Conservatives programed to trigger at words "Black Lives Matter" by Russian trolls.

I guess this is what happens when you use your best propaganda to help the GQP (I'm sure it is just a coincidence that the latest troll was using the same stupid talking points earlier).
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Eight days after Russia illegally invaded a sovereign country to overthrow its government, reportedly killing thousands of Ukrainian troops and civilians, Vladimir Putin's spy chief is now decrying the international sanctions that have crushed the Russian economy.

Russian Foreign Intelligence Service director Sergey Naryshkin, using language that many are saying could have been written by the American far-right, or Fox News, says:

"The masks are off. The West isn't simply trying to close off Russia behind a new iron curtain. This is about an attempt to ruin our government - to 'cancel' it, as they now say in 'tolerant' liberal-fascist circles."

The quote was posted by The Washington Post's national security reporter Paul Sonne.

It's important to note that the Soviet Union "built" the "iron curtain" to separate the USSR from the West, so the analogy is historically inaccurate, misleading, and as some suggest, smacks of false victimhood.

Naryshkin was infamously slammed by Putin at a Kremlin meetingaired around the world last week. Now once again he is being blasted – and widely mocked:

"Cancel culture strikes again," wrote The Atlantic's Molly Jong-Fast in response to Naryshkin's remarks.

"They are really desperate to change the narrative here. If you start a war, you can't then pretend that YOU are the victim of cancel culture," a Twitter user replied in agreement.

This kind of language is exactly the same as the gop messaging from elected officials to tv personalities to online influencers & internet trolls. It's the same twisting of words and meaning smothered with a thick sauce of contempt. See it?" noted another social media user.

Foreign and defense policy writer, professor of national security and strategy at the U.S. Army War College Steve Metz replied: "No Sergei, the world is trying to cancel your war criminal, nazi like aggression. The world held its nose and tolerated your fascist government before that."

"We've seen claims of "cancel culture victimhood" from bigots, white supremacists, sexual harassers, rapists, public masterbators, and many others, but this one might trump them all (so to speak). Ridiculous," added another Twitter user.

Isn't it interesting that he uses the same language as Fox News?" asked WGN anchor Steve Grzanich.

He was not alone in that observation:
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— Rob Cohen (@Rob_Coh) March 3, 2022
Clemens Wergin, the Chief Correspondent for German news outlet Welt: "Everybody is a Nazi or a Fascist it seems who doesn't do what Russia's cleptocratic dictatorship wants."
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Donald Trump is calling on his followers to "lay down their very lives" to defend the United States against critical race theory. The disgraced former president delivered that dangerous call to arms at his "Save America" rally Saturday night in Florence, South Carolina.

"Getting critical race theory out of our schools is not just a matter of values, it's also a matter of national survival," Trump told his MAGA supporters. So-called critical race theory is not something that is taught in K-12 grades, it is a college-level interdisciplinary means to examine social and institutional constructs surrounding race.

"We have no choice," Trump continued, a claim he often makes when speaking falsely.

That's when he laid the groundwork for weaponizing his followers in the racist battle inside his mind that one day may erupt in physical war on our streets.

"The fate of any nation depends upon the willingness of its citizens to lay down – and they must do this – lay down their very lives to defend their country. If we allow the Marxists and communists and socialists to teach our children to hate America there will be no one left to defend our flag or to protect our great country or its freedom."

Backlash was strong and swift.

"Calling for political violence to stop the teaching of accurate history in our schools is what fascism looks like," commented Indivisible's Sarah Dohl.

"Trump doesn’t want a political party. He wants an army. He’s a TV terrorist yes. But he’s also a real fascist," wrote Condé Nast Legal Affairs Editor Luke Zaleski. "Attacking the Capitol, waiting, calling it off, then telling them he loved them after they terrorized the country and got his message across was a kind of a hint, folks."

Zaleski later added: "Trump is a traitor and political mob boss."

Civil-rights lawyer Subodh Chandra described Trump's remarks as a "call to a violent race war. Over nothing but the teaching of our actual history. (CRT is not taught in public schools.)"

"Donald Trump," said Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts, "who seems to be in the running for 2024, tells a nation awash in guns to kill or be killed in order to stop anyone from 'hating our country.'"

"Scenes from a slow civil war," observed Vanity Fair contributing editor Jeff Sharlet, who exposed the international right-wing Christian fundamentalist theocratic organization known as The Family.

"What does this mean?" asked Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy professor Don Moynihan. "If you are a teacher in a state you probably feel less and less safe by the extremist nature of this rhetoric."

