Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Texas is not as red as a lot of people think and radical policies coupled with scandals could see serious political change there in 2022. If the democrats win Texas, you ain't seen election denial and freaking out yet!

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nice post, and how appropriate that the little congress person and senator icons look like butt plugs....
Texas is not as red as a lot of people think and radical policies coupled with scandals could see serious political change there in 2022. If the democrats win Texas, you ain't seen election denial and freaking out yet!

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The reality of it is that democrats are going to take a beating in the Texas midterm elections. The open boarder BS has pissed all the Mexicans off.
The reality of it is that democrats are going to take a beating in the Texas midterm elections. The open boarder BS has pissed all the Mexicans off.
You mean Hispanic American citizens and they are concerned, but republican border policies won't help and will violate international law. The democrats have a better idea of improving conditions in their countries of origin by promoting the rule of law and giving assistance that will amount to a miniscule cost when compared to a wall. Migration for political and economic reasons is a global problem America or even western countries are not alone in this.
You mean Hispanic American citizens and they are concerned, but republican border policies won't help and will violate international law. The democrats have a better idea of improving conditions in their countries of origin by promoting the rule of law and giving assistance that will amount to a miniscule cost when compared to a wall. Migration for political and economic reasons is a global problem America or even western countries are not alone in this.
International law? We have our own laws and that idiot Biden is not following them. The demrats caused this mess all of it. Impeach Biden.
You mean Hispanic American citizens and they are concerned, but republican border policies won't help and will violate international law. The democrats have a better idea of improving conditions in their countries of origin by promoting the rule of law and giving assistance that will amount to a miniscule cost when compared to a wall. Migration for political and economic reasons is a global problem America or even western countries are not alone in this.
And no Biden's policies have pissed Mexico off also.
The reality of it is that democrats are going to take a beating in the Texas midterm elections. The open boarder BS has pissed all the Mexicans off.
Increasingly migration will be seen as less of a problem as the global population crashes with female emancipation (except America) and contraception. We already don't make enough people to replace losses, even in China the population is declining with women's increased choices and opportunities. White people don't want to come to America any more, things are generally great in Europe, despite the current war. That leaves black people from Africa and Muslims for the most part, with some Asians because things are pretty good there too. America desperately needs immigrants and it causes inflation without them, you pay burger flippers $30 and hr and economic growth shrinks with an aging population.

Who will pick the crops? But in the southwest there will be no crops to pick, as Colorado river water is cut off to all those republican farmers by the federal government, climate change is causing drought. So they won't becoming north for farm work, but that leaves Muslims and Africans flying in for those jobs the white trash can't do, or don't want to do. Brown and black people will be climbing off planes and in a few years they will be living good lives making big bucks doing jobs that require science education, not Bible study. They won't take the jobs of stupid white people who wouldn't qualify anyway, they will end up working the fields until replaced by robots.
And no Biden's policies have pissed Mexico off also.
They don't vote in US elections, neither do I, but on various platforms I can have more of an impact than many Americans and could sway more votes. I mean if Russia can play with Uncle Sam's asshole, a Canadian can play with his assholes, like you! :lol:
Back then they were worse than Trumpers are today and inserted shit into the Bible all over the place and put word's into Christ's mouth he never spoke. Probably the creation of some incel scribe copying a text he needed to set right. I mean look at it today, Jesus never said a word about abortion and neither does the Bible, but you would think the unborn were his biggest concern. If these people were hand copying the bible today, do you think it would suddenly proscribe abortion with Christ's own words?

Jesus also never said shit about dinosaurs, motorcycles, scuba gear... The bible is only so many pages.
Jesus also never said shit about dinosaurs, motorcycles, scuba gear... The bible is only so many pages.
Which Bible, there are many and The King James Version (KJV), also the King James Bible (KJB) and the Authorized Version, is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England, which was commissioned in 1604 and published in 1611, by sponsorship of King James VI, it was written by a committee of government bureaucrats. It was based largely on a translation by Tyndale.

There were 75 books removed from the Bible and of the four gospels, Mark is the oldest original the other 3 are copies of it that made additions and corrections, Mark does not mention the resurrection, it ends with the women leaving the tomb and Jesus dead as a door nail.
Jesus also never said shit about dinosaurs, motorcycles, scuba gear... The bible is only so many pages.
Then again, no one’s claiming a biblical justification for legislation dealing with dinosaurs, motorcycles, or SCUBA…for a self-proclaimed Jew, you sure do talk about Jesus *a lot*, tho - why not share some Talmudic wisdom with us on the topic (or is that a problem for you)? Maybe some perspective on thousands of years of universal recognition of quickening as ‘the beginning of life’ - by jews *and* christians - rather than the modern hokum of “life beginning at fertilization”…which is only barely older than Roe itself?

Or are you one of Hagee’s “Christian Israelites”? Cosplaying Jewishness is effing creepy, so you know….

Quick question: if you were president, and Rome invaded Judea, would you arm the Zealots?
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absolutely, then i would make sure they were at the front of every charge, until rome buggered off home, then i'd slaughter the remains of the zealots....
I think someone probably thought of something like that many times.

One day people will be spoofing Christian revival meetings with a 150 foot holographic Jesus descending from heaven, projected from a drone that will drive them to their knees while they shit their pants, when the trumpets sound over the speakers... I can't wait for the YouTube video
Wouldn’t the remains have already been slaughtered?
They want to target the smallest group of people that will stop the abortions as they would have the least amount of political clout rather than charging a whack of women. You can scare a bunch of doctors to stop but if you charge a bunch of women the press would make more of it.

But it's good when someone knows the rules.

<insert laughing donkey here>