I'd have to disagree.... to a point. I know many hated Trump because of his attitude. However, I think alot of people have changed their minds. .. not saying they want Trump back, but they want what we had under Trump back. 4% unemployment, no back to back mass shootings, a strong Dow, cheap fuel, cheap materials, no supply shortages, etc... it really was the best position our County had been in for a long, long while.
When tRump left office unemployment was 6.3%, and he is the only president since 1932-33 to have lost more jobs when he left, than when he started. Unemployment right now is 3.6%.
tRump also blackmailed Saudia Arabia into cutting oil production by 20 MILLION Barrels per day, or he was not going to send the weapons they bought. The deal on cutting oil production was to last from 2020-2022, and has not yet been brought back to prepandemic levels.
Inflation is happening worldwide. If you blame this on Biden, you dont know how things work in the world.
And its going to get worse. Just wait until theres no water out west to run the hydroelectric generators at Hoover dam. As it stands right now Hoover dam is operating at less the 66% capacity, and getting worse by the day. California farmers dont have enough water to irrigate crops, and they grow most of the food eaten in the USA. As of Feb 2022, the state of California said they will no longer deliver water to farmers because of the drought. The drought has been going on for 22 years, and has intensified in the last 3 years, and is staying the same course in 2022. This is the worst drought in California in 1200 years. The whole west is drying up. People are going to start wars over water. Africa is burning up. The middle east is burning up. Russia has stolen the wheat from one of the biggest wheat producers in the world.
The worst is yet to come.