"Encouraging his fanboys to commit political violence again. Why is he still at large?" asked Salon's Bob Cesca.
i wonder who those kids parents are? i guess just go look in the "faces of the master race" just makes me sad and sick to my stomach to see kids so brainwashed at that age...they should be working together, not trying to single people out.
Ya that is so fucked up. There would have been a few regretful sore motherfuckers back in my day. My group of friends would have worked together but not in a nice way. We didn’t let bullies get away with bullying as they were weak ass fucks.
The leaders of BLM are being investigated by 10 states and the IRS wants to know where $60 million went. Maybe Russia is involved in that too.
The fact that you are concerned with who a few people are with respect to the social justice movement that got branded as "Black Lives Matter" and acting like it matters at all, is everything that the right wing propagandist programming is about.

Who knows why the Russian military decided to amplify the 'Black Lives Matter' phrase, but their nonstop spam worked. Shot 2022-03-23 at 8.50.30 AM.png
Two members of an accelerationist neo-Nazi terror network accused of plotting to attack the power grid in preparation for an assassination campaign have pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with the government’s prosecution.

Paul James Kryscuk, a former porn actor who used the alias “Deacon” while active in the neo-Nazi group BSN from 2017 through 2020, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to damage an energy facility on Feb. 10, with the possibility of receiving a reduction from a 15-year prison sentence in exchange for “substantial assistance” in the government’s prosecution in the case.

Following Kryscuk’s plea, Marine Corps veteran Justin Wade Hermanson aka “Sandman” entered a guilty plea for conspiracy to illegally manufacture, ship, transport and receive firearms on March 8. Like Kryscuk, Hermanson’s plea deal includes an agreement to cooperate with the government’s investigation and testify against his codefendants should they go to trial. Both men pleaded in the Eastern District of North Carolina, where the case is being tried.

Three codefendants, including BSN leader Liam Montgomery Collins, have yet to be arraigned on charges from a third superseding indictment that include multiple counts of conspiracy to illegally manufacture and transport firearms, and destruction of an energy facility.

Collins and Kryscuk met through Iron March, an international online forum set up to facilitate networking by violent neo-Nazis.

“I have a tightknit crew of ex-Mil and Security I train with,” Collins wrote in a post on Iron March in August 2017, the same month he entered basic training for the Marine Corps. “We do hikes, gym sessions, live firing exercises, and we eventually plan to guy a lot of land. Can’t really specify the name or details because it’s an inner-circle thing, but it will serve its purpose when the time comes. Think of it as a modern-day SS.”

In 2017, Kryscuk outlined a plan for launching a race war that he hoped would lay the groundwork for a future white ethno-state in a post on Iron March, according to the indictment: “First order of business is knocking down The System, mounting it and smashing its face until it has been beaten past the point of death… eventually we will have to bring the rifles out and go to work…. We will have to hit the streets and strike as many blows to the remaining power structure as we can to keep it on the ropes.”

Jordan Duncan, also a Marine Corps veteran, and Joseph Maurino, a member of the New Jersey National Guard who was previously deployed to Qatar, are also defendants in the conspiracy case.

All five defendants were charged in a superseding indictment unveiled in August 2021 with conspiracy to illegally manufacture and transport firearms as part of a plot to instigate civil disorder. The indictment also charged all the defendants, with the exception of Hermanson, with conspiracy to sabotage the power grid. It is unclear why Hermanson was not included.

The indictment describes the purpose of the attack on the power grid as “creating general chaos and to provide cover and ease of escape in those areas in which they planned to undertake assassinations and other desired operations to further their goal of creating a white ethno-state.”

Led by Kryscuk, the members of BSN began to relocate to Boise, Idaho in early 2020 and conducted a live-fire training there in July of that year. When Kryscuk was arrested in October 2020, Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza disclosed that the FBI notified her that her name was on a list found at Kryscuk’s home.

While the broad outlines of the plot by BSN have been known for some time, testimony by a special agent with the Naval Criminal Investigation Service, or NCIS, that has not been previously reported provides additional detail about members of the terror network, its targets and tactics discussed to carry out the campaign.

Testifying during Mauro’s detention hearing in Wilmington, NC in August 2021, Special Agent Chris Little told Chief District Judge Richard E. Myers II that a former police officer described to him how the group discussed the Metcalf sniper attack, in which six individuals with AK-47 assault rifles shot out 17 transformers at a substation near San Jose, Calif. that provided electricity to Silicon Valley, as a model for the attack the group hoped to carry out.

Joseph Zacharek, the witness who described the discussion to Little, joined BSN in the fall of 2017 and remained involved until October 2020, when Kryscuk and Collins were arrested by the FBI, Little told the court. Little also told the court that Zacharek, whom he identified by his last name, was a police officer.

