Humboldt County Own, starter pk.

He defended MG as a whole lol. Sorry if I offended you by saying something about your boyfriend my bad

He said they make affordable products that work.

then he said he uses 1 of their root powders.

Look you keep buying overpriced dry salts that have been dissolved in water for extortionate prices if that’s what floats your boat.

There are cheaper alternatives.
He said they make affordable products that work.

then he said he uses 1 of their root powders.

Look you keep buying overpriced dry salts that have been dissolved in water for extortionate prices if that’s what floats your boat.

There are cheaper alternatives.
Sweet dude sounds good lol. I'll keep smoking clean cannabis and yall can keep the heavy metals and whatever else MG is hiding in there products.
Him and I just had an argument on a different thread about how he uses MG. So idk what you are talking about.

We didn't have an argument. I stated facts. You behaved like a child.

No I don't use MiracleGro but if I did so what? Please tell me what on this label of MG can't be found in cannabis specific nutrients? And before you say urea you need to know that Advanced Nutrients has an entire subdivision promoting polymer-coated urea.

If you had even a basic understanding of plant nutrition or the ingredients used in most fertilizers you would have kept your felatio factory closed.

Here's some marketing from Advanced Nutrients regarding their product Revive

"You’re getting urea, which gradually releases nitrogen into the nutrient medium, safeguarding optimal levels of this vital nutrient withOUT causing a sudden jump in its concentration levels."


Here's another Miracle product. Please inform the public what ingredient in it makes it bad.


Sweet dude sounds good lol. I'll keep smoking clean cannabis and yall can keep the heavy metals and whatever else MG is hiding in there products.

Another misconception. Fortunately some of us are intelligent enough to actually do some research before we make comments that are incorrect. Myself and others have looked at fertilizer heavy metal levels and have found that the heavy metal levels in MiracleGro products are less than many well known cannabis specific brands. That data is available for anyone to look at. But you wouldn't know that because all you go by is something you heard from someone as ignorant as you. Did you even finish High School?

As far as hiding stuff in their products, MG doesn't do that. They list everything unlike many of the cannabis specific nutrient companies that try to slip stuff in without putting it on the label or they hide their ingredients and don't list them anywhere while MG has labels for all their products readily available on their website for anyone to look at and see what the products are composed of.

Here are some links to the fertilizer databases in OR and WA. You can search for specific fertilizers and find out the levels of heavy metals they contain. Look at almost any name brand cannabis specific fertilizer and compare the levels of heavy metals with MG. You'll find that many do indeed test higher in heavy metals than MG. You're probably using something that has higher concentrations of heavy metals than MG and don't even know it. That's because you just trust that these other companies are better because you're naive. The ingredients all come from the same chemical factories. The thing with MG is that they are so big that they more than likely get better stuff than some of the small cannabis specific companies that buy 50lb bags of ingredients in bulk from the standard supply like you and I would have to do.

I appreciate you having my back but I can handle this little turd. :mrgreen:

It's really sad to see how the education system is failing so bad that they just keep pumping these things out. Oh well, it is what it is.

just wait until he realises things like DynaGro foliage pro has more LEAD in it that MG lol.
Go flirt around some of the forum and look to the better growers and ask them what do they use?

Me personally I use a 2 part base, MGSO4 (Epsom salts), MKP (Monopotassium Phosphate) and pH down with some Calmag when required.

that’s 3 bottles and 2 packs dry salts.

Did anyone ask what you used? I don't see anywhere in the thread.
There’s a lot of roads to take to grow weed. Do whatever works for you. I don’t like MG as a company because of their history. They’re a massive company and they have products that caters to whatever style you prefer. Who cares anyways.
can't beat humbolt county own have use 2 of their "started Packs" with outstanding results -- their snow storm ultra is like Terpinator and their Purple Max is like Purpinator and their G-13 is like Massive Bloom (green Planet) --FYI
just wait until he realises things like DynaGro foliage pro has more LEAD in it that MG lol.
have used their line in soil with very good results (sample pack $25.00) ! over 3/4 of nutrients have some (heavy metals, ect) type of the old saying "use at your own risk !"
Nobody's being a smart ass. Smart growers can read labels and see that all these nutrients are just the same ingredients that's in most other stuff. Smart growers don't get caught up in all this cannabis specific nutrient nonsense that has you wasting time with 9-20 bottles of cheap salts mixed with water, put in bottles with fancy labels and given some stupid name like they're marketing to some kid buying candy or comic books.

If given a choice I'd use MaxiBloom before I'd waste my time mixing up all of that stuff. The damn plants don't care so why should I as a grower?
Yeah dude you are being a smart ass so let me just tell you this. WTF kind of looser spend as much time on a forum as you, guy? Seriously, I looked at your stats and 22 thousand of one and 50some thousand of the other. What a lame duck
Yeah dude you are being a smart ass so let me just tell you this. WTF kind of looser spend as much time on a forum as you, guy? Seriously, I looked at your stats and 22 thousand of one and 50some thousand of the other. What a lame duck
Contributing to the forum to help other people learn.
For example, you asking about humbolt county own starter pak.. but didnt like the response and got butt hurt..
You've been here 5 years and contributed nothing but i bet you have gotten alot of info and learned from this site and others like it..
Just relax man...GUY..... Im sure theres afew people who have used it and will chime in with their experiences with it..
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Yeah dude you are being a smart ass so let me just tell you this. WTF kind of looser spend as much time on a forum as you, guy? Seriously, I looked at your stats and 22 thousand of one and 50some thousand of the other. What a lame duck

I'm smart and I have an ass. The reason you decided to resurrect this lame ass thread only your feeble mind knows. Regardless, you can use whatever nutrients you want. It's people like you these companies are targeting not me. They don't expect people with any actual knowledge in plant nutrition to buy their products that's why they give them names like Sonic Bloom and Crystal Burst. Fools like you eat that shit up. Stupid cartoon labels and names. The perfect match to get kiddies like you to part with your money for a bottle of cheap chemicals mixed with water.

My post count is irrelevant. But just so you know I'm in my 50's and am basically retired because of the smart choices I've made over the course of my life. I don't have to work.

You on the other hand have 100% of your income dependent on three seeds that turned hermie. Yet here you are calling me lame and worrying about my post count. You're just another product of a failed education system.

"Now 100% of my income depends on the 3 beans I cracked. At this point I am beyond pissed ."

You can kiss my smart ass.

Is this you?
