My neighbors dog.


Well-Known Member
My neighbor’s dog has been shitting in my yard for about a week now. That dumb hound wouldn’t even look at me when I would yell at him, no matter how loud I would scream. I even tried whipping rocks at it, but I don’t think the rocks even bothered him. Not even the one that pegged him in the ear.

So after three days of this I said enough is enough and set out a few leg traps. So far, nothing…Well, not nothing, I’ve gotten 2 rabbits and a cat. But that’s good, I know the traps work.

I think this dog is smart! I’ve decided to call it quits on the leg trap. Not on the trap actually, I’m gonna keep using the trap, I’m just not gonna try to trap it’s legs. I’m gonna put burger on the trap and I bet it will snap his mouth shut. If he can’t eat he can’t shit in my yard.

Or do you all think I should do the humane thing and just poison it?
My neighbor’s dog has been shitting in my yard for about a week now. That dumb hound wouldn’t even look at me when I would yell at him, no matter how loud I would scream. I even tried whipping rocks at it, but I don’t think the rocks even bothered him. Not even the one that pegged him in the ear.

So after three days of this I said enough is enough and set out a few leg traps. So far, nothing…Well, not nothing, I’ve gotten 2 rabbits and a cat. But that’s good, I know the traps work.

I think this dog is smart! I’ve decided to call it quits on the leg trap. Not on the trap actually, I’m gonna keep using the trap, I’m just not gonna try to trap it’s legs. I’m gonna put burger on the trap and I bet it will snap his mouth shut. If he can’t eat he can’t shit in my yard.

Or do you all think I should do the humane thing and just poison it?
My neighbor’s dog has been shitting in my yard for about a week now. That dumb hound wouldn’t even look at me when I would yell at him, no matter how loud I would scream. I even tried whipping rocks at it, but I don’t think the rocks even bothered him. Not even the one that pegged him in the ear.

So after three days of this I said enough is enough and set out a few leg traps. So far, nothing…Well, not nothing, I’ve gotten 2 rabbits and a cat. But that’s good, I know the traps work.

I think this dog is smart! I’ve decided to call it quits on the leg trap. Not on the trap actually, I’m gonna keep using the trap, I’m just not gonna try to trap it’s legs. I’m gonna put burger on the trap and I bet it will snap his mouth shut. If he can’t eat he can’t shit in my yard.

Or do you all think I should do the humane thing and just poison it?
Let's just say you're lucky you're not my neighbor. :finger:
I have seven adult dogs and if you poisoned one of them I’d let every one of them shit in your yard and bring over there puppies to shit in it too and I would fling bags of my own shit in it also and the shit I drove around collecting from other people that would hate you as well. I would probly post a picture of your address on Facebook requesting a shit party at your house every Thursday for ever and we live in a crazy place now I bet Elon musk would even participate then they would post it on the news and shit would just get crazy you would have to move sorry for the run on sentence you made me mad
One fucked up neighbor trapped my cat that was shitting in his yard and sent him to the pound. After I finally found my cat in a shelter freaking out 3 days later, they told me about him being trapped. After I dealt with the fuckhead, he apologized and said he'd never do it again. It's funny how fast people get on their knees and start apologizing when they're about to get their ass beat.
One fucked up neighbor trapped my cat that was shitting in his yard and sent him to the pound. After I finally found my cat in a shelter freaking out 3 days later, they told me about him being trapped. After I dealt with the fuckhead, he apologized and said he'd never do it again. It's funny how fast people get on their knees and start apologizing when they're about to get their ass beat.
No worries, my neighbor is a little guy. Not quite a dwarf, but he’s pretty small.
My neighbor’s dog has been shitting in my yard for about a week now. That dumb hound wouldn’t even look at me when I would yell at him, no matter how loud I would scream. I even tried whipping rocks at it, but I don’t think the rocks even bothered him. Not even the one that pegged him in the ear.

So after three days of this I said enough is enough and set out a few leg traps. So far, nothing…Well, not nothing, I’ve gotten 2 rabbits and a cat. But that’s good, I know the traps work.

I think this dog is smart! I’ve decided to call it quits on the leg trap. Not on the trap actually, I’m gonna keep using the trap, I’m just not gonna try to trap it’s legs. I’m gonna put burger on the trap and I bet it will snap his mouth shut. If he can’t eat he can’t shit in my yard.

Or do you all think I should do the humane thing and just poison it?

Hey Kelly. I guess the new peeps don't get your sense of humor. Funny shit, though. How's the kid?