A former Army tank crewman, Zacharek joined the Lafayette Police Department in Indiana as a probationary recruit in June 2020, as a wave of protests against racist policing prompted by the murder of George Floyd swept the country. On Oct. 16, 2020, an antifascist researcher doxed Zacharek, revealing that he was a member of Iron March, the same neo-Nazi online forum where Collins and Kryscuk had met. In his bio for Iron March, Zacharek reportedly claimed an interest “in (National Socialist) economics as a way of throwing off the chains of usury and Jewish owned banking,” while reportedly sharing on the site: “It wasn’t until I started working as an EMT in the inner city that I openly questioned the view that all races are equal.”

Within 24 hours of the dox, the Lafayette Police Department announced that Zacharek had been fired.

What was unknown at the time was that Zacharek was also involved with the neo-Nazi terror network set up by Collins and Kryscuk. Although the two men had been indicted on Oct. 14, it would be another eight days before the charges were unveiled.

During the August 2021 hearing, Little testified that Zacharek exchanged text messages with Duncan about how he was going to handle getting doxed.

“Mr. Duncan appeared to be encouraging him to get to Boise, and that’s what Mr. Duncan understood the plan to be,” Little testified. “And it — from being able to communicate with Mr. Zacharek, that stressed him out. He became scared and concerned at that point of being — because of being publicly outed and what that meant within the group.

“He was afraid that the group would think he had talked or given information to law enforcement, and he feared retribution,” Little added.

Law enforcement found Zacharek at his parents’ home in upstate New York around the same time Kryscuk, Collins and Duncan were arrested, Little testified. He began cooperating with law enforcement immediately.

Little also told the court about a Marine named Maxwell Womack, who began providing information about BSN to the FBI and the NCIS in October 2020. Womack had served in the same Marine Corps unit as Collins and Hermanson, and was recruited into the group by the two men, Little testified. Womack has not been charged.

Little testified that Zacharek’s description of the group’s discussion of attacks on the power grid was corroborated by Womack’s description of a video reenactment made by members of BSN.

Charging documents also reference another unindicted co-conspirator identified by the initials “TC.” Little said he reviewed a photograph in which the image of Kryscuk, Duncan, Maurino and “TC” standing together was superimposed on a panoramic view of a large electrical tower. And according to the indictment, Kryscuk passed on information collected by Duncan about explosives to “TC,” and encouraged him to build explosive devices.

Little told the court that “TC” is Collins’ juvenile younger brother. During the same hearing in August 2018, Damon Chetson, the lawyer representing Maurino, said “TC” was facing state charges in Rhode Island.

During the summer of 2020, the government alleges, the neo-Nazi terror cell stalked Black Lives Matter in Boise and openly discussed acting out violent fantasies. The plans to attack the power grid were specifically tied to BSN’s antagonism towards Black Lives Matter, Little told the court.

Little testified about text messages he reviewed in which Kryscuk said he had torn down BLM fliers and wanted to replace it with BSN’s propaganda. According to Little, Maurino suggested a slogan: “The lights go out and so do you.”

“This is significant to me because of the statements made by Mr. Hermanson regarding how the group discussed the use of power outages in their — what he described as operations,” Little testified. “This would be creating an outage that diverts the police, causes chaos from the outage itself, causes damage to equipment, takes a long time to replace and causes an outage of significant length; and then using that to create a favorable operating environment to conduct an assassination or murder of specific person.”

Little testified that Kryscuk carried an envelope with a list of intersections that coincided with power substations in Boise; Portland, Ore., Seattle, San Francisco and other locations in California, along with a fuel depot. On the other side of the envelope, he had written the names of 12-14 individuals, Little said. Kryscuk had screenshots of the addresses for some of the targets, Little testified. One of the addresses, in San Francisco, was “in close proximity” to multiple power substations on the first list.

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i believe they hung war criminals after Nurenberg? I'd be good with that. i'd even be willing to pull the lever that opens the trap door.
i would even be humane, and arrange the ropes with the knots under their ears so their necks would snap and they wouldn't die a slow death from asphyxiation.
because you can never, ever trust people like these again. the alternative would be to put them in prison, but then they'd just be preaching their stupid shit to younger have to stop a sickness at it's source, or it'll just keep spreading
i believe they hung war criminals after Nurenberg? I'd be good with that. i'd even be willing to pull the lever that opens the trap door.
i would even be humane, and arrange the ropes with the knots under their ears so their necks would snap and they wouldn't die a slow death from asphyxiation.
because you can never, ever trust people like these again. the alternative would be to put them in prison, but then they'd just be preaching their stupid shit to younger have to stop a sickness at it's source, or it'll just keep spreading
I am more humane and think it makes sense to put people under anesthesia before offing them.