Greenest’s Garden

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Filling in nicely. The caterpillars have arrived. I’ve been spraying BT and neem up until flowering really kicked in so now it’s just crush the cunts when I see them! Not much damage so far…
Looks good bet thats one hell of a smoke yeah enjoy man u need it
Thanks mate,
Still coming to terms with it to be honest, You really do have to be some kind of moral less cunt to do that to someone.

will be making a reinforced steel cage surrounded by another cage both with lockable gates and electric fence on both. Then I’m gonna surround that with a shit load of chicken wire and other fence like a maze.
Will most likely move the patch so it can be seen from the house too.

probably gonna install sensor lights and maybe some cameras around the place.

Gonna get a quote on some new fence for the side they got in and an extension for the rest of the fence.
I’ve found some pricey bamboo to add as another screen both sides of the fence that grows rapidly.

still gutted beyond words but I have a year to improve defences and hopefully won’t be crying on the internet this time next year.
Part of me wants to plant a crop and just constantly spray it with the most toxic shit around and other nasty shit it can accumulate, let it get all mildewy and leave it to get robbed if they return. But they most likely won’t after that.
Cuts of rose waiting to root…

All seeds popped except a really big, hard shelled Panama x PCK, that my stumpy fingers couldn’t pry open without damaging it.

also popped a medical seeds - 1024, enjoyed this many years ago, an inflorescences of Scotland - banana cheese caked, a sumo seeds - highland diesel, ace - bangi haze and another karma genetics - rado rose ( same pack as my rose clone originally came from)409D746F-5713-4632-AF73-929414B2B22D.jpeg

Along with 6 rose x sour mandarina/100 hand slap chucks I made.
These will be ran in a mini set up with tiny pots of coco and a 315CMH.
I’m just trying to have a look if they’re worth digging into any deeper. Had two nice plants from it before, but none had the “rose” I was after.
Had some unidentified lights off bug damage, turned out to be Woodlice!
They were climbing up the stems of the Rosetta Stone and nibbling away on the young plants.
Got the diatomaceous earth out but that shit gets everywhere.
I removed my mulch layer before planting which took away they’re food…

solution was to just make a small pile of mulch on the surface, which they go to like flies to shit, then pick up the mulch and chuck in the veggie patch.
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