Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
@Laughing Grass is busy cleaning snow off her car I bet!! We have snow here in higher elevations.

I got most of my transplanting done yesterday....Other than some clones in the cloner that need a few more days.

Not sure what today will bring...I should pay some bills and do some laundry for starters!! I still have not mailed my taxes in.

Bacon is sounding pretty good though!!
No snow here over the weekend.

Good morning.


Well-Known Member
Good morning! This week is filled with possibilities. I need to clean out my basement. Going to need a dumpster. And looking at chopping 3 monster plants nearer to next weekend. Finished my taxes and got my refunds in under 5 business days. What size dab press do I need? :weed:

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
I had another Blumat flood again last night....The same plant too. But 99% contained in a plastic saucer it it was in so a easy cleanup with the shop vac.

I am transplanting some plants in veg today, into 7 gallon bags...I think if I saturate them they can go a week without any watering.

One week to go for vacation...Hoping I can re-sell the estate house again before I leave. The recent interest rate hike has really pulled the plug on sales. That was the excuse the buyer who backed out of the deal used.

I predict a shit load of foreclosures by next year...a shit load!!!!

This is true....and we all have the open bar package.

I am going to have to be careful not to drink too much...a bad hangover could take me out for 2 days. Last cruise i got a sunburn on day 2, and that really sucked. This time the temps should be a little cooler than last time I was there in June. It will probably be cold for the first and last day, leaving from NY.
It sounds like you have air in the carrot. I'd redo that one.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Lg, no sad faces! I am not being woken up by it. I sleep like a rock (for like 5 hours a night) It just makes my big dog wake up and start looking for me, so I go hug him. No big deal.

Do you not love harmless neighbor battles with yours? Lol
LOL not particularly, just upped my homeowner's insurance to 1 million, because no I'm not cutting down my trees.