Well-Known Member
It took a Texas Court order to keep their governor from directing his police to haul in and interrogate the parents of trans children prior to charging them with child abuse. It's not just mind numbingly ignorant about human biology. It's also an example of fascist methodology. Texas's fascist leader is claiming that heterosexuality is under attack by singling out parents of trans kids as some kind of monsters who would harm their own children by turning them away from Jesus and right wing radical Christian beliefs regarding sexuality. Fascists are telling the majority they are being victimized and must defend themselves against this evil minority. It's all so ridiculous but just wait. Even if the courts prevent the interrogation of parents, hate crimes against gay and trans people will rise as a result of this.It is also just plain creepy how fixated they are on child sexuality period.
So now, Florida and Georgia pass this bizarre bill to protect children from what was not happening. Same story with different monsters. Teachers, are the monsters there.
The right wing Republican movement has become a home for fascism. False grievance is being used to give the majority feelings of anxiety and loss then point them at a helpless minority.
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