Wexpert's closet grow


Active Member
skipped another day. got 5 leaves going on on the thrid set and the fourth set is looking good. still have some yellowed looking leaves but they appear to be growing fine. I can't find any other reason for the yellowing but if it's not affecting growth I can't complain. If anyone who reads this has any suggestions let me know!



Active Member
Well. Plants are looking good. I've only been watering when they start to droop a little. The yellowing went away after I started using distilled water. I used a small dose of ferts when watering this morning. I'm going to keep on doing that until they get a little bigger and I can feed them more. The stalks on 1 and 2 are getting big. Number 3 seems to want to do its own low stress training...Idk what her problem is.



Well-Known Member
yea nice looking plants.. though some of the leaves look just a tiny bit mis-colored which is usually some sort of deficiency.. its good you gave them some nutes today.. I would watch them carefully for the next few days to make sure they are ok with that change.. also one other thing you can do to help uptake is the next time you water them, put a few squirts/drops of juice from a lemon into the water.. good luck!


Active Member
well I tried my hand at fim'ing today. I decided to try it on the retard plant (#3) since it probably won't make it to flowering anyway.

Started leaf feeding the plants with nutes... I'll continue with that while giving them distilled water.

Number is doing really well. i haven't been rotating them so it might be the result of it being in the middle of the row, hence getting the most light.



Well-Known Member
sometime not enough light makes the new growth turn yellow. but yours might be a nute problem not sure though.
skipped another day. got 5 leaves going on on the thrid set and the fourth set is looking good. still have some yellowed looking leaves but they appear to be growing fine. I can't find any other reason for the yellowing but if it's not affecting growth I can't complain. If anyone who reads this has any suggestions let me know!


Active Member
my apologies for no late news posts. my camera has been broken so i have not been able to post pictures. without pictures i see no need to make posts. however i will give a short update on Day 34. The middle plant is doing great at a little over 11" tall. Number 1 is at about 9.5", and the retard plant that grew sideways for a week or so is only about 8". Probably another week or 2 before I send them on their merry way into flowering.