn it into a small mother plant. At first after I transplanted it looked like nute burn, so I checked the runoff of my soil, it was high, so I flushed it. Then I started to get upcurl on the leaves, so I thought it was a humidity issue, temp is 77F and RH was 80%, I added a humidity dome to get it in the 90’s. Now it looks like leaves are dying off again but the runoff of my soil is like 200-300ppm, I mixed up a liter of my Floraflex veg nutes in my hand sprayer to 250-300 ppm in RO water. I am not actually watering thru the soil, just misting it to keep it moist, and also misting the foliage. Could it be spraying with a root fertilizer tht is damaging the leaves? Please help, I really want to keep this one. First pic is the day I transplanted her, second is now.



Well-Known Member
Your VPD is in range... don't raise the RH. Looks like you're drowning it tho. You gotta remember that rooted clones are the same age as the mother you took it from, so they can take higher PPM's .. like 800-1000., but mind your watering/feeding. Get a good wet/dry cycle. This is assuming you're using a non amended soil.....OR, you're misting with the lights on, and burning it up. Never spray anything during lights on. Only right before lights out, or after lights out.
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Well-Known Member
Your VPD is in range... don't raise the RH. Looks like you're drowning it tho. You gotta remember that rooted clones are the same age as the mother you took it from, so they can take higher PPM's .. like 800-1000., but mind your watering/feeding. Get a good wet/dry cycle. This is assuming you're using a non amended soil.....OR, you're misting with the lights on, and burning it up. Never spray anything during lights on. Only right before lights out, or after lights out.
So I should have a dark cycle? What like 20/4?


Well-Known Member
So I should have a dark cycle? What like 20/4?
Of course!... you need to be at 18/6. They gotta rest too. You'd be overworked and overstressed if you stayed up 24/7 wouldn't you? Plus, you have other problems going on... you don't need to mist the plant, just make sure your feeding the soil and not the leafs. ...... only do that if you need a quick fix for Mg deficiency in a pinch. Water the soil, not the plant.


Well-Known Member
Of course!... you need to be at 18/6. They gotta rest too. You'd be overworked and overstressed if you stayed up 24/7 wouldn't you? Plus, you have other problems going on... you don't need to mist the plant, just make sure your feeding the soil and not the leafs. ...... only do that if you need a quick fix for Mg deficiency in a pinch. Water the soil, not the plant.
Leave the dome on or dome off? I feel like it should be past that, but I have trouble getting more than 70% RH without it

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Do you really run 24/7?... I can see my plants wilting on the last hour of 18/6....they need that break. Next time the lights pop on, they are at attention.
I run 24/7 veg

Cant say anything bad abiut it , besides added cost but heating can be a cost...

pada says it speeds up growth... fuck dat slowing growth is paramount when every plant is too big


Well-Known Member
The soil is my only option atm at least until tomorrow, but I flushed it’s ppm to the floor, then dried it quite a bit. Should I get new soil, or just let it dry more and stick with it? I’m probably not ever going to flower her or if I do it will just be for a bonus when I pick a new mom.