QAnon & the Republican Party

The Texas Republican Party just voted to approve new language to their platform that:
Declares Biden is not legitimately elected.
Declares homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice.
Calls to require kids be taught that life begins at fertilization.
The Texas Republican Party just voted to approve new language to their platform that:
Declares Biden is not legitimately elected.
Declares homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice.
Calls to require kids be taught that life begins at fertilization.
They can ‘declare’ that the sky is made of hot lava…it’ll make just as big a difference

This epidemic of brain-death & paranoid wishful-thinking is as deranged as anything gets.

The real irony of the Flynn/QANON dust-up is that they’re not 100% wrong, they’re just stupid: at this point ‘fundamentalist Christianity’ is thoroughly anti-Christian…waving the Jesus flag doesn’t make ‘em Team Jesus, it just means they’ve hijacked the brand & haven’t noticed they’re “following the ‘word of gawd’” right off the cliff & into the abyss. Flynn’s “prayer/oath” is not any *more* demonic than the rest of their gobsmacked, terrified, retributive self-delusions…and if history is any indication, they won’t snap out of it until the jaws close on THEM - when, of course, it‘ll be too late for them to pretend they’re honestly sorry…or even recognize their mistake.

No wonder they’re hair-on-fire over ‘woke’ this ‘n’ that: they’ll do ANYTHING - ANYTHING AT ALL - to *stay* asleep until Jesus comes or the warranty expires
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The republicans depend on tribalism, hence the culture wars, for tribalism to work effectively they need an enemy, an "other". Black people are no longer enough and they can't be explicit enough about racism, so they need LBGTQ people or foreign invasions by brown people. The need to give the base a feeling it is under siege by "others", these people are being manipulated by con artists, their "enemies list has expanded. Immigrants these days are mostly brown, so add them to the list and shut down immigration, even if it harms the country, cause, "they is taken over"! Trump revealed them for what they are and what really motivates them deep down inside, underneath the rationalizations and mealy mouthed bullshit they spout.

This is their tribalistic purpose in life..and if only White remained? They would have tribes separating themselves. Has anyone ever heard of 'keeping up with the Jones'? They then devolve into the Germans, Irish etc ultimately Catholics, Mormons. Shot 2022-06-30 at 11.13.51 AM.png
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene(R-GA) holds a press conference to call for the dismissal of Dr. Anthony Fauci on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on June 15, 2021. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Thursday threw her support toward letting Russian President Vladimir Putin win by pulling the United States out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Writing on Twitter, Greene slammed the Biden administration for continuing to supply Ukraine with the weapons it says it needs to repel the Russian military invasion that began back in February.

"The American people do not want war with Russia, but NATO and our own foolish leaders are dragging us into one," Greene wrote. "A war that no one will win. Escalation over Ukraine, a non-member nation, risking nuclear war is a power play endangering the entire world. We should pull out of NATO."

In reality, both the Biden administration and NATO have ruled out getting directly militarily involved in Ukraine, even though many member nations are shipping the country weapons that it's using to fight the Russians.

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What's more, this week has seen a significant strengthening of the NATO alliance as the organization said it would admit both Sweden and Finland, two key nations in the Baltic Sea that have long resisted joining out of fear of antagonizing the Kremlin. Shot 2022-07-22 at 10.10.01 AM.png
A Texas law intended to benefit gun manufacturers has reportedly backfired and is costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in the form of higher interest payments.

The Houston Chronicle reports that Texas Republicans in recent years passed legislation that required banks to certify that they do not "discriminate" in their dealings with gun manufacturers as a precondition of doing business with Texas municipalities.

While the new rules were initially not projected to be costly to these municipalities, a new study by Federal Reserve economist Ivan Ivanov and University of Pennsylvania Finance Professor Daniel Garrett claims that local governments have already paid up to $500 million due to increased interest payments that are a direct result of the gun law.

The reason for this, explains Ivanov, is that the major banks have not complied with Texas legislators' demands on financing the gun industry, which has left municipalities with far fewer options when it comes to financing projects.

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"The more you were reliant on these banks, the more you were paying on subsequent offerings after those banks left," he explained.

Garrett tells the Houston Chronicle that many local governments likely got a shock when they found out banks they've worked with for years could not longer do business with them.

“The way it would manifest is when they reach out to their banker to see how much it's going to cost to, say, refinance the bonds they borrowed back in 2019, or something," he says. "Their banker is gonna say, Hey, I'm not in Texas anymore. And then when they call someone else, they're gonna get a bid that looks really high." Shot 2022-08-01 at 9.18.25 PM.png
QAnon influencers and anti-vaxxers are spreading an antisemitic conspiracy theory about the global food crisis caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Conspiracy theorist Twitter accounts have started pushing disinformation blaming Jewish people for the interruption of grain exports from Ukraine, echoing claims by the Russian government -- which has blamed western sanctions on the disruption, according to research by the Network Contagion Research Institute that was reported by The Guardian.

"According to NCRI, the accounts frequently link rising food insecurity to a 'cabal of shadowy, and often Jewish elites, for bringing about the New World Order,' rather than to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine," the newspaper reported.

Russia has blocked Ukraine's shipping ports, which puts millions of people in Africa and elsewhere at risk of starvation, but antisemitic social media users are making up claims about Jewish manipulation of the food supply.

“Never believe for one moment there’s a shortage of anything. Food. Water. Oil. They create and manufacture these shortages. These aren’t naturally occurring whatsoever," claimed QAnon influencer GhostEzra.

The NCRI and the Rutgers Miller Center conducted open-source analysis of Russian disinformation websites and individuals, and then analyzed the use of terms around food security on Twitter and Telegram, and detected the pattern of disinformation flowing from Kremlin-linked media and QAnon influencers and other conspiracy theorists.

“There is a significant overlap between QAnon and other anti-vax and online conspiracy communities,” said Alex Goldenberg, lead intelligence analyst at the NCRI and a research fellow at the Rutgers Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience. “Some of the more colorful food-mandate conspiracies intermingle with anti-vaccine conspiracy theories.”