January 6th, 2021

i'm actually pretty confident he would be able to weasel out of a sedition charge, but may get charged with a Rico violation for his incredibly transparent lies to get more campaign contributions...it appears asking people for money to fight the results of an election you claim was fraudulent, when it was not fraudulent, was in fact the most secure election on record, is in fact a fraudulent act in and of itself.... :shock:
then there is still the case in New York, and the upcoming trial in Georgia...trump may never see the inside of a prison cell, but he's never going to see the inside of the white house again, and it's going to cost him, Bigly, as grandpapy points out.
wonder what he's going to do for cash next year? no campaign contributions to misappropriate, no over charging the secret service for rooms in his gaudy, nasty motels, no russian money laundering skim, can't even sell pardons anymore....
On that date some Republican members of Congress, led by Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, followed/supported by Mo Brooks from Alabama/Matt Gaetz from Florida/Jim Jordan from Ohio and the Senator newly elected from Alabama, Tommy Tuberville, just too name a few, have signed onto this Madness, & seriously plan to circumvent the will of the majority & essentially stage a coup and force/demand that VP Mike Pence override the Electorial College votes, declare them null/without merit and anoint/appoint/install Trump again as the POTUS.
Holy shit/fuck/god damn it all
This is where we are now, where/when the Virus is raging & the majority of those dumb as fuck Republicans insist/think that this election was fraudulent?
Sorry to say, but I really, really think after much consternation/contemplation that the USA is irrevocably fucked.
Too much division/iniquity/anger/fear/pain.
That is the norm today in America & a viable/healthy Society can not/will not/could not sustain itself in that envoirment
Fucking fact, as it has been proven to be true time & time again throughout History
Anyway, I liked that bomber in Nashville's musical taste
Can you imagine sitting on a bomb & this is the last thing you hear?
Oh, my fucking God :)

Screenshot 2022-06-23 at 15-31-13 Big SCOTUS win in NYSRPA.png
My point is that so many of you leftists are incapable of individual thought. You believe the DNC BS media. Sad, tragic and incredibly funny.