Well-Known Member
Nope, that is a mischaracterization. WTF employs the likes of Hannity, Carlson and the other cast of idiots?I find it oddly ironic, as you both have patently discounted many news articles posted in the past, simply based on their FOX News affiliation. I guess the affiliation isn't the real issue, if you happen to agree with their news. Weird.
Fox like all Murdoch owned media straddles the line between news and propaganda and is the art of abusing the first amendment, propaganda hiding behind the cover of the press. They do hire regular reporters for the news, but they spin it back in the office as required, this time no spin was ordered. All their regular news anchors left in disgust at the treason and malfeasance. Most of their viewers are old people who feel more comfortable with the past than the future and they killed off a lot of those with covid disinformation and lies..
If you watch FOX yer a fool and there are plenty of statistics that back this up, people who watch FOX actually know less of what is going on than people who don't watch the news at all! There have been studies that demonstrate this by asking simple questions about actual facts.
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