well, lets start spreading those sanctions around, and lets put some import fees on Chinese and Indian imports, not fake sanctions that American citizens will end up paying for themselves...Russia's oil and gas fields are nowhere near these two countries and gas is a lot closer to China in the stans of central Asia. That leaves oil by tanker, via the Black sea and Baltic, the east coast has no pipelines to it. That leaves the artic and are there pipelines and infrastructure there? Do they own the tankers? Because Europe is gonna be out bidding them and out leasing them, our allies insure shipping and build tankers. So how much oil can they ship to China or India and what price are they willing to pay for cheap oil? What would Russia buy from India anyway?
Russia will be seen by China as either a burden, useful distraction for the west, or their potential victim of imperial aggression and dissolution by internal cultural and economic forces.
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well, lets start spreading those sanctions around, and lets put some import fees on Chinese and Indian imports, not fake sanctions that American citizens will end up paying for themselves...
really, why bother, why don't we just do what we should have done in February? just roll into Ukraine and help them drive the fucking russians all the way to fucking siberia? destroy their ability to wage war for generations, destroy them economically, break the fucking shit show up into rump states, after we confiscate all their old, obsolete, dangerous nuclear materials...
it's fucking coming, why not get it over with?
Because i'm absolutely stupid
I'm so mad now, damn youfify
ExcellentI'm so mad now, damn you
I figure Joe, the state department, the pentagon and the CIA know what they are doing and seem to be keeping as much distance from Europe as they can while supporting NATO and Ukraine. Let the Europeans settle it, their gas is being cut off and Ukraine has it, the ones who resisted were the greedy bastards, now Ukrainian gas and oil can motivate them if common sense doesn't. We don't want a quick peace with these clowns going back to business with Russia as usual any time soon and once greed and need bring them onside, they will stay there. I'm sure the brain trust at state has all this figured into their plans.well, lets start spreading those sanctions around, and lets put some import fees on Chinese and Indian imports, not fake sanctions that American citizens will end up paying for themselves...
really, why bother, why don't we just do what we should have done in February? just roll into Ukraine and help them drive the fucking russians all the way to fucking siberia? destroy their ability to wage war for generations, destroy them economically, break the fucking shit show up into rump states, after we confiscate all their old, obsolete, dangerous nuclear materials...
it's fucking coming, why not get it over with?
now do that 20,000 more times...
so you think it would be a better idea to let this drag on and on and end up killing twice as many Ukrainians and who the fuck knows how many more russians? how is that better than some Americans dying? what is the difference to you? somehow it's ok for THEM to get killed, helping to defend the world from fascism, but when Americans might die for the same goal, suddenly fighting fascism isn't quite so important? FUCKING HYPOCRITE...Because it's absolutely stupid
You only wanna do it because you're not getting shot at, you don't care about the thousands of americans that are gonna die in doing this so you can get some feel good emotions. Put your bubble wrap back on, dumbass
so you think it would be a better idea to let this drag on and on and end up killing twice as many Ukrainians and who the fuck knows how many more russians? how is that better than some Americans dying? what is the difference to you? somehow it's ok for THEM to get killed, helping to defend the world from fascism, but when Americans might die for the same goal, suddenly fighting fascism isn't quite so important? FUCKING HYPOCRITE...
yes, that is all at least truish...but is still really leaves us standing on the sidelines shouting encouragement to the Ukrainians as they carry our weapons into war to fight and die for ideals that we profess to hold sacred....just exactly how sacred are those ideas that we refuse to take up arms to defend them ourselves? what exactly are sacred ideas worth to us? apparently a lot of lip service and as many Ukrainian lives as necessary...
I figure Joe, the state department, the pentagon and the CIA know what they are doing and seem to be keeping as much distance from Europe as they can while supporting NATO and Ukraine. Let the Europeans settle it, their gas is being cut off and Ukraine has it, the ones who resisted were the greedy bastards, now Ukrainian gas and oil can motivate them if common sense doesn't. We don't want a quick peace with these clowns going back to business with Russia as usual any time soon and once greed and need bring them onside, they will stay there. I'm sure the brain trust at state has all this figured into their plans.
It destroys the Russian military by strangling it slowly over time after sucking them in thinking they could win something, well they are pinned there now and he's thrown in 85% of his combat power and is down to junk tanks and derelict humans that he can dragoon off the streets with vodka and bullshit.
Ukraine is losing ground in the east, but they are also transitioning from old Soviet weapons to modern NATO ones and they will save the rest of the 152 ammo for the soviet tanks they have left, because they are transitioning those too. Transitioning to a whole new arms system in the middle of a pitched battle is tough to do, but wait a month or two and see what happens then. It shows you what kind of leadership and organization the Ukrainians have to be able to do this in the middle of a war. Once equipped and reinforced with fresh troops and the Russians are worn down more by constant attacking, they will enter the offensive phase, break the Russian army and destroy that bridge at Kerch. I figure since it would be so convenient for Joe and the democrats, a fall victory would be nice and about timed just right. They are gonna pull out all the stops I figure and Ukraine knows all about Trump and the republicans.
I figure they are being clever about how they do it, not moral, nations have no morals, just interests. Some want Russia gone as a threat and others want to cut a deal and sell the Ukrainians down any river they can get away with. So a slow long war might be best and probably the Ukrainian government has figured this out too. The US, Can, UK, Poland and the other eastern Europeans see the chance to do this now that Vlad stuck his neck out. Driving Russia out of the place and making sure sanctions stay on Russia is in the European and our best interests. Without a peace, Belarus is vulnerable when Ukraine gets the upper hand, they won't invade, but they will support a new government, who will invite them to defend their eastern border with Russia, along with the Poles most likely.yes, that is all at least truish...but is still really leaves us standing on the sidelines shouting encouragement to the Ukrainians as they carry our weapons into war to fight and die for ideals that we profess to hold sacred....just exactly how sacred are those ideas that we refuse to take up arms to defend them ourselves? what exactly are sacred ideas worth to us? apparently a lot of lip service and as many Ukrainian lives as necessary...
It's always embarrassing when you shoot yourself, but I think that was lethal to the launcher and the crew. A change of underwear would be required for any survivors...hey igor what does this button do......
It's always embarrassing when you shoot yourself, but I think that was lethal to the launcher and the crew. A change of underwear would be required for any survivors...
The Ukrainians should leave packages of underwear around, soaked in something special, then dried carefully and repackaged like new...umm that would be prolly stolen underwear if they have any......that vid gave me a chuckle.....
looks like ol snappy squirrel gave me another come back after reading BS posts....