Is Biden really that bad?

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It's my guess that a more centrist person will be chosen to be the '24 Democratic nominee. Booker reeks of Silicon Valley influence. Buttigieg. What's he done to earn a shot at being prez? Michelle Obama says she isn't interested or qualified to be president.

I'll probably support Elizabeth Warren during the primary if she runs and she'll lose.
Whoever the Democratic nominee is, they’ll be hoping trump is the Republican nominee.
It's my guess that a more centrist person will be chosen to be the '24 Democratic nominee. Booker reeks of Silicon Valley influence. Buttigieg. What's he done to earn a shot at being prez? Michelle Obama says she isn't interested or qualified to be president.

I'll probably support Elizabeth Warren during the primary if she runs and she'll lose.
i'm not sure who i will be behind by that time...i'm not hopeful of the chances of any of the front runners right now.
out of the likely, i think i would back Newsom if he ran...if he doesn't? maybe Klobuchar, but that is said with very little enthusiasm.
My reply was only in regards to your idiotic source of Biden’s alleged mental deterioration.
As a previous head of the White house medical unit and a physician to Presidents his medical opinion cannot be ignored. Bidens not a young rooster anymore. At 79 you would think he would have some mental deterioration- its only human to.
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i actually agree, Biden stepped up and kicked trumps ass, but it was like watching two very old dogs fight over a bitch that doesn't want either of them...he is an infinitely superior president in every way compared to trump, but the man is old, and we need someone that the younger people can get behind.
as far as Harris? she isn't spoken about much in America...i don't think she has much chance, at least not in 24. i don't see her beating desantis, not sure how she'd do against pence or w/e else the psychos might run...
people don't seem to be very receptive to my idea of a good pairing...i think Michelle Obama with either Buttigieg or Booker could do well, but no one else seems to think so...but no one else seems to be able to offer a better alternative...
Agree that Biden did his job and its time someone stepped up to the plate.
I'm not sure people want to see wives of Presidents becoming Presidents just because of their surname. We saw that with Hillary. It's a position that should be earnt.
As a previous head of the White house medical unit and a physician to Presidents his medical opinion cannot be ignored. Bidens not a young rooster anymore. At 79 you would think he would have some mental deterioration- its only human to.
Yes his opinion can be totally ignored, he’s a douche bag, but you do you lol.
Yes his opinion can be totally ignored, he’s a douche bag, but you do you lol.
I listen to medical advice despite their political views or home life. Americans love their politicians perhaps more than the English like Royalty. They get the best medical care. 79 is 79. I know a lot of 70 and 80 year olds (sail and ride with a few 70 year olds) and their memory and brain function is not as good as when they were younger. It's only human.

In our 50s we know we have 20 good years left if we are lucky and any after that is a bonus but we know we will start to deteriorate from 50 on.
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I listen to medical advice despite their political views or home life. Americans love their politicians perhaps more than the English like Royalty. They get the best medical care. 79 is 79. I know a lot of 70 and 80 year olds (sail and ride with a few 70 year olds) and their memory and brain function is not as good as when they were younger. It's only human.
So a “lot” of the 70-80 year olds you know have lost memory and brain function? And you based this on what? Seems to me you didn’t look at his bio and are now grasping. It’s sounding like your trolling using the repub playbook.

So a “lot” of the 70-80 year olds you know have lost memory and brain function? And you based this on what? Seems to me you didn’t look at his bio and are now grasping. It’s sounding like your trolling using the repub playbook.

And please you know i'm Left. I'm about the only loud and proud Liberal Left, left on here. Liberal seems a bad word to Democrats. Troll? Hannimal says the word every 3rd comment and has lost meaning.

I'm just repeating what the former White house medical staff boss and Dr to multiple Presidents said. Forget the political spin for a moment.

I may be biased as i have a step dad and step mum who are both Dr's (and both extremely flawed people). idk.
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I listen to medical advice despite their political views or home life. Americans love their politicians perhaps more than the English like Royalty. They get the best medical care. 79 is 79. I know a lot of 70 and 80 year olds (sail and ride with a few 70 year olds) and their memory and brain function is not as good as when they were younger. It's only human.

In our 50s we know we have 20 good years left if we are lucky and any after that is a bonus but we know we will start to deteriorate from 50 on.

I expect there will be a fifth time. Huge supply of straws :o!
Hey if Trump got away with it or if it wasn't for fucking up on covid, he would still be POTUS and you'd be talking about a government official. By now Steward Rhodes would be running homeland security and Mike Flynn would be secretary of defense, with Rudy running the DOJ, Steve Bannon would be secretary of state...
Hey if Trump got away with it or if it wasn't for fucking up on covid, he would still be POTUS and you'd be talking about a government official. By now Steward Rhodes would be running homeland security and Mike Flynn would be secretary of defense, with Rudy running the DOJ, Steve Bannon would be secretary of state...
Quite the motley crew!!! But according to Luke Rhodes is a fine upstanding doctor :(.
Quite the motley crew!!! But according to Luke Rhodes is a fine upstanding doctor :(.
It is scary shit, Trump will be gone, but the stink remains and it is dangerous. I can't imagine a party doing what the GOP did in Canada and having a single fucking seat after the election! In fact, after the lot of them were tossed out of office most would end up on the domestic terrorist watch list FFS.

We need to keep an eye on the happenings down south and unfortunately, it's become one of our greatest national security threats. Christ knows what will happen if these asshole take control down there, they have no problem making war on their fellow citizens and country, so I figure we'll be fucked.
The descent into Hell is fast, but getting out might be difficult and you will be smoking and charred when ya crawl out of the hole in the ground. Trump lead ya down pretty quick, any fool could do it and did! Joe is trying to crawl out of the hole, but he's got a Helluva load on his back. The poor old bastard is working his nuts off every day, while Trump just did nothing and slid down hill on hate and stupid. Donald can do no wrong and poor Joe can't do anything right, shit flows off Donald like Teflon and sticks to mere mortals.

Joe is smarter than people think, he staffed out the Obama Whitehouse and I figure he is controlling the timing of Trump's demise for maximum effect and the same applies to Putin. He's not alone in this, but it is being done smart, not in a stupid obvious manner like Trump, but done subtilty, legally and in a way that can survive a GOP takeover by congress.
It is scary shit, Trump will be gone, but the stink remains and it is dangerous. I can't imagine a party doing what the GOP did in Canada and having a single fucking seat after the election! In fact, after the lot of them were tossed out of office most would end up on the domestic terrorist watch list FFS.

We need to keep an eye on the happenings down south and unfortunately, it's become one of our greatest national security threats. Christ knows what will happen if these asshole take control down there, they have no problem making war on their fellow citizens and country, so I figure we'll be fucked.
I doubt they want anything to do with us and our commie ways. Free healthcare and all!
Agree that Biden did his job and its time someone stepped up to the plate.
I'm not sure people want to see wives of Presidents becoming Presidents just because of their surname. We saw that with Hillary. It's a position that should be earnt.
Not to mention there is a big gender gap when it comes to who will vote for a woman. If you know going in you will lose 10-15% of your support, it's hard to figure out a pathway to get elected.
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