48 hours of darkness b4 harvest


Well-Known Member
Ya, I've always just chopped when I felt like it. Usually it's in the middle of the light cycle.

I've done some Voodoo experiments too. Be careful, :lol:.

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Never have been lame enough to try poking holes in the stalks or boiling roots and shit though lol. I have tried ice water lmao. I kinda still remember doing that but that was in my old aero rails. Wasn’t really all that hard of an experiment to learn it doesn’t do shit.


Well-Known Member
Never have been lame enough to try poking holes in the stalks or boiling roots and shit though lol. I have tried ice water lmao. I kinda still remember doing that but that was in my old aero rails. Wasn’t really all that hard of an experiment to learn it doesn’t do shit.
I've never poked anything into my stalks either. The Voodoo shit was a joke. :lol:


Well-Known Member
And you’re on your first grow you’ve been proud enough to actually post a picture of, maybe you should too?
I've posted pics of lots of my plants troll.

Use the search button. Type a strain and include my name. I just did a quick Chem 91 search. But it works with lots of different strains, lol.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I find that 12 hours of darkness is perfect before chop.

How long does a flower survive once it's cut?


Well-Known Member
Evolution of science? In the world of cannabis producers?

Self made experts are not necessarily scientists. Not without peers they aren't.

Without the greed that revolves around about $200 per ounce of legalized product, there would not be so many experts and so much mud slinging....................

The subject is: 48 hrs of darkness. It is not about prestige or about discrediting one individual or another. It is about the intelligent discussion of pertinent info and how to best answer a given question or method of production that might benefit us all based on many types of grows.
Does it work or not in a given grow?
Perhaps I will never know unless I suddenly become an expert myself! Ha

In the meantime, I see no reason to change this dark thing for me now just based on different attitudes of others with no data behind it.

There is great information and caring here if one knows how and where to find it and is committed ......
Surely, someone really knows. Somewhere. Maybe a disabled petunia grower in lower Mongolia or something.

jus' sayin'


Well-Known Member
Evolution of science? In the world of cannabis producers?

Self made experts are not necessarily scientists. Not without peers they aren't.

Without the greed that revolves around about $200 per ounce of legalized product, there would not be so many experts and so much mud slinging....................

The subject is: 48 hrs of darkness. It is not about prestige or about discrediting one individual or another. It is about the intelligent discussion of pertinent info and how to best answer a given question or method of production that might benefit us all based on many types of grows.
Does it work or not in a given grow?
Perhaps I will never know unless I suddenly become an expert myself! Ha

In the meantime, I see no reason to change this dark thing for me now just based on different attitudes of others with no data behind it.

There is great information and caring here if one knows how and where to find it and is committed ......
Surely, someone really knows. Somewhere. Maybe a disabled petunia grower in lower Mongolia or something.

jus' sayin'
Like has been stated many times over, you can do what you wish with your own plants even if it's bro-science.

A well respected commercial grower has already commented here how they compared the results of both methods and found no noticeable difference through lab testing.

I will gladly take his information over the other bro science proponents who just say "Dude it's just more resinous!". They aren't even comparing clones but making the statement that it works.

Think about it with common sense. It take the plant months to flower and create resin, THC, terpenes, etc., but you think 2 days of darkness will create a significant difference? It's not even a logical thought process.

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
Its common sense that just like flushing, it likely dosent do much. Your just starving the plant in different ways to stress it. Flushing, Extended Darkness, staking the stalk. These are all just stressors that can potentially increase trichome production, but can easily be achieved by applying the right stress at the right times, like applying longer dry cycles to lightly stress them.

UV can have these same stressing effects, but we know so little as of yet its in its infancy.

People grow organic and it can typically be “fire” because organics stress the plant abit, as it has to mine its food out of the soil, and this can cause some light nutrient stress that can possibly increase trichomes.

Thats what this conversation is about no? This very short 48h period somehow increasing trichomes in that short time?
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Well-Known Member
Evolution of science? In the world of cannabis producers?

Self made experts are not necessarily scientists. Not without peers they aren't.

Without the greed that revolves around about $200 per ounce of legalized product, there would not be so many experts and so much mud slinging....................

The subject is: 48 hrs of darkness. It is not about prestige or about discrediting one individual or another. It is about the intelligent discussion of pertinent info and how to best answer a given question or method of production that might benefit us all based on many types of grows.
Does it work or not in a given grow?
Perhaps I will never know unless I suddenly become an expert myself! Ha

In the meantime, I see no reason to change this dark thing for me now just based on different attitudes of others with no data behind it.

There is great information and caring here if one knows how and where to find it and is committed ......
Surely, someone really knows. Somewhere. Maybe a disabled petunia grower in lower Mongolia or something.

jus' sayin'
This. ^

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
Yes I do believe that was the original question.

Do you know how long it takes for trichomes to form?

Are you saying that a plant can produce not only more trichomes but those with significantly more THC content in 2 days?
Im saying the opposite, i dont believe its possible to increase any signifigant amount of thc in 48h. I feel thats some kind of strange hail mary. I personally do not know how long it takes trichs to form, i would say fairly fast though from my observations, maybe 2 weeks but they arent mature by then.


Well-Known Member
Like has been stated many times over, you can do what you wish with your own plants even if it's bro-science.

A well respected commercial grower has already commented here how they compared the results of both methods and found no noticeable difference through lab testing.

I will gladly take his information over the other bro science proponents who just say "Dude it's just more resinous!". They aren't even comparing clones but making the statement that it works.

Think about it with common sense. It take the plant months to flower and create resin, THC, terpenes, etc., but you think 2 days of darkness will create a significant difference? It's not even a logical thought process.
I'm not for or against your grow style. Whatever works for you guys. Just here for the popcorn. :)


Well-Known Member
Im saying the opposite, i dont believe its possible to increase any signifigant amount of thc in 48h. I feel thats some kind of strange hail mary. I personally do not know how long it takes trichs to form, i would say fairly fast though from my observations, maybe 2 weeks but they arent mature by then.
Gotcha, must have interpreted your post wrong.

Trichomes are formed because of the light, not because of the absence of it. Saying darkness creates more just doesn't make sense.


Well-Known Member
Gotcha, must have interpreted your post wrong.

Trichomes are formed because of the light, not because of the absence of it. Saying darkness creates more just doesn't make sense.
well, technically there is a daily cycle of darkness during the grow (something nhas to happen there, something) ...I know what you meant, but still